No Ordinary Race

Our first ever No Ordinary Race .

On Sunday, April 28th, EDCF will host its first endurance cenetered fitness challenge.  This competition is open to only members of our gym, and all of you are encouraged to participate.

There will be two lengths: 3 miles for intermediate and 6 miles for advanced athletes. This is no ordinary race, though; there will be stations with obstacles and challenges along the way. These hurdles will be CrossFit movements that you’ve all experienced during a WOD at the gym. However, these movements will not be announced. Part of being fit is being prepared for the unknown.

Remember, the Endurance class is every Sunday at 11 am. These WODs will help build stamina and prepare you for running distance.

We will be releasing race rules and official routes later this week. In the mean time, get running!

“Time Trials”

6 movements all to be done at maximum effort and speed. 3 minutes of rest between movements.

50 pull-ups

50 push-ups

50 sit-ups

50 squats

400 m run

500 m row

If you have a watch or phone with a stopwatch then please bring it. Add all times up to acquire a total.


3xME Handstand holds – rest 90 seconds

5 x 3-position clean (low to high) + 1 jerk – rest 60-90 seconds


Open WOD 13.5

4 minute AMRAP of:
– 15 Thrusters (100 / 65 lbs)
– 15 Chest to bar Pull-ups
*4 minute bonus for every 90 reps (3 rounds) completed.

If 90 reps (3 rounds) are completed in under 4 minutes, time extends to 8 minutes.
If 180 reps (6 rounds) are completed in under 8 minutes, time extends to 12 minutes.
If 270 reps (9 rounds) are completed in under 12 minutes, time extends to 16 minutes.

If you do not make it to the second round, the workout becomes 4 rounds for time.

A) Deadlift – take 90% or 1 RM; 1×5 @ 65%, 1×5 @ 75%, 1×5+ @85%

B1) 3 x 15/side KB Snatches – rest 30 sec

B2) 3 x ME Toes-2-Bar – rest 30 sec

B3) 3 x 6/side BB Front Rack lunges (moderate to heavy weight) – rest 30 sec

C) Run 1 mile TT

A) All sets @ 100% effort and speed;

– 400m run
– 15 burpees
– 15 kettlebell swings (heavy)

rest 2 minutes x 2

– 400m run
– 20 box jumps, 24″ or less

rest 2 minutes x 2


B1) L-sits x3 ME holds – rest 60 sec

B2) Plank hold x 3 1-min holds – rest 60 sec


Building Strength: The Wendler 5/3/1 Strength Cycle

Jim Wendler’s 5/3/1 strength cycle has stood the test of time in the world of powerlifting. Powerlifting a focus on training the basic multi joint movements and a foundation of our programming at EDCF. Wendler states that “the bench press, parallel squat, deadlift, and standing press have been the staples of any strong man’s repertoire. Those who ignore these lifts are generally the people who suck at them. If you get good at those, you’ll get good at other stuff, as they have such a huge carryover.” Now are we training for Strongman competitions or to just get huge? Not necessarily. We would like to strengthen joint and core stability as well as overall raw strength which will carry over into other types of training inside the gym or sport/life outside the gym.

Matt M. testing a 1RM strict press

The key to Wendler’s program is the basic concept periodization, a method that has been in strength and conditioning for quite a while. Does that make his method new and novel? Not at all. It is simplified and effective though. Basically the method is designed to start light with more reps then move heavier decreasing the number of reps on a certain movement each week. At the end of the cycle you take a deload week(s) then add about 5% to your previous max and start again. A typical four week Wendler 5/3/1 cycle looks like this:

Week 1: 3 x 5
Week 2: 3 x 3
Week 3: 3 x 5, 3, 1
Week 4: deloading

Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Set 1
65% x 5
70% x 3
75% x 5
40% x 5
Set 2
75% x 5
80% x 3
85% x 3
50% x 5
Set 3
85% x 5+
90% x 3+
95% x 1+
60% x 5

We are starting off putting this method to work on the strict press. If favorable results ensue, look for this method to also be applied to the bench press, low bar back squat, and deadlift.

Strict Press: Week 1

at 90% of 1RM do….

– 1×5 @ 65%

– 1×5 @ 75%

– 1×5+ @ 85% – rest 2 min between sets


For total reps:

1 min ME HSPU

– 1 min rest –

3 min AMRAP:

– 7 Hang Squat Clean Thrusters

– 14 Sit-ups

– 7 Pull-ups

– 1 min rest –

1 min ME HSPU

– 1 min rest –

3 min AMRAP:

– 7 Hang Squat Clean Thrusters

– 14 Sit-ups

– 7 Pull-ups

– 1 min rest –

1 min ME HSPU

New CrossFit Prep Course Tonight


An all new CrossFit Prep Course starts tonight! The prep course is 8 classes in duration and usually start at the beginning of each month. The classes will be held MWTh nights for the next two weeks and only on MW on the third week. All classes will start at 8:30pm and end around 9:30. The cost for the eight classes is $150. Spaces are limited so let us know if you would like to join in!

If you are a member and have a friend complete the prep course AND sign up for regular classes, we will give you your next month for half off! Our way of saying ‘thank you’ for spreading the word.