A) Build to a tough snatch from the hang position in 10 min

B) EMOM x 5 min – Power snatch TnG x 5 65%

C) Build to an 8RM DB external rotation in 3 sets

D) EMOM x 12 min

E: 8-12 wallballs

O: 6-10 burpees


A) BB front rack reverse lunge R and L + Push press x 1/Split jerk x 3; build this complex in 12 min or 6 sets

B1) Back squat @32X1; 4-5; rest 30 sec

B2) Strict then kipping HSPU 5-15; rest 3 mins x 3

C) 20 TGU alt hands per rep 1.5/1pd perfect form


4 sets 90% effort:

Row 400m

– 10 pull ups

– 12 burpees

– 14 KBS (53/35)

– 35 DU or power singles



A) EMOM – PC + jerk 65% of 1rm 1. 1. 1. 1 – 7mins

B) EMOM – 18-21 mins

1 – 1 MU + 4-8 ring dips (or 3 pull-ups + 4-8 ring dips)

2 – PS 1. 1 70% of 1rm

3 – Row 12cals


A) Deadlift – 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1; R2-3M


With a 3 minute running clock for 3 sets:

Run 400m then complete AMRAP of the following…

– T2B

– burpees

– DU



A) Back squat cluster 1. 1. 1; rest 15sec/rest 3mins x 3


4-5 sets, each for time

– 20 Row calories

– 20 Wall ball shots (20/14# – 10/9’)

Rest 3-4 minutes


A) EMOM – 10 mins

odd – close grip bench press 3-4 70% of 1rm @20X0

even – PC TnG x 5 60% of 1rm

B) EMOM – 10 mins

odd – DB push press 6-8 reps tough

even – FLR on DB’s 30sec

D) EMOM – 10 mins

odd – Row 12/10 cals

even – 4 KB snatches/side 53/35


A) 3 position snatch (ground, knee, hip)

Build to a heavy in 5-6 sets


8mins 90% effort

– 5 power snatchs (115/75, 96/65, 75/45)

– 10 box jump sd 24/20”

– 25 double unders

rest 4mins

8mins 90% effort

– Row 150m

– 5 burpee chin ups

– 8 KB swings 2/1.5pd – Russian