15 minutes to build up to a 1RM clean
For time:
– 15 squat cleans – 135#/95#
– 400 m run
– 15 power cleans – 135#/95#
– 400 m run
– 15 shoulder to overhead – 135#/95#
– 400 m run
*Compare to 3-13-12
15 minutes to build up to a 1RM clean
For time:
– 15 squat cleans – 135#/95#
– 400 m run
– 15 power cleans – 135#/95#
– 400 m run
– 15 shoulder to overhead – 135#/95#
– 400 m run
*Compare to 3-13-12
15 minutes Split Jerk practice.
1a) 3XME Strict HSPU + ME Kipping HSPU – rest 45 sec. (bands and boxes for progressions)
1b) 3X20 UB KB Snatches (each arm) – heaviest possible, rest 45 sec.
1c) 3X25 UB Medball Sit-ups (20/15) – heavy, rest 45 sec.
1d) 3X10 Romanian Deadlift – medium/heavy, rest 45 sec.
Congratulations goes out to Shawn for winning the Paleo 30 Day Challenge. Shawn didn’t have even one cheat meal and came up to the gym five times per week for full points (or did outside workouts). He won a $60 giftcard to Lululemon for being a badass.
On another note, a big congratulations goes out to Jill. As of September 1st, Jill has been cigarette-free for an official year. This is a big accomplishment! Jill is at the gym 4-5 times per week with her husband Bryan and always gives it everything she has. She even sometimes goes for runs around the neighborhood after WODs. I want to personally thank Jill for all she has done for the community here at EDCF.
A.) 5×3 High Hang Snatch; rest 60 seconds
B.) 5×3 Snatch lift-offs (stopping at pockets) @ 100-120%; rest 60 seconds
For time:
4 rounds for time of:
– 5 Power Snatches (115/75)
– 10 BB Step-ups 20″ (115/75)
– 200 m run
15 minutes to establish a 1RM Weighted Strict Pullup.
Once you establish a max use the rest of the time to practice your kipping technique with or without a band or practice the butterfly kip if you have the regular one down already.
3 rounds for time of:
– 10 Burpee Over-the-Box Jumps 30/24″ (touching the top of the box is required, but opening the hip is not)
– 15 Pull-ups
– 50 Double Unders or 150 Singles
All out effort through these three rounds.
All new Elements Program starting Monday the 17th of September. Want to get started at EDCF? This is the first step! Call or email to sign up today! Spaces are limited.
7X2 Pause Front Squats (3 seconds at bottom) – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec.
5 rounds for total working time:
– 100m Shuttle Run (50m, 100m)
– 14 HR Pushups
– 7 Hang Squat Clean to Thrusters @ 95/65#
Weekend Announcements:
Free Saturday Morning Community WOD tomorrow at 10am for regular 9am for Masters (50ish+).
Sundat Suckday at 12-2pm on Sunday. Please come and perform your 3RM low bar backsquat if you missed this past Tuesday. Also, maybe work on some double-unders?? Hint, hint..
All new Elements Program starting Monday the 17th of September. Want to get started at EDCF? This is the first step! Call or email to sign up today! Spaces are limited.