We are pumped to formally announce the newest addition to our coaching staff… Long time member, Rob Daffin.
A little bit more about Rob:
“Since high school, fitness has been a part of my life where I played the big 4; football, baseball, basketball, and track. Luckily, my high school was small enough that an average size dude like me could make the teams. I was involved in martial arts and weight training during college and continued to lift at various globo-gyms for years after. When I discovered CrossFit I was originally attracted to the idea of learning the Olympic lifts but over the past 7 years my interest has expanded to all of the different modalities of fitness and ways to challenge myself in this sport/lifestyle. CrossFit has opened many doors for me: I’ve done obstacle course races like the Spartan Beast and Tough Mudder, started stair climbing groups at work, competed at local CrossFit competitions as well as the CrossFit Open most years. In 2019 I decided to get my level 1 certification so that I could elevate my involvement and contribution through coaching. Right now I’m training for the Hotter than Hell Hundred cycle race in August. I am a strict vegetarian and supplement my diet accordingly to support an athletic lifestyle. I do quite a bit of reading and research around nutrition so I’m always up for those discussions. I love this sport and the community here at East Dallas CrossFit. It’s been my gym home for more than 5 years. The coaching staff and members are friendly, knowledgeable, and always helpful. Come by for a class and see for yourself.”
Monday 8/9
E2M x 8 sets (4 each, alternating)
Odd: 12-16 alternating DB box step-ups
Even: 6-8/side half kneeling landmine press
B) E3M x 4-8 sets:
– 12/9 or 10/7 cal row
– 6 double DB power cleans
– 24 double unders
A) E2M x 8 sets
– 1 clean
*Suggested loading: 50-60-70-75-80-85-90-90(+)%
B) E3M x 4-8 sets:
– 12/9 cal row
– 6 TnG power cleans
– 24 double unders
Pick a weight on cleans that is tougher but fluid
RX+ perform 15/12 cal row
Tuesday 8/10
E6M x 6 sets (alternating, 3 each)
Station 1:
– 400m run
– 12 RKB swings
– 10 box jump overs
– 8 hanging knee raise / sit-ups
Station 2:
– 500/400m row
– 12 goblet squats
– 10 SA KB push press 3/3/3/3
– 8 up/downs
E6M x 6 sets (alternating, 3 each)
Station 1:
– 400m run
– 15 RKB swings (53/35)
– 12 box jump overs (24/20”)
– 9 toes to bar
Station 2:
– 500/400m row
– 15 goblet squats
– 12 SA KB push press 3/3/3/3
– 9 burpees
*RX+ perform reps of 18-16-12
Wednesday 8/11
Fitness & Performance
A) E4M x 4 sets:
– 8-12 BB Romanian deadlifts w/ 3011 tempo @ 50-60%
– 8-12/side half kneeling single arm lat pull-down
– 8-12 bent over reverse flys
B) EMOM x 10-20 sets:
– 3 strict pull-ups
– 5 push-ups
– 7 wallballs (20/14)
*Scale reps as needed
*RX+ perform weighted pull-ups and ring dips
Thursday 8/12
Fitness & Performance
A) E3M x 4 sets
– 8-12 overhead press
– 8-12/side bent over row
– 8-12 banded no moneys
*Compare to 8/3
B) 5 rounds for time:
– 200m run
– 15-12-9-6-3 DB push press
– 45-36-27-18-9 single unders
B) 5 rounds for time:
– 200m run
– 15-12-9-6-3 shoulder to overhead (155/75, 95/65, 75/55)
– 45-36-27-18-9 double unders
Friday 8/13
A) E3M x 5 sets:
– 8 double KB heel elevated front squats @ 3111 tempo
– 12-16 alternating top down DB incline press
– 8/side half kneeling pallof press
A) E3M x 5 sets:
– 4-6 front squats
*Increase load from last week.
B) Strength option
3-4 sets:
– 8-12 BB hip thrusts
– 8-12 RIR dips (weighted/BW/scaled)
– 1 lap forward sled drag or push
– 16 alt KB gorilla rows
C) Conditioning option
4 rounds for times:
– 500/400m row
– 400m run (sub bike for double row distance)
*Keep pace consistent every round
Saturday 8/14
Sunday 8/15
10-12pm Open Gym