
E2M x 3-4 sets

1: 400/320m row

2: 12 wallballs + 10 pull-ups + 8 push ups

3: 8 double DB hang power cleans + 10 alt. reverse lunges + 12 sit-ups

4: 200m run (scale to hill run)

5: rest 



E2M x 3-4 sets

1: 500/400m row

2: 15 wallballs (20/14) + 12 pull-ups + 9 push ups

3: 9 hang power cleans (95/65) + 12 alt. front rack reverse lunges + 15 sit-ups

4: 200m run

5: rest



A) E2.5M x 8 sets: 

– 5 deadlifts

After sets 1, 3, 5, 7:

– 8-12 DB lat pull-overs

After sets 2, 4, 6, 8:

– 8 L-seated DB press

*DLs should be heavier than 10/29



A) E2.5M x 8 sets: 

– 4 deadlifts @ 70-75%


Fitness & Performance

B) Strength Option

3-4 sets for quality:

– 8-10/side rear foot elevated split squats

– 16-20 banded tricep push-downs

– 8-10 bent over BB rows w/ pause

– 1 lap upside down KB walk


  1. B) Conditioning Option

8-12 sets:

– 60 sec of row, bike, ski @ 80-90%

– R60S

*Goal is to keep a consistent output through all sets.



A) E90S x 4 sets each

Station 1: 8/side DB bench press w/pause

Station 2: 12-16 weighted walking lunge


B) 12 min AMRAP:

– 2 DB snatch (1/side)

– 2 DB box step-ups

– 20 single unders


*Add 2 reps to snatch and box step-ups every round.



A) E90S x 8 sets:

– 1 hang power snatch

*Slightly heavier than 10/28


B) 12 min AMRAP:

– 1 hang power snatch (96/65, 75/55)

– 1 box jump over

– 20 double unders


*Add 1 rep to PS and BJO every round.



E6M x 6 sets (3 each)

Station 1:

– 400m run

– 16 SA DB hang clean (4-4-4-4)

– 12 lemon squeeze

– 8 strict pull-ups


Station 2:

– 400m row

– 16 SA KB push press (4-4-4-4)

– 12 goblet squats (DB or KB)

– 8 up/downs



E6M x 6 sets (3 each)

Station 1:

– 400m run

– 20 SA DB hang clean (5-5-5-5 @ 50/35)

– 15 lemon squeeze

– 10 pull-ups


Station 2:

– 500/400m row

– 20 SA KB push press (5-5-5-5 @ 35/26)

– 15 goblet squats (DB or KB)

– 10 burpees



A) E2M x 4 sets each

Station 1:

  • 10 BB RDLs 
  • 10 DB lateral raises

Station 2:

  • 10 tough KB goblet squats
  • 10 ring rows


B) EMOM x 10-20 sets:

– 4-8 heavy RKB swings

– 4-8 hanging knee raises

– 4-8 push-ups


*Pick a rep number within the 4-8 range and try and stick to it for all rounds. 



A) E2M x 8 sets:

– 2 TnG power cleans

*Build to a tough but fluid double.


B) EMOM x 10-20 sets:

– 1 power clean @ heaviest weight from A

– 3 toes to bar

– 5 push-ups


RX+: 1 PC + 2 bMU + 3 sHSPU



A) E2M x 8 sets:

– 4 pause front squats (BB or double KB @ tough weight)

After sets 1, 3, 5, 7:

– 16 alternating top down DB press

After sets 2, 4, 6, 8:

– 8 L-seated banded row w/ pause


B) E90S x 8-12 sets:

– 10/8 cal row (scale to 8/6)

– 5 DB thrusters



A) E2M x 10 sets:

– 1 front squat @ 85-90%

*Heavier than 10/23


B) E90S x 8-12 sets:

– 10/8 cal row

– 5 thrusters (115/75, 95/65)


RX+: 12/9 cal row + 6 thrusters

Happy Halloween!



8 rounds for time with a partner switching every movement duo…

– 10 deadlifts (BB or double KB/DB)

– 31 single unders 


– 10 DB hang power cleans

– 31 reverse lunges


– 10 DB push press

– 31 RKB swings 

*End each round with a 200m run together



8 rounds for time with a partner switching every movement duo…

– 10 deadlifts (135/95, 115/75, 95/65, 75/45)

– 31 double unders (62 singles)


– 10 hang power cleans

– 31 reverse lunges


– 10 shoulder to overhead

– 31 RKB swings (53/35)

*End each round with a 200m run together


A) E3M x 4 sets:

– 6-10 overhead strict press

– 8-12 bent over reverse flys



  1. A) E3M x 4 sets:

– 1 RIR overhead strict press @ 65-70%

– 8-12 bent over reverse flys


Fitness & Performance

B) Strength Option

3-4 sets for quality:

– 20 heel elevated KB goblet squats @ 1010 tempo

– 10-20 DB rollback tricep extensions

– 1 lap sled drag power pulls

– 10-20 BB curls


B) Conditioning Option

8-12 sets:

– 60 sec of row, bike, ski @ 80-90%

– R60S

*Goal is to keep a consistent output through all sets.