Programming Overview: Aug. 8-13

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Mark your calendars for EDCF’s 5th Birthday Bash going down Saturday, August 27th. The 300 Challenge will be followed by beer, tacos, games, and a waterslide of course! Heats sign-up for the 300 will be out next week.

Interested in working more on the snatch and clean & jerk? Join us at 10am every Saturday for our EDCF Barbell class. No WOD, just heavy lifting!


Monday 8/8

A) E2MOM x 10 min (5 sets):

3 push press + 2 push jerk + 1 split jerk

*Start at 65% push press and work up to a heavy set.


B) Every 5 minutes x 15-20 minutes (3-4 sets):

– Run 400m

– 5-10 strict supinated pull-ups

– 5-10 strict handstand push-ups

– 10 box jump overs (24/20”)


*Sub HSPUs with A) box B) L-seated DB press



A) E2MOM x 10 min (5 sets):

– 5 push press (building from last week)

– 10 ski jumps


B) Every 5 minutes x 15-20 minutes (3-4 sets):

– Run 300m or row 400/325m

– 5-10 supinated ring rows

– 5-10 push-ups

– 10 box step ups


Tuesday 8/9

A) E3MOM x 9 min (3 sets)

– 8 back squats

(add 10/5# to last week’s 70% if you legitimately completed all 3 sets)


B) For reps:

– Tabata row for calories (8 sets)

– Rest 60 seconds

– Tabata wall balls (8 sets)

– Rest 60 seconds

– Tabata burpees (8 sets)


*Take lowest rep number from each tabata and add them up.


C) 3 rounds for efficiency:

– 20 perfect hollow rocks or hollow hold x 20 sec

– R60S

– BB good mornings x 8-10 reps @ 2111

(perfect positioning & hamstring activation)

– R60S



A) E3MOM x 9 min (3 sets)

1: 8 back squats (heavier than last week)

2: 12 DB rollback extensions

3: 20 sec side plank/side


B) For reps:

– Tabata row for calories (8 sets)

– Rest 60 seconds

– Tabata air squats (8 sets)

– Rest 60 seconds

– Tabata no-push-up burpees (8 sets)


*Take lowest rep number from each tabata and add them up.


C) 3 rounds for efficiency:

– 15 DB anchored sit-ups (add weight if able

– 20 banded good mornings


Wednesday 8/10

A) Four sets of:

– 10-12 DB neutral grip bench press @ 2111

– R30S

– 8-10 supinated grip BB bent over rows @ 2111

– R2M (concentrate on perfect tempo)


B) EMOM x 15-18 minutes

1: 3/2 muscle ups + 5 ring dips or 5 burpee pull-ups + 5 ring dips

2: 15 heavy Russian KB swings

3: 30-50 double unders



A) Four sets of:

– 10-12 DB neutral grip bench press @ 2111

– R30S

– 8-10 supinated grip BB bent over rows @ 2111

– R2M (concentrate on perfect tempo)


B) EMOM x 15-18 minutes

1: 8-12 prisoner good mornings

2: 15 heavy Russian KB swings

3: 40 seconds of single unders


Thursday 8/11

A) E2MOM x 16 min (8 sets)

– 1 hang (squat) clean + 1 (squat) clean + 1 front squat

*start around 60% and build to something heavier than last week


B) 5 rounds for time:

– 5 hang power cleans (185/125, 155/105, 135/95, 115/75)

– 200m run



A) Four sets of:

– Deadlift x 4-6 reps @ 21X1

– R30S

– hollow rock x 20 sec (accumulated)

– R30S

– 8 single arm DB press/side @ 21X1

– R60-90S


B) 4 rounds for time:

– 5 hang power cleans (moderate weight)

– 200m run


Friday 8/12

A) Four sets of:

– Deadlift x 4-6 reps @ 21X1

– R30S

– L-hold from pull-up bar x 20 sec (accumulated)

– R2M


B) 3 sets for efficiency:

– hand over hand sled pull x 1 length (heavy but quick)

– farmer’s carry x 1 lap (heavy but quick)

– earthquake bar hold x 30-60 sec (jerk grip hold)

– ring push-ups x 10-20 reps w/ turnout at top


Saturday 8/13

8am Masters

9am CrossFit

10am Barbell


Sunday 8/14

8am Endurance


EDCF’s 5th Birthday Bash!

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What do the 300 Challenge, beer, tacos, and waterslides all have in common? They’re all going to be in one place on Saturday, August 27th as we celebrate EDCF’s 5th Birthday Bash!

We have a full day of fun planned so mark your calendars and bring your friends!

Starting at 9am we will kick off our annual 300 Challenge with heats at 9am, 9:30am, 10am, and 10:30am. Be on the lookout for more details about heat sign-ups next week.

The keg, tacos, and waterslide will be ready to go by 11am so stick around and hang out for a while!

Anyone and everyone is invited to hang out afterwards to tell your friends! Are you a former member? We’d love to see you too!

Oh, and just to jog your memories, this is the 300 Challenge… and yes there will be scaling options.

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Programming Overview: August 1-7

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So it’s our 5th birthday this month and we are going to celebrate EDCF style. Mark your calendars for Saturday, August 27th for our annual 300 WOD + 5th Anniversary Party! In true EDCF fashion we sweat, eat tacos, drink beer, slide down water slides, and anything else we can think of between now and then. There will be more information coming out soon on this so stay tuned!


Monday 8/1

A) EMOM x 10 min

– 1 push press

*Goal is to build into a new 1RM. Plan out the weight so that your last 1-2 sets are your 1RM attempts and so that you don’t fatigue before these.


B) Three rounds for max reps/calories:

– 90 seconds of Rowing (for Calories)

– Rest 90 seconds

– 90 seconds of Ring Dips

(perform from muscle-up stations if possible)

– Rest 90 seconds

– 90 seconds of Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″)

– Rest 90 seconds



A) EMOM x 10 min

E: 5 push press – building

O: 10 walking lunges (weighted if able)


B) Three rounds for max reps/calories:

– 90 seconds of Rowing (for Calories)

– Rest 90 seconds

– 90 seconds of Sled Drag for distance

– Rest 90 seconds

– 90 seconds of Burpee Box Step-Ups

– Rest 90 seconds


Tuesday 8/2

A) E3MOM x 9 min (3 sets)

– 8 back squats @ 70%


B) 4 rounds for time of:

– 40 Double-Unders

– 20 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lbs)

– 10 Pull-Ups


RX+: CTB pull-ups


C) 3 sets:

– 20 BB hip extensions @ 20X1 (use same weight or heavier than B)

– 20 reverse snow angels with 2.5/hand

Rest as needed



A) EMOM x 9 min (3 sets):

1: 8 back squats

2: 15 DB floor presses

3: 20 sec side plank/side


B) 4 rounds for time of:

– 200m run or row

– 15 wallballs

– 10 pull-ups or ring rows


Wednesday 8/3


Every 3 minutes, for 36 minutes (3 rounds of each):

Station 1 – 40/30 calorie row

Station 2 – 50 double unders + 20 KB swings (70/53)

Station 3 – Run 400 Meters

Station 4 – 20 Toes to Bar + 20 Push Presses (95/65 lbs)



Every 3 minutes, for 36 minutes (3 rounds of each):

Station 1 – 30/22 calorie row

Station 2 – 30 double unders or 90 singles + 20 KB swings (53/35, 44/25)

Station 3 – Run 400 Meters

Station 4 – 15 toes to bar + 15 push presses (95/65, 75/55)



Every 3 minutes, for 36 minutes (3 rounds of each):

Station 1 – 25/20 calorie row

Station 2 – 30 double unders or 90 singles + 20 KB swings

Station 3 – Run 300 Meters

Station 4 – 20 sit-ups + 15 DB push presses


Thursday 8/4

A) E2MOM x 8 min (4 sets)

– 3 position snatch (high hang + hang + ground) @ 50-75%


Followed by (starting at minute 6)…

EMOM x 6 min (6 sets)

– 1 snatch

*Build from 75% to something heavy. Stop when mechanics start to break down.


B) 4 sets not for time:

– 2 deadlifts to knee cap + 1 deadlift @ 80% (add 5% to last week’s weight)

*Pause 2 sec at knee and 2 sec on ground.

– L-sit accumulate 20-30 seconds (or 10 single leg lifts/ leg)

– 5 freestanding handstand kick ups trying for max hold

OR 30-60 sec “nose and toes” handstand hold (longer than last week)

– 3 skin the cats slow and controlled


D) Want more? Optional conditioning:

– 500m row x 3-4 sets @ 90%

R2M, keep exact same pace



A) EMOM x 15 min

1: 5 BB hang power clean + push press

2: 5-7 burpees over the barbell

3: 40 single unders or 20 jumping jacks


B) 4 sets not for time:

– 5 TnG deadlifts (build to a heavy)

– 20 sec hollow or tuck rocks

– 3 wall walk + 5 second handstand hold (keep midline/point toes)

– 1 lap farmers carry (heavy but quick)


Friday 8/5

A) E2MOM x 12 min (6 sets)

– 1 hang (squat) clean + 1 (squat) clean + 2 front squats

*start around 60%


B) EMOM x 12-14 minutes

E: Row 12/9 calories

O: 4 power clean + jerks @ 65-70%


Saturday 8/6

8am Masters CF

9am CrossFit

10am Barbell

11am Free Intro to CrossFit


Sunday 8/7

8am Endurance

Programming Overview: July 25-30

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We are testing the box squat, weighted pull-up, and front squat this week. Overall, we are going to be focusing more on strength with both the big lifts and the accessory movements due to the heat. The intention is to give you a good yet tolerable workload every class to keep you coming 4+ times per week. Make sure you are hydrating, eating clean, and sleeping 7+ hours per night so you are recovering as much as possible.


Monday 7/25

A) In 10 minutes build to today’s 1RM Box Squat


Followed by…


E2MOM x 6 min (3 set):

– Tempo back squat x 3 reps @ 42X1

*Perform the tempo back squats @ 75% of today’s box squat


B) Three rounds for time of:

– Run 400 meters

– 12 toes to bar

– 9 front squats (185/125, 135/95, 95/65)


*Front squats should be challenging but mostly if not all unbroken.


Tuesday 7/26

A)Build to 80% of your push press quickly


B) EMOM x 15 min (5 sets)

1: Push press x 2 reps (build from 80% to at or near a 2RM)

2: Build to a heavy weighted pull-up over sets of 3-2-2-1-1

OR perform 6-8 bent over BB rows if still working on your first pull-up

3: 10 DB deadlifts @ 20X1


C) AMRAP in 6 minutes of:

– 8 Strict Handstand Push-Ups or L-Seated Dumbbell Presses

– 8 Strict Supinated-Grip Pull-Ups

Rest 2 minutes, and then…


AMRAP in 6 minutes of:

– 12 Ring Dips

– 15 Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″)

Rest 2 minutes, and then…


AMRAP in 6 minutes of:

– Row for calories


Wednesday 7/27

A) EMOM x 10 min

– 1 power clean + 1 hang (squat) clean

*Build from 65% to today’s heavy.


B) AMRAP in 5 minutes:

– 5 Squat Cleans (135/95 lbs.)

– 10 Burpees Over the Barbell

*This is a capacity test and should be full effort.


C) 3 sets:

– 15 BB hip extensions @ 20X1 (use same weight or heavier than B)

– 15 bent over reverse flys @ 20X0

Rest as needed


Thursday 7/28

A) EMOM x 8 min

– 1 power snatch + 1 hang (squat) snatch + 1 overhead squat

*Build to a heavy but technically sound weight.


B) 3 sets:

– 2 squat snatch at 90% of A (or go 3-5% heavier than 7/21)

*Concentrate on no failed reps.


C) 4 sets not for time:

– 3 deadlifts to knee cap + 1 deadlift @ 75%

*Pause 2 sec at knee and 2 sec on ground.

– 10 L-sit single leg lifts/side (elevate hands if needed)

– 30-45 sec “nose and toes” handstand hold

– 30-50 UB double unders or 1 min DU practice


D) Want more? Optional conditioning:

– Row 4000m at 15 sec slower than your PR 2K pace.


Friday 7/29

A) EMOM x 5 min – Front squat

Min 0: 2 @ 60%

1: 2 @ 65%

2: 2 @ 70%

3: 1 @ 75%

4: 1 @ 80%

R60S then…


B) E2MOM x 10 min – Front squat

Min 6: 1 @ 85%

8: 85-90%

10: 90%

12: 90+%

14: 90+%


*Build to a heavy rep for today. If you are feeling it, go for a 1RM. If not, try and hit 95% and move on.


C) Every 5 minutes, for 15-20 minutes (3-4 sets):

– Run 400m

– 12 BB front rack reverse lunges (155/105, 135/95, 115/75, 95/65, 75/45)

– 3-5 muscle ups OR 3-5 banded muscle-up turnovers on low rings + 6-10 push-ups


*Use a deficit of 4-6” on HSPU if able.

*Scale with kipping, banded, or L-seated DB presses.


Saturday 7/30

8am Masters

9am CrossFit

10am Barbell

11am Intro to CrossFit


Sunday 7/31

8am Endurance

Are You Hydrating Enough?

We all know it is important to drink water, it’s a given that if you stop you will die. Proper hydration is about more than just surviving or getting by. It’s about making sure your body has enough fluids to function at its maximum potential. Your body uses water for numerous essential functions including regulating its temperature through sweat, lubricating joints, facilitating digestion, flushing out waste and carrying nutrients and minerals.

There is a difference between merely drinking water when you are thirsty and staying properly hydrated. Just like food is the fuel for our bodies, fluids are the oil that keep everything lubed and running smoothly.

First, let’s keep things simple. There are numerous signs of dehydration. But I want to focus on the two that are the easiest to observe and the most obvious. The first sign of dehydration is thirst. That’s pretty simple, when you get thirsty your body wants water. But, take it a step further, if you are getting thirsty regularly you are hydrating on a reactionary basis, and therefore you will be perpetually dehydrated. The second easy and obvious sign of dehydration is the color of your urine. Urine should be almost clear every time you urinate. Use this chart as a reference. Unless you are taking vitamin B or another vitamin or mineral that changes the color of you urine, if your pee is yellow you are dehydrated. Observing dark or yellow pee means you are even further behind on hydration then being thirsty and your body is seriously lacking fluids. The reason I only list these two symptoms is that you should never get past these points of dehydration. The moment you realize you are either thirsty or your urine is not clear, you need to hydrate right away to catch up, and get extra fluids to prolong and maintain hydration. Drinking enough fluids to catch up is not enough, plan ahead to stay hydrated.

So what is the big deal anyways? Why does being hydrated matter when we live in a society where water is only a short walk down the hall or a trip to the refrigerator away? Two things. First, its low hanging fruit as far as healthy habits go. Drinking water is easy and cheap, so why wouldn’t you if it is good for you? Once you make it a habit there is literally no downside risk other than maybe peeing more frequently. Think of healthy living as layering good habits on top of each other, proper hydration is just another one of those layers that is essential to a healthy body. Second, it will help your workouts. If you are dehydrated going in to a workout you are handicapping yourself, lower fluids levels lead to less blood volume and make the heart work harder to transport oxygen throughout the body. Exercise performance is impaired when the body experiences as little as a 2% drop in body weight from loss of fluids. In high intensity exercise the performance drop off can be as much as 45% when the body experiences a 2.5% drop in body weight due to dehydration. We workout for many reason, but mostly because the stimulus we apply to the body during exercise leads to a favorable adaptation by the body. Being dehydrated can lead to a drop off in performance that will keep you from realizing the full benefits of the workout. If you regularly workout without being properly hydrated you could be hindering your long term progress.

There are three main ways your body loses fluids. Sweat, respiration, and peeing. Sweat is the most obvious loss of fluids, but what is not obvious is that we sweat all the time, even while just sitting or sleeping, so keep in mind no matter what you are doing you are constantly losing fluids. I point this out to emphasize that if you are not proactive at staying hydrated you will eventually fall behind and become dehydrated. During sleep your body can lose as much as 2lbs of water from perspiration and respiration. Your lungs use water to function properly so on dry days you can lose as much a 3-4 cups of water just through breathing.

In addition to regular fluid consumption throughout the day it is important to hydrate before, during and after periods of elevated fluids loss. Especially sleeping and exercise. Drink a glass of water before bed and when you wake up in the morning. If you wake up during the night have a glass of water ready to drink then too. Drink at least 16oz of water an hour before a workout. Drink plenty while you are exercising and drink another 16oz over the next hour after as you cool down. If you are interested in learning your sweat rate while exercising to know exactly how many fluids you need to replace afterwards, use this formula.

Below are some recommendations on daily fluid intake, this is a good starting point but base your own consumption on the color of your pee and how frequently you feel thirsty.

Daily intake: ½ your body weight in ounces. I weight 185 so I should aim for 62.5 ounces or about half a gallon.

One hour of exercise: Consume an extra 20 ounces. On a workout day I should consume 82.5 ounces, a little less than ¾ of a gallon.

water boy


Programming Overview: July 18-23

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WOOHOO! Tomorrow kicks off the 2016 CrossFit Games week! You will be able to watch the masters and teens compete during the week (Tues – Thurs) on the games website HERE. Starting on Friday you can watch the individuals and teams compete on ESPN 3 located HERE. Keep up with the entire Games schedule this week by clicking HERE.


Monday 7/18

A) EMOM x 15 min (5 sets):

1: Box squat x 3 reps @ 21X1 (build heavier than 7/11)

2: 3-5 Muscle Up turnovers on low ring

*Use leg of band assistance as needed.

3: rest and build on box squat if able


B) For time:

– 600m run

– 15 CTB pull-ups

– 21 front squats (135/95, 115/75, 95/65, 75/45)

– 400m run

– 12 CTB pull-ups

– 15 front squats

– 200m run

– 9 CTB pull-ups

– 9 front squats


Tuesday 7/19

A) Build quickly to 75% bench press


B) EMOM x 15 min

1: Bench press 5@80% – 3@85% – 2@90-95% – 1@95+% – 1@ 95+%

2: Bent over DB row x 6-8/side AHAP

3: rest and build on BP

*Heavier than 7/5


C) Every 4 minutes x 16-20 (4-5 sets) @ 90%

– 250/200m row

– 6-10 Toes to bar

– 10 Push press (115/75)

– 30 Double unders (90 singles)


D) Optional: 3 sets not for time

–  L-sit single leg lifts x 20/leg

– 15 DB tricep rollback extensions


Wednesday 7/20

A) EMOM x 10 min

– 1 power clean (build from 65% to a new 1RM if able)


Rest 2 min…


B) AMRAP in 8 min:

– power clean at 90% of A


C)AMRAP in 6 min:

– 7 burpee box jump overs (24/20)

– 14 wallballs (20/14)

– 14 KB swings (70/53)


Thursday 7/21

A) EMOM x 8 min

– 1 power snatch + 1 overhead squat

*Build to a heavy but technically sound weight.


B) 3 sets:

– 2 squat snatch at 90% of A


C) Tester:

– 2000m row for time


D) 4 sets not for time:

– 3 deadlifts to knee cap + 1 deadlift @ 70%

*Pause 2 sec at knee and 2 sec on ground.

– Isometric to of pull-up hold for max time


Friday 7/22

A) EMOM x 5 min – Front squat

Min 1: 2 @ 60%

2: 2 @ 65%

3: 2 @ 70%

4: 1 @ 75%

5: 1 @ 80%

R60S then…


B) E2MOM x 10 min – Front squat

Min 6: 1 @ 85%

8: 85-90%

10: 90%

12: 90+%

14: 90+%


*Build to a heavy rep for today. If you are feeling it, go for a 1RM. If not, try and hit 95% and move on.


C) Every 5 minutes, for 15-20 minutes (3-4 sets):

– 30/24 cal row

– 16 double KB front rack walking lunges

– 5-8 strict handstand push-ups


*Use a deficit of 4-6” on HSPU if able.

*Scale with kipping, banded, or L-seated DB presses.


Saturday 7/23

8am Masters

9am CrossFit

10am Barbell


Sunday 7/24

8am Endurance

July Athlete Of The Month: Thomas Kincaid

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Thomas is the first priest to become a member at EDCF and I’ll admit that for a while I was afraid to slip out a swear word in his presence. After grabbing a beer with him after class one day, it took me no time to realize that he was a regular dude looking to be coached up while jump starting his fitness journey. Thomas knows adversity well, after a few months at the gym he sustained an injury to his lower back. Together we realized that he had a strength imbalance in his posterior chain along with extremely tight hamstrings despite being a relatively flexible individual. He stuck with the game plan we made for his recovery and is now training consistently pain free and stronger than he was before. I have tremendous respect for him as an individual as well as an athlete. When others would have simply quit, he took his challenge head on. I salute you Thomas, you’re a shining example of what it means to be a coachable athlete and I can’t wait to see where you are 6 months from now!

Here is what Thomas has to say about his experience at EDCF…


When did you join EDCF?  How did you find the gym?  What was your first impression or how did that first workout go?

June 2015. We’d moved back to Dallas and our first child was a month old, and I figured it was now or never for trying CrossFit. I checked out spots in and around Lakewood online, met with Ryan, and was sold on EDCF. The first workout I felt more clumsy than anything else. It had a strange combination of being tough but also feeling like I might just be able to hang in.


What class time do you attend the most, are there any regular members you work out with at that time?

Unlike most folks, I’m not a class loyalist. I’m in every day, but the time varies based upon my work schedule.


Tell us a little about yourself, What is your life like outside the gym? Where do you work, do you have kids/pets/spouse/partner? What is your favorite hobby outside the gym?

Other than EDCF, my life is mostly work, with family and friends as much as I can make happen. I’m a priest on the team at Church of the Incarnation in Uptown. Elisabeth and I have been married five years this month, our daughter Mary Clare is 14 months old, and we’ve got two Labrador Retrievers, Molly and Paige. Time is pretty tight in this season of life, so most hobbies have gone by the wayside. But there’s usually a book I’m working through at home.


What do you like about CrossFit or EDCF that keeps you coming back?

I know everyone says community, and the community at EDCF is great. But for me, honestly, it’s the coaching. The last year at EDCF has fundamentally changed how I think about my own fitness, and I’m achieving things I never thought were possible for me.


What is your favorite lift or exercise or type of workout?What is one of your short term and long term goals?

I’m one of those weird people who likes burpees. I really can’t explain why. I need to get better coordinated at kipping in the short term because long term I’m shooting to do any WOD w/ pull-ups without scaling. Pretty stoked to do the Memorial Day Murph 2017 without a band. On the less exciting end of things, I’m spending a lot of time working on hamstring mobility to keep from getting hurt.


Programming Overview: July 11-16

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The Body Fat Testing truck is going to be at the gym tomorrow evening. If you are wanting to test your body composition (both fat and lean mass percentage) then go ahead and sign up for a time or find out more information by clicking HERE. If you are retesting then use the promo code “RETEST” for a discount.

Check out this video on box squatting technique breakdown by clicking HERE.

Don’t have double unders yet? The first step is to get your own rope. The best rope that I have used has been the RPM Speed Rope which can be ordered HERE. You can also start in on these other tips listed HERE. You will have to practice before and/or after class daily. Trying them once a week during a WOD won’t cut it!


Monday 7/11

A) EMOM x 12 min

1: Box squat x 4 reps @ 21X1 (build heavier than 6/27)

2: bent over fly x 10-15 @ 20X0

3: rest and increase load on BS if able


B) EMOM x 15-18 min

1: 10 DB/KB weighted walking lunges (70/44, 53/35, 35/25 each hand)

2: 4-6 strict handstand push-ups

3: 30 double unders + 5 burpees


*HSPU scaling options: kipping w/ 3-5 sec negative > banded w/3-5 sec negative > L-seated DB press x 10 reps

*DU scaling option: 30 seconds of continuous singles



A) EMOM x 12 min

1: Box squat x 5 reps @ 21X1 (build heavier than 6/27)

2: bent over fly x 10-15 @ 20X0

3: DB L-seated press x 10 reps


B) EMOM x 15 min

1: 10 DB/KB weighted walking lunges/step-ups

2: 6-10 push-ups (use box to get full ROM)

3: 30 sec of single unders + 5 NPU burpees


Tuesday 7/12

A) EMOM x 15 min (5 sets)

1: Push press x 3 reps (build from 75% to at or near a 3RM)

2: Weighted supinated pull-up cluster 1.1.(1) – R10S between reps

OR Negative supinated pull-ups (heavier than 6/29)

3: 10-12 DB anchored sit-ups (no arms, add weight to chest if able)


B) Four rounds for time of:

– Run 400 Meters

– 15 Push Presses (115/75, 96/65, 75/45)



A) EMOM x 15 min (5 sets)

1: Push press x 5 reps (build to heavy set of 5)

2: 3-5 Negative supinated pull-ups (3-5 seconds down)

3: 10-12 DB anchored sit-ups


B) Four rounds for time of:

– Run 200m

– 10 DB push presses

– 10 ring rows


Wednesday 7/13

A) Every 8 minutes, for 32 minutes (4 sets) of:

– Row 750/600 meters

– 15 deadlifts (185/125, 155/105, 135/95, 115/75)

– 12 push-ups (chest to floor)

– 9 box jump overs (24/20”)


*Note times for each set, and add them for total working time.

*Increase interval times to 10 or 12 minutes if needed.

*Deadlifts should never get ugly and should stay UB for first 2 sets at least.


B) Foam roll 1 min each part:

– quads/IT band

– glutes

– lower back

– lats

– scapulas/t-spine



A) Every 8 minutes, for 32-40 minutes (4-5 sets) of:

– Row 500/400 or 750/625 meters

– 15 tough Russian KB swings

– 12 goblet squats

– 9 push ups (full ROM)


B) Foam roll 1 min each part:

– quads/IT band

– glutes

– lower back

– lats

– scapulas/t-spine


Thursday 7/14

A) Every 90 sec x 15 min (10 sets):

– 1-2 front squats @ 90% (or 3-5% more than 7/7)


B) Every 4 minutes x 16-20 min (4-5 sets):

– 200m run

– 10 thrusters (115/75, 95/65)

– 6-10 CTB pull-ups


*RX+ perform 1-3 muscle ups instead.



A) Every 90 sec x 15 min (10 sets):

– 1-2 back squats (heavier than 7/7)


B) Every 4 or 5 minutes x 16 or 20 min (4 sets):

– 200m run

– 10 DB thrusters

– 6-10 scaled pull-ups


Friday 7/15

A) Quickly build to an 90% power clean


B) Every 30 sec x 10 min (20 reps)

– 1 power clean @ 90%


C) 3 rounds not for time:

– 15 BB hip extensions @ 20X1

– Double DB overhead walk AHAP x 1 lap

– Box push x 1 lap

– 20 banded woodchoppers/ side


*don’t rest more than 1-2 minutes between movements


Saturday 7/16

8am Masters CrossFit

9am CrossFit

10am Barbell

11am FREE Intro to CrossFit


Sunday 7/17

8am Endurance