Open Workout 13.3

Photo courtesy of CrossFit

The third week of the CrossFit Open is this week with a workout that is in fact a repeat of last year. Tomorrow, at CF White Rock, our athletes will take on the 12 min AMRAP consisting of 150 wallballs, 90 double-unders, and 30 muscle-ups that comprise workout 13.3. If you would like to take this WOD on  you can come to any class today and do it. Can’t make it today? Come by on Sunday during the endurance WOD at 11am and the gym will be open. Once you know your score, then check out the CF Games leaderboard to see where you stack up against the 120,000 performing this workout. Hopefully your legs don’t end up like this afterwards.


– Weekend Schedule –


8:00am Olympic lifting

9:00am Masters class

10:00am Regular CrossFit

12:30pm Workout 13.3 at CF White Rock (come support our athletes!)


11:00am Endurance class & 13.3 make-up


Handstand skill work

– Work on one of the following for 12 min

Handstand walks

Noes & toes holds x4 ME

Handstand push-ups x 4 ME


For time:

3 rounds of:

– 14 Goblet Squats 24/16kg
– 7 Toes 2 Bar
– 14 KB Snatches (partition in any way) 24/16kg

– Run 800 m

3 rounds of:

– 10 Goblet Squats 24/16kg
– 5 Toes 2 Bar
– 10 KB Snatches (partition in any way) 24/16kg

Olympic Lifting Tonight at 7:30pm!

East Dallas CrossFit - Barbells and Handlebars (228)

” The mere practice of the Olympic lifts teaches an athlete how to apply large amounts of force. Part of the extraordinary abilities of an Olympic lifter arises out of his having learned how to effectively activate more of his muscle fibers more rapidly than others who aren’t trained to do so. This becomes extremely important for athletes who need to remain at lower body weights for athletic purposes but need to learn how to apply greater force.” – Artie Dreschler

The goal of this class is to teach the technical proficiency of the olympic lifts, focusing on the snatch and clean & jerk. Feel like this is one of your weaknesses or would just like to focus more on the two lifts? Then this class is for you whether you are fresh out of the CF Prep Course or a seasoned EDCF veteran. These classes are offered Wednesday evenings at 7:30PM and Saturday mornings at 8:00AM. 

EMOM for 10 minutes

2 TnG Power Cleans @ 60-70% 1RM


12 min amrap @85%

– Run 200m

– 10 deadlift 185/135

– 10 hand release push ups

Hang Squat Snatch

5×3 (unbroken) – rest 90 sec


1 minute ME Ring Dips.

-(10 sec rest)-

4 minute AMRAP of:

8 Power Snatch 95/65#
16 Pull-ups
32 Double-Unders

-(10 sec rest)-

1 minute ME Ring Dips.

-(10 sec rest)-

4 minute AMRAP of:

8 Power Snatch 95/65#
16 Pull-ups
32 Double-Unders

-(10 sec rest)-

1 minute ME Ring Dips.

Front Squat

2X3 @ 85%, 2X2 @ 90%, 2X2 @ 95% – rest 2-3 minutes. (last week in cycle)


For time:

– 20 KBS 24/16kg
– 12 Push Press 135/95#
– 20 Walking Lunges (steps)
– 40 KBS 24/16kg
– 9 Push Press 135/95#
– 40 Walking Lunges (steps)
– 60 KBS 24/16kg
– 6 Push Press 135/95#
– 60 Walking Lunges


Build to a heavy Clean & Jerk in 15 min.


Open WOD 13.2

10 minute AMRAP of:
– 5 Shoulder to overhead, 115 / 75 lbs
– 10 Deadlift, 115 / 75 lbs
– 15 Box jump, 24 / 20 inch