All New! Fitness & Performance Programming

Copy of Fitness & Performance Insta Post (1)

Bear with me, this is a long post but worth the read.

I just wanted to let you in on a little something that I’m pretty pumped about. I’ve been writing programming for 8+ years for both group and individual athletes. I’ll be the first to admit I’ve made mistakes, over implemented personal biases, and strayed from our core values at times. Needless to say I’ve learned a lot in that time span and I’ve learned and evolved. What I’ve always striven for though is to deliver you the best programming I can day in and day out.

Starting this coming Monday, we will be rolling out two versions of our daily programming in an attempt to appeal to the variety of experience levels, abilities, and goals we have among our membership. You will see the daily training split into “Fitness” and “Performance”.

So what’s the difference?


As the name indicates, Fitness will be designed to develop foundational strength and aerobic capacity, with a focus on structural balance and movement pattern quality. This definitely does not mean that the workouts will lack intensity, but also means you won’t leave you feeling beat down either. Loads used for the strength portions of class will typically be lighter and higher in rep number as compared to those used in Performance. There won’t be as much focus on percentages of your max but a heightened focus on feel and tempo. Gymnastics and basic body weight movements will be present with more strict versions to help build muscular strength and joint stability. The Olympic weightlifting movements (snatch, clean, jerk) will make rare appea rances with a barbell but will still be seen more often with dumbbell work. For you Masters members, you can expect more of the same but under the Fitness label. Other focal points of our Fitness programming include fat loss, gaining/maintaining muscle tone, increased mobility, enhanced energy, enhanced immune function, better sleep, increased mental acuity, and being able to physically do whatever you wish to do outside of the gym whether it’s hiking in the mountains, moving a heavy-ass couch, or chasing your pets/kids/grand kids.

Fitness programming is recommended for those considered beginner to intermediate level (0-6 months) or whose training goals align with the description above. Been training with us for years but want to throttle is back a little? I promise you won’t leave the gym feeling underwhelmed after a day of Fitness programming.


The focus of our Performance track of programming is just that… performance. It is for those who wish to take their training to the next level, so to speak. Performance will have a higher level of intensity and complexity to both the strength and conditioning segments. It’s designed for people with an adequate foundation in strength and conditioning. Performance won’t be about learning the basic strength movements but more so the fine tuning of the movements. Olympic lifting, upper level gymnastics, and heavier strength work percentages will be a mainstay of this program. I can also make a couple of reasonable assumptions about those following this program when I design it… 1) that the client is at an acceptable level of health, and that their body composition is not their number one priority and 2) that they have a desire to maximize their fitness as measured by work capacity across broad time and modal domains (i.e. they want to be better at “CrossFit” as a sport, hobby, or whatever you may call it).

Performance is recommended for those considered an intermediate or advanced level (6 months – 2+ years of training). It is assumed that Performance athletes will treat their bodies appropriately in regards to proper recovery and nutrition. If you are a beginner and want to progress quickly, hoping straight into the Performance track is not recommended. Take the time to master the basics and you’ll make much more consistent progress without the risk of overdoing it.

Not sure which category you fall under? No worries! Coach RJ and I can make recommendations based on that day’s programming, how you’re feeling, and your level of ability. The best part about the new Fitness and Performance programming is that they will run parallel to one another so you’ll have the option to move between the two on a daily basis meaning you won’t be locked into one or the other. The purpose is to provide you more options and a better fit for your fitness goals every day you come into the gym.

Program Overview: June 17-23


Monday 6/17

A) E3MOM x 6 sets – bench press

Set 1: 2 @ 92-94%

Sets 2-6: 2 @ 84%

Alternate after each set (3 each) –

Station 1: 2 weighted/negative pull-ups (heavier/slower than last week)

Station 2: 10 L-seated band rows w/ pause


B) E3MOM x 4-6 sets

– 15/12 cal row

– 12 RKB swings

– 9 perfect push-ups

– 6 toes to bar

*Scale reps to 12/9-10-8-6 if needed.


Tuesday 6/18

A) E2.5MOM x 6 sets – back squat

Set 1: 2 @ 92-94%

Sets 2-6: 2 @ 84%


B) 3 rounds for time:

– 400m run

– 16-12-8 front rack reverse lunges @ 30-35% 1RM back squat

– 48-40-32 double unders



A) E2.5MOM x 6 sets

– 5 back squats (building)

– 8 DB Romanian deadlifts

– 8 push-ups with alternating shoulder tap


B) 3 rounds for time:

– 400m run

– 30-20-10 walking lunges (weighted if able)

– 40-30-20 single unders (20-15-10 jumping jacks)


Wednesday 6/19

A) E3MOM x 5 sets:

– 5-4-3-3-3 strict press

– 8 bent over supinated BB rows w/ pause

*Strict presses heavier than last week.


B) 12 min AMRAP:

– 300/250 Meter Row

– 20 single arm DB push press (10 each @ 55/35)

– 20 box step-Overs with KB/DB goblet hold (20/16”)


Thursday 6/20

A) EMOM x 20-30 min

– 1 power clean @ 70-75%

– 3 strict pull-ups

– 5 push-ups

– 7 air squats

*If you can’t keep up then scale down to 2, 4, 6 reps.


B) 3×10 reps of each face down:

– I, Y, Ts (include 2.5/hand if able, thumb up)



A) EMOM x 20-30 min

– 1 DB devil press

– 3 strict pull-ups

– 5 push-ups (elevated)

– 7 air squats

*If you can’t keep up then scale down to 2, 4, 6 reps.


B) 3×10 reps of each face down:

– I, Y, Ts (include 2.5/hand if able, thumb up)


Friday 6/21

A) E2.5M x 6 sets – deadlift

Set 1: 2 @ 88-90%

Sets 2-6: 2 @ 85%


B) 3 rounds for quality:

– 6-8/arm KB contralateral lunge

– 6-8 knees to bar, or high knee tuck


C) 3-4 sets:

– 3 band resisted sprint starts

– 1 hill sprint

Rest on the walk back down the hill


Saturday 6/22

8am Masters

9am CrossFit

10am Intro To CrossFit /  Open Gym


Sunday 6/23

8am Endurance

10-12pm Open Gym


Programming Overview: June 10-16


Monday 6/10

A) E3MOM x 6 sets – back squat

Set 1: 3 @ RPE 10

Sets 2-6: 3 @ 88-90% of set 1


B) Three rounds for time of:

– 400m run

– 10 hang squat cleans (115/75)

– 15 pull-ups


Tuesday 6/11A) E3MOM x 5 sets:

– 5-5-4-4-4 strict press

– 8/side DB rows


B) 10 min AMRAP:

– 10 shoulder to overhead (115/75)

– 30 double unders

– 10 burpees over bar


C) 3 sets:

– 10-15 DB reverse laterals

– 15-20 hollow rocks



A) E3MOM x 5 sets:

– 5-5-4-4-4 strict press

– 8/side DB rows

– 10 alternating cossack squats*

*add goblet hold if able


B) 10 min AMRAP:

– 10 DB shoulder to overhead

– 30 single unders or 15 jumping jacks

– 10 burpees


C) 3 sets:

– 10-15 DB reverse laterals

– 15-20 hollow rocks


Wednesday 6/12

A) Level 2&3

E3M x 2 sets

Station 1: 3 minutes of rope climb skill practice

(if you’re proficient with rope climbs, work on legless, if you’re proficient with legless, work on L-seated legless rope climbs)

Station 2: 3 minutes of handstand walk practice

(use this time to accumulate time inverted and perfect your ability to balance and move – utilize partners to help spot you and allow you to extend your time upside down)

Station 3: 3 minutes of ring muscle-up skill practice

(pick a progression to work on the aspect of your muscle-up that needs the most work)


Level 1:

Every 90 seconds, for 18 minutes (3 sets of each):

Station 1: strict pull-ups x 6-8 reps @ 21X0

Station 2: supine ring rows x 8 reps @ 2111

Station 3: handstand hold x 45-60 second

Station 4: L-Sit (or L-sit progression) x 45 seconds (accumulated)


B) 2 rounds for reps

– 2 minutes of rowing for calories

– 2 minutes of 6 alternating DB snatches + 6 overhead walking lunges – 3/side (50/35)

– 2 minutes of rowing for calories

– 2 minutes of ring dips


Thursday 6/13

A) EMOM x 5-6 sets:

Station 1 – 8 deadlifts @ 70% of 1-RM

Station 2 – 16 walking lunges with farmer’s carry hold (53/35lb KBs)

Station 3 – 6/4 bar muscle-Ups, 8 strict toes to bar, or 8 hanging leg raises @ 2121 tempo

Station 4 – 5-10 strict handstand push-ups

Station 5 – 30-40 seconds ring or floor FLR


B) 3 sets for quality:

– 10-15/side back elevated single leg hip thrusts w/ pause

– 15-20/side glute wall slides



A) EMOM x 5-6 sets:

Station 1 – 8 deadlifts (tough)

Station 2 – 16 walking lunges with farmer’s carry hold (53/35lb KBs)

Station 3 – 8 hanging leg raises (straight or bent knees) @ 2121 tempo

Station 4 – 5-10 L-seated DB presses

Station 5 – 30-40 seconds ring or floor FLR


B) 3 sets for quality:

– 10-15/side back elevated single leg hip thrusts w/ pause

– 15-20/side glute wall slides


Friday 6/14

A) E2Mx 4 sets:

– 1 power clean + 1 hand squat clean + 1 push jerk + 1 split jerk @ 65-75%


E2Mx 4 sets:

– 1 squat clean + 1 split jerk @ 80, 85, 90, 90+%


B) 3 sets:

– 3-5 rope climbs or rope climb progressions

– 1 lap contralateral carry

– 10 Chinese DB rows w/ pause

– 10-12 hamstring slide curls


C) 3 sets:

– 10 DB hammer curls

– 10 DB/BB skull crushers

– 10 DB lat pull-overs


Saturday 6/15

8am Masters

9am CrossFit

10am Intro To CrossFit / Barbell / Open Gym


Sunday 6/16

8am Endurance

10am-12pm Open Gym


Programming Overview: June 3-9



Monday 6/3

A) E3MOM x 5 sets:

– 5 vertical press @ RPE 7-8

– 6-8 horizontal ring rows w/ pause


B) Five rounds for time of:

– 40 double unders

– 20/15 push-ups

– 10/7 strict pull-ups

*Keep movements crisp. Break up when needed.


C) 3 sets:

– 20 BB curls

– 20 tricep band push-downs


Tuesday 6/4

A) Every 8 minutes x 4-5 sets:

– 400m run

– 16 push press (95/65)

– 16 alternating DB snatches (50/35ish)

– 16 box jump overs (24/20”)

– 16 wallballs (20/14)

*switch order every set but keep times the same


B) 3 sets:

– 12-15 DB lat pull-overs

– 12-15/side glute wall slides


Wednesday 6/6

A) E2M x 6 sets

– 2 deadlifts @ 86-90%


B) For time:

– 30/24 cal row

– 30 deadlifts (225/155, 185/125, 155/105, 135/95)

– 30/24 cal row

– 30 toes to bar

– 30/24 cal row

*Deadlifts should be at a weight where there are only 2-3 breaks max with perfect form.


C) 3 sets:

– 16 elevated banded psoas marches

– 16 face pulls


Thursday 6/7

A) EMOM x 5 sets:

– clean & jerk @ 55-75%

*Pause 1 count in jerk receiving position


E2MOM x 5 sets:

– clean and jerk @ 80-90+%


B) Every 90 sec x 4-6 sets

1: 300m run

2: 5 hang power snatches (95/65) + 7 box jumps (24/20”) + 9 burpees over the bar


*Scale run to 200m if needed.

*RX+ use 115/75.


Friday 6/8

A) E3MOM x 6 sets – bench press

Set 1: 3 @ RPE 10

Sets 2-6: 3 @ 86%

Alternate after each set (3 each) –

Station 1: 3 weighted/negative pull-ups

Station 2: 10 L-seated band rows w/ pause


B) 3 sets for quality:

– BB Zercher carry down and back (heavy)

– 16 DB walking lunges + 16 DB death march

– 8/side TGUP sit-ups


IMG_4275C) 3 sets:

– 12-15/side seated DB thinker curls

– max close grip push-ups (-2)


Saturday 6/9

8am Masters

9am CrossFit

10am Intro To CrossFit / Barbell / Open Gym


Sunday 6/10

8am Endurance

10am-12pm Open Gym

Programming Overview: May 27 – June 2


Monday 5/27


For time:

– 1 mile run

– 100 pull-ups

– 200 push-ups

– 300 air squats

– 1 mile run


*Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and air squats however you want. If you have a weight 20/14lb weight vest, wear it.

*Full Murph starts at 8:30am, the half starts at 8:00am. All other classes are cancelled.


Tuesday 5/28

A) E2M x 6 sets

– 2 deadlifts @ 84-88%


B) EMOM x 4-6 sets

1: 12/9 cal row

2: 5 deadlifts @ 65% of part A + 5-8 burpees over the bar

3: 10 double KB thrusters (tough)



A) E2M x 6 sets

– 6 deadlifts (building)

– 6 tall kneeling DB presses


B) EMOM x 4-6 sets

1: 10/7 cal row

2: 8 DB romanian deadlifts + 4 NPU burpee box step-ups

3: 10-15 wallballs


Wednesday 5/29

A) E2MOM x 8 sets:

– 2 cleans + 1 jerk

*Building from 65-85%


B) E3M x 4-6 sets:

– 200m run

– 7 hang power cleans (115/75)

– 5 box jump overs (24/20”)

*Goal is to increase pace each set.


Thursday 5/30

A) E3MOM x 6 sets – bench press

– 3 reps @ 88%

After every set alternate

Station 1: 3 weighted/negative pull-ups

Station 2: 10 L-seated band rows w/ pause


B) 90 sec AMRAP:

– 30 double unders

– 15 air squats

– 5 devil presses (55/35ish)

– burpees in remaining time

R2M x 4 sets total (perform as sprint)

*Decrease double unders to 20 or 60 single unders to keep them fast. These should not take more than 30 seconds.


C) 3 sets:

– 8 bent over BB rows

– 16 reverse snow angels

– 16 V-ups



A) E3MOM x 6 sets – bench press

– 6 reps (building)

After every set alternate

Station 1: 6 banded pull-ups

Station 2: 10 L-seated band rows w/ pause


B) 90 sec AMRAP:

– 200/150m row

– 15 air squats

– burpees in remaining time

R2M x 4 sets total (perform as sprint)


C) 3 sets:

– 8 bent over BB rows

– 16 reverse snow angels

– 16 V-ups


Friday 5/31

A) E3MOM x 6 sets – back squat

– 3 reps @ 88%


B) 3 sets:

– double overhead KB carry

– bent over hand over hand sled drag

– 30 sec/side split stance pallof presses


C) For quality

– 20 Turkish get-ups (10/side)

*Heavy, even pace

– 400m suitcase carry with same KB (switch arms every 100m)


Saturday 6/1

8am Masters

9am Bring A Friend

10am Intro To CrossFit / Barbell / Open Gym


Sunday 6/2

8am Endurance

10am-12pm Open Gym

Programming Overview: May 20-26

2019 Memorial Day Murph

Memorial Day Murph is going down this coming Monday, 5/27. We will get the Half Murph kicked off at 8:00am and the Full Murph at 8:30am. We are purposefully pushing it a little earlier this year to avoid the heat. Go ahead and sign up HERE! Murph is free for all members and $20 for all non-members.

Half, for time:

– 800m run

– 50 pull-ups

– 100 push-ups

– 300 air squats

– 800m run

Full, for time:

– 1 mile run

– 100 pull-ups

– 200 push-ups

– 300 air squats

– 1 mile run

*Partition pull-ups, push-ups, and squats however you like (usually 5-10-15).


It’s that time of year again. Will we go for a 3-peat for “best place to workout” in East Dallas? We can do it with your help! Remember to vote daily HERE.

Monday 5/20

A) E2M x 8 sets

Sets 1-4: clean segment pull + 2 cleans @ 65-75%

Sets 5-6: 2 cleans @ 75-85%

Sets 7-8: 1 clean @ 90+%


B) 12 min AMRAP

– 3 bar muscle-ups

– 6 DB/KB hang squat cleans (55/35ish)

– 12 DB/KB reverse lunges


*Sub strict 3 strict pull-ups + 3 push-ups for bar MUs.


Tuesday 5/21

A) E3MOM x 6 sets – bench press

Set 1: 3 @ RPE 8 (about 88-90%)

Sets 2-6: 3 @ 93% of set 1

After each set alternate:

– Station 1: 15-20 banded face pulls

– Station 2: 15-20 banded pull-aparts


B) Every 8 minutes x 3 sets:

– 36/27 cal row

– 25 RKB swings (53/35)

– 400m run


*Keep times the same.

*RX+ use 70/44.



A) E3MOM x 6 sets:

– 6 bench press

– 6/side bent over DB row (knee on bench)

– 6 hanging knee raises w/ pause


B) Every 8 minutes x 3 sets:

– 34/18 cal row

– 25 RKB swings

– 300 or 400m run


Wednesday 5/22

A) E2.5M x 6 sets – back squat

Set 1: 3 @ RPE 8 (about 88-90%)

Sets 2-6: 3 @ 93% of set 1


B) “Fran”

21-15-9 reps for time

– thruster (95/65)

– pull-up

*This is an old school benchmark WOD designed for you to go AFAP.


C) 3 sets for quality:

– 20 sec/side half kneeling pallof hold

– 20 banded frog pumps



A) E2.5M x 6 sets – back squat

– 6 back squats

After each set alternate:

– Station 1: 16 alternating seated DB press

– Station 2: 20 banded pull-aparts


B) 10 min AMRAP:

– 2 DB thrusters

– 2 pull-ups

– 2 lemon squeezes

*Add two reps every round.


C) 3 sets for quality:

– 20 sec/side half kneeling pallof hold

– 20 banded frog pumps


Thursday 5/23

A) EMOM x 8-10 sets

– 1 split jerk

*Find today’s heavy rep in 8-10 sets.


B) E3MOM x 4-6 sets

– 250/200m row @ 80-90%

– 5 power cleans

– 5 shoulder to overhead (135/95)

– 30 double unders

*Keep pace or get faster each set.

*RX+ use 155/105.


Friday 5/24

A) E2MOM x 3 sets


1: 400m run

2: 30 wallballs (20/14)

3: 400m run

4: 15 burpee box jump overs (24/20”)

5: 60 sec plank hold


1: 300m run

2: 20 wallballs (20/14)

3: 300m run

4: 10 burpee box jump overs (24/20”)

5: 45 sec plank hold


B) 3 sets:

– 30 sec/side couch stretch

– 10 weighted or banded dips

– 10 seated DB curls


Saturday 5/25

8am Masters

9am CrossFit

10am Intro To CrossFit / Open Gym / Barbell


Sunday 5/26

8am Endurance

10am-12pm Open Gym


Programming Overview: May 13-19



Monday 5/13

A) E3MOM x 4 sets:

– 8/side single arm DB bench press w/ pause

– 8 bent over BB rows w/ pause


B) 10 min AMRAP:

– 30 double unders

– 15 toes to bar

– 10 power cleans (135/95)


*RX+ use 155/105.


C) 3 sets for quality:

– 10-12 bent over DB reverse laterals

– 15-20 hollow rocks


Tuesday 5/14

A) E2.5M x 5 sets

– 1 pause front squat + 3 front squats

*Stay between 65-85%


B) For time:

– 21 deadlifts (205/145)

– 21 HR push-ups

– 400m run

– 15 deadlifts

– 15 HR push-ups

– 400m run

– 9 deadlifts

– 9 HR push-ups

– 400m run



Wednesday 5/15

A) E2MOM x 8 sets – split jerk

Sets 1-4: 3 reps @ 60-70%

Sets 5-6: 2 reps @ 70-80%

Sets 7-8: 1 rep @ 80-85+%


B) Every 5 minutes x 4-5 sets:

– 250m row

– 15 RKB swings (53/35)

– 12 push press (95/65)

– 9 burpees

R60S, increase speed each round


*RX+ use 70/44 and 115/75.

*To scale take reps down to 12-9-6.


Thursday 5/16

A) EMOM x 5-6 sets

1: 12/9 cal row

2: 4-8 burpee box jump overs (24/20”)

3: 6-10 strict pull-ups

4: 10-12 front rack alternating reverse lunges (115/75)

5: 4-8 strict handstand push-ups


B) 3 sets for quality:

– 20 alternating elevated psoas marches

– 8-10 ab wheel roll-outs


Friday 5/17

A) E3MOM x 5 sets:

– 8 Romanian deadlifts @ 65-75%

– 8/side seated DB press w/ KB front rack hold


B) 3 sets for quality:

– 8/side front foot elevated split squats

– 20 sec accumulated L-hang

– 30 sec sandbag front loaded march


C) 3 sets for quality:

– 5 DB/BB curls @ 5050 tempo

– 20 banded tricep push-downs


Saturday 5/18

8am Masters

9am CrossFit

10am Intro To CrossFit / Open Gym


Sunday 5/19

8am Endurance

10-12pm Open Gym

Programming Overview: May 5-11


Monday 5/6

A) E3MOM x 6 sets – back squat

Set 1: 5 @ RPE 10

Sets 2-6: 5 back squats @ 90% of set 1


B) 5 rounds for time:

– 5 power cleans (185/125)

– 10 burpees over the barbell


Tuesday 5/7

A) E2MOM x 8 sets

– 1 push press + 2 split jerk


B) EMOM x 4-7 sets

1: 12/9 cal row

2: 10 shoulder to overhead (115/75)

3: 12 alternating farmers hold walking lunges (tough)


*RX+ row 15/12 and use 135/95.


Wednesday 5/8

A) Every 8 minutes x 4-5 sets:

– 400m run

– 21 KB swings (53/35)

– 15 wallballs (20/14)

– 9 DB burpees (35/25ish)


B) 3 sets for quality:

– 5/side back elevated glute bridges w/ 5 sec pause

– 10 BB ab wheel roll-outs


Thursday 5/9

A) E2.5M x 5 sets – deadlift

– 4 deadlifts @ 75-80%


B) E6M x 4 sets

– 500/400m row

– 20 alternating DB snatch (50/35ish)

– 20/15 perfect push-ups


Friday 5/10

A) E2MOM x 8 sets:

– 1 power clean + 1 hang squat clean

*Build to a tough set.


B) 3 sets:

– 8/side double KB front rack rear foot elevated split squats

– 16 alternating DB strict presses

– 8/side bent over DB row


C) 3 sets:

– 10-12 BB/DB skullcrushers

– 10-12 seated DB curls

– 10-12 DB lateral raises


Saturday 5/11

8am Masters

9am CrossFit

10am Intro To CrossFit / Open Gym


Sunday 5/12

8am Endurance

10-12pm Open Gym