5 mins 90% effort

– Row 150m

– 25 DU

rest 3 mins

5 mins 90% effort

– 10 KB swings (53/35)

– 10 walking lunges

– 12/10 cal AD bike

rest 3 mins

5 mins 90% effort

– row 150m

– 5 burpees over the erg

rest 3 mins

5 mins 90% effort

– 7 medball situps (20/14)

– 7 HR pushups

– 7 box step ups 24″

rest 3 mins

5 mins 90% effort (increase reps by 2 every round)

– 2 wall balls 20# 10′ target

– 2 pull-ups


A) EMOM x 6 min

– 5 TnG power snatches (moderate to tough, perfect)

B) Build to a heavy 3 reps on Deadlift in 10 min (NOT TnG, reset tension before each pull)


Row 1500m

– R4M x 2 sets

*Goal is to increase pace a couple seconds each 500m split. The last 500m should be slightly faster than goal 2K pace.


A) Front squat 1&¼ squats 4-6; R3M x 3 setsB) EMOM x 5 min x 3 sets

0-5: Squat clean x 3 @ 65% (not TnG)


8-13: Squat clean x 2 @ 75% (not TnG)


16-20: Squat clean x 1 @ 85-95%

C) Coach’s choice if time remains


3 sets increase pace per set 80%, 90%, 100%

– 400 m run

– 25 box jumps – SD 24/20”

– 12 DB snatches alternating (50-70/20-45)

– 50 DU

– 400 m row

rest 5-6 min


January 19-23 Programming Overview

Saturday, Jan. 24 – Nutrition seminar @ 10am

Sign up to attend the nutrition seminar here: https://eastdallascrossfit.frontdeskhq.com/events/443537 – FREE for everyone

Monday, Jan. 26 – Body composition testing @ 4-7pm

Sign up for your preferred testing time here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/east-dallas-crossfit-body-composition-testing-tickets-15222962290 – members only

*Use the code “RETEST” if you’ve tested with them before to receive a discount!

A1) Bench press cluster 1. 1. 1; R10S/30S

A2) Pendlay row 4-6 @20X1 x 4 sets; R2M

B) EMOM x 14 min

E: 4-7 kipping UB T2B

O: 12 heavy KB swings

C) EMOM  x 10 min

E: 8-12 burpees

O: 12/10 cal row


*Compare to 1/9/15


A) EMOM x 5 min

– snatch balance off rack x 2 reps (easy-moderate weight/perfect form)

B) 3 position snatch (high hang, above knee, floor); 1.1; R20S/3M

C) 1K row @ 2K row pace or 90%; R3M x 2-3 sets (same pace)