BBHB workout 14.1 practice:

– Build to 1RM thruster off the ground in 12 min


BBHB workout 14.2

For time:

– 25 wallballs

– 30 power cleans

– 25 wallballs

– 20 power cleans

– 25 wallballs

– 10 power cleans


Women: 55/75/95 or 65/95/125

Men: 95/115/135 or 95/135/185


A) EMOM x 10 min

Deadlift 65% of 1rm TnG x 3 (speed focus)

B) Close grip bench press 3-4×3 @ 30X1 @ 75%+; R2-3M

C) EMOM – 15mins

1 – 25 double unders

2 – 12 KBS (70/53)

3 – 8-12 burpees jump touch 6″ above reach

A) Front squat 1.1.1 R20S/3M x 4

(compare to 11/3)

B) Weighted pull-ups 2-3 x3; R2-3M


Negative pull-ups (weighted if possible) 4x3sets; R2-3M


12 min AMRAP at 90%:

– 8 Goblet squats (53/35)

– 4 KB push press/side

– 8 T2B

– 200 m run


A) Power clean – build to 1RM in 8 min


B) 8 min AMRAP power clean at 90% of A


Rest as needed)



500m row at 100%

– rest 90 sec

500m row at 100%


*score is times added together


A) EMOM x 6 min

3-4 push jerks at 70%

B1) RFESS 6-8/side @ 20X1; R60S

B2) Seated jump overs; 4 reps; R90S x 3sets


For time:

800 m run

20 TGUP (53/35)

800 m run


A) Deadlift – 5, 5, 5 – all sets above 75% of 1RM; R2-3M

B1) Single-arm DB row – 8-10/arm x5; R10S

B2) Scapula pushups – 10reps x5; R2M

C) 50 kipping CTB pull-ups for time done in UB sets of 5

D) 3 min FLR on rings or 5 min on floor


6mins 85% effort

– 7 wall balls 20# 10′ target

– 7 supermans

– 5 T2B

rest walk 3 mins

6min 85% effort

– Row 150m

– 5 burpee box jump up and overs

rest walk 3 mins

6min 85% effort

– 10 walk lunges

– 8 kbs (53/35)

– 8 situps

rest walk 3 mins

6mins 85% effort

– Run 200m

– Row 150m


24 Day Challenge, Let’s Go!

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After a recount, what was formally the 23 Day Challenge, is now the 24 Day Challenge… and it starts today! We have already had a slew of pledges to cut bad habits over the next 24 days leading up to Thanksgiving. A good amount of our morning 5:30 and 6:30 am classes already have their names and habits on the white board for the rest of the EDCF community to see and to help them be held accountable. So what are you going to give up?

Remember, you are giving up a bad habit. This can be, but is not limited to diet, daily expenses, time management, etc. You can also pick something that you don’t do enough. For example, we have a couple athletes pledging to drink two liters of water per day.

So, again, what are you giving up (or adding)? Write it on the board along with your name when you get to the gym today!