A) Hang squat snatch below the knee; 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1; rest 2 min

B) Tire flips; 10 for time x 3; rest 90 seconds

C) 200m farmers walk for time (1 heavy KB/hand) x3; rest 2 min


Open Gym Tomorrow At Noon



Friday (tomorrow) 10/18

Tomorrow’s noon class will go on as scheduled with a slight change. It will be ‘open gym’ style. There will be the daily workout on the board and a led warm-up but athletes will have a choice to either do the daily workout or work on something of their own. Chase will be present should you have any questions. Thank you and sorry for an inconvenience this may cause.

5 min @80-90%

– 30 double unders

– 15 CTG pushups

– 20 air squats

*rest 5 min

5 min @80-90%

– 8 hang power cleans 135/95, 115/75, 95/55

– 10 chin ups

– 100m row

*rest 5 min

5 min @80-90%

– 30 double unders

– 15 CTG push-ups

– 20 air squats

*rest 5 min

5 min @80-90%

– 1 hill run

– 6 burpees

– 5 deadlifts 185/115, 155/95, 135/75

*rest 5 min


A) Push Press cluster 1.1.1 x 4 rest 10 sec/2 min (heavy)

B1) Close grip bench press @20X1; 10, 8, 6, 4; rest 90sec build weight

B2) DB snatch 10-12 alternating TnG reps; rest 90sec

C) Bent over DB row 6-8/side; rest 30 sec between sides


Tabata abmat sit-ups (record lowest rep score)


A1) HBBS 4-6×3 @ 31×1; rest 90 sec (heavier than last week)

A2) Weighted/Negative (4 sec) pull-ups 4-6×3; rest 120 sec

B) Power snatch prep


EMOM x 10

– 3 TnG power snatches (build in weight dependant on form)

– 3 over the bar burpees


Barbells & Handlebars 2013 Coming Soon!

Barbells & Handlebars 2013

As the air gets a little crisper, our thoughts turn to Movember. Once again Barbells & Handlebars plans to take the fight to prostate and testicular cancer and we know you’ll have our backs.

First—a Clean Start

Join us for a shave off party to kickoff Movember with vigor. We’ll meet at the gym for shaving and drinks.

Where: East Dallas CrossFit Gym

7230 Gaston Ave
Dallas, TX 75214
 View Map

When: November 1, 2013 at 7:30 PM

Put Barbells & Handlebars on Your Calendar

This year BB&HB will be Saturday November 30, 2013.

A Few Changes This Year

Last year you helped us raise $1,000 that went directly to the Movember campaign. As we all know, it takes goals to drive us and make us better. We know we can all do better this year.

This year the entry fee is $50 and we’re asking every competitor to raise an additional $50 in donations. We know we can make 10x the donation this year.

We are also moving the competition to accommodate more people safely. This year BB&HB will be at Lakeside Baptist Church, which is just down the street from EDCF.

9150 Garland Rd  Dallas, TX 75218 View Map

Stay tuned for official sign-up information. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.


[email protected]

3 sets @ 95%:

– 10 tough but fluid TnG power cleans (build each set if able)

– Row 20 sec 95% effort

rest walk 4-5 min


3 sets @ 95%:

– 15 UB wallballs (20/15)

– Row 20 sec 95% effort

rest walk 4-5 min


3 sets @ 95%:

– 10 heavy russian swings

– Row 20 sec 95% effort

walk rest 4-5 min


Escape From Alcatraz


Ian has been swimming off and on his whole life. In fact, when he first came to us, it was part of his normal routine and he had no real weight training experience. As he got more and more into CrossFit, he never totally abandoned swimming. This past September him and his father undertook the annual Alcatraz Classic, a swim from Alcatraz Prison to the shore of San Francisco. This is a 1.5 mile swim in waters around 55-60° F. When asked what the hardest part of the swim was, Ian responded “just mentally not freaking out. There is nothing around you. No easy out. I had to calm myself down once in the middle of the water. After that I just stayed relaxed and kept at it.” Being ready for the unknown and unknowable is part of CrossFits mantra and Ian showed that he was ready.