Barbells & Handlebars Is Sold Out !

EDCF at The Glow Run 5K over the weekend.

Barbells & Handlebars is officially sold out! If you’re not in the competitive spirit but would still like to join in the fun and spread awareness about prostate cancer with us, then please come! We are still in need of volunteers and would love to have you come and be part of the community. This event is open to anyone so please bring a friend. The awesomeness takes place on Dec. 1st.

Thanksgiving Week Gym Schedule:

Mon-Wed (11/19-21): Regular Classes
Thurs (11/22): CLOSED
Fri (11/23): 10-12 Open Gym
Sat (11/24): 10-12 WOD and Open Gym

In 45 min accumulate at an easy pace broken up in any way:

– 800 m running
– 12 single muscle-ups (3 pull-ups/3 dips per muscle up)
– 250 DU’s
– 100 lunges
–  25 HSPU strict and kipping mix
–  50 back squats high or low bar (135#/95#)
(focus on execution of each movement, no fatigued reps)

Push Press



4 rounds for time of:
–  7 Shoulder to Overhead (135/95)
– 50 Double Unders
– Run 200 meters with a 20/15 pound medicine ball

*1 min rest

It Gets Fuller

I’ve seen some pretty nasty ‘staches around the gym recently and I just want everyone to know that it only gets fuller. We are about half way through the month of Movember and that much closer to Barbells & Handlebars on Saturday, December 1st. I wanted to mention a few important details concerning the event…

The first WOD will be building up to a one rep max ground to overhead.

The Fight Gone Bad portion of the event (second WOD) is now referred to as “Fight Gone Mad”. The first of the five movements in it is the kettlebell swing for intermediate and kettlebell snatch for advanced. The other four movements will be announced soon.

Vydra from 102.1 The Edge will be our honorary celebrity mustache judge.

We are still in need of volunteers if you are not planning on participating. If you don’t want to volunteer, then you are encouraged to still show up and show your support. If you do want to volunteer, please register HERE.

Females will be judged on most creative mustache, too.

Origin Natural Food will be in attendance giving out awesome food samples. We will have some others out too who will be announced as we get closer to December 1st.

As of this morning we have about 18 spots left. Please register HERE if you going to participate. If you are still unsure, just go ahead and do it! It is for a good cause and will be fun.



5X3 Front Squats (1st rep pause) – near heaviest possible, rest 90 seconds.


Register for Barbells & Handlebars


Not for time but move through it with a steady pace:

10-8-6-4-2 reps of

– Power clean @ 70% of 1RM

– Box jump (36/28″), jump up then step down

Drop Snatch



4 rounds for total reps of:

2 minutes ME KB Swings @ 24/16kg
-1 minute rest
1 minute ME Wall Walks
-1 minute rest


Shoulder / hip mobility


Build up to a heavy Squat Clean Thruster in 4-5 attempts

this is a warm up for…



– Thrusters (95/65)

– Pull-ups