Build up to a heavy snatch single in 15 min (full squat and technically sound).


EMOM perform 1 snatch at 75% of above single.


Partner Ab-wheel (15/10)

Labor Day Weekend Schedule

Remember to send in last week’s 30 Day Challenge results to Mason. We are in the final phase of the challenge. Let’s finish strong!

Labor Day Weekend Schedule: We will NOT have classes this coming Monday nor will there be a Sunday Suckday. Instead, the gym will be open from 10-12pm on Monday. There will be a workout on the board along with a list of things to work on. There will be a Saturday morning class, too.

1a) 3X8 Weighted Strict Pull-ups

1b) 3×8 Good Mornings (heavy)


13 minute AMRAP of:

– 50 Double-Unders
– 7 Burpees
*Add 7 Burpees every round (Rd. 2-14 Burpees, Rd. 3-21 Burpees, etc).

7X1 3 Hang Squat Cleans + 1 Push Jerk – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec.

*If you can’t hold onto the bar long enough to complete the complex (grip problems) lower the weight


For time:

– Run 400m
– 40 HR Pushups
– 30(steps) Single Arm KB OH Walking Lunges, 15l/15r (53/35)
– 20 Power Cleans (115/75)
– 30 HR Pushups
– 20(steps) Single Arm KB OH Walking Lunges
– 10 Power Cleans
– Run 400m

Rolling With Heat

Video: Kendall and Fernando showing how the snatch complex from Friday is done. Good job guys!

ALL NEW ELEMENTS CLASS starting TONIGHT, August 27th, at 8:30pm. The class runs for two weeks on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights (six total). Contact us here to reserve a spot ASAP. Spaces are limited and there are only 2 spots left!

Picture: Robin from the masters class deadlifting an axle. How badass is this? Functional fitness at its best.


2,2,2,1,1 Low Bar Back Squats @ 100% – rest 2 minutes.

Percentage based off of three rep LBBS max or 90% of HBBS max.


Not for time (but stay strict to rest periods):

1a) 3XME T2B – rest 45 sec.
1b) 3XME HSPU – kipping is allowed, rest 45 sec.
1c) 3X20 KBS – heaviest possible, rest 45 sec.
1d) 3X5 Snatch Grip Behind the Neck Press – heaviest possible, rest 45 sec.

Roots Before Branches



Mary and Zach post WOD.

ALL NEW ELEMENTS CLASS starting Monday, August 27th, at 8:30pm. The class runs for two weeks on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights (six total). Contact us here to reserve a spot. Spaces are limited.

Free Saturday CrossFit class starting at 10am (9am for ages 50+). Bring a friend. Open to any and all levels of fitness.

Sunday Suckday this Sunday from 12-2pm. Come work on movements you suck at, make up WODs you missed, stretch/roll out, or just shoot the sh*t.

Pam mastering the “front rack” position.

7X1 1 Power Snatch + 1 Heaving Snatch Balance + 1 OHS – heavy but technically sound, rest 60 sec

Note: This should be performed as a complex. Do not drop the bar between movements


12 minute AMRAP of:

– 12 Pullups
– 10 Pistols (5R/5L)
– 8 Burpees