A1) Rear foot elevated split squats 8-10/leg @ 20X1; R30S
A2) 30 banded good mornings @ 20X1; R90S x 3 sets
For time:
15-12-9-6-3 reps of
– Front squat 135/95
– HR push-ups
– 200 m run

8 min AMRAP
– 4 sandbag get-ups (2/side)
– 10 KB swings
– 150 m row
8 min AMRAP
– 6 DB snatch alternating
– 6 Box jump – SD (24/20”)
– 200 m run
8 min AMRAP
– 8 wallballs
– 8 C2G push-ups
– 40 DUs (100 singles)
3 rounds not for time:
– 10-15 BB ab-rollouts; rest as needed
– 1 lap waiter’s walk (switch arms)

A1) Bench press @20X1; 6, 6, 6; R20S
A2) AMRAP Bent over barbell row@ 75% of A1 @20X0 ; R30S
A3) Bent over DB flys 8-10 @ 20X1; R3M x 3 sets
5 rounds for time:
– 5 deadlifts (155/105, 135/95, 115/75, 95/65,)
– 6 hang power cleans
– 7 T2B

Programming Overview: April 6-10

A note about our programming for the immediate future…

We are switching gears after the completion of this year’s CrossFit Open (yay!). Our focus for the next 2-3 months will be to build upon our aerobic base as well as increase overall strength. Both of these have to be at or near their full potential in order to start building speed and power. So we are breaking things down and focusing on the basic lifts with the addition of some assistance movements as well as getting better at moving for longer periods of time at a slightly lower intensity. You will be seeing much more of the main lifts and longer AMRAP intervals.

Please let us know if you have any questions AND KEEP TRACK WITH EVERYTHING YOU ARE DOING DAY TO DAY!


Monday 4/6

Compare to 3/30

A) Back squat 8 reps @ 20X1; R2-3M

Compare to 3/2

B) Pull-up tester (pick one based on ability level)

50 CTB pull-ups in UB sets of 5

30 CTB pull-ups in UB sets of 3

50 pull-ups in UB sets of 5*

30 pull-ups in UB sets of 3*

*Can be done with bands


For time all out!!

– Row 250m

– 15 KB swings 70/53

– 25 burpees

– 15 KB swings

– Row 250m


Tuesday 4/7

A1) Bench press @20X1; 6, 6, 6; R20S

A2) AMRAP Bent over barbell row@ 75% of A1 @20X0 ; R30S

A3) Bent over DB flys 8-10 @ 20X1; R3M x 3 sets


5 rounds for time:

– 5 deadlifts (155/105, 135/95, 115/75, 95/65,)

– 6 hang power cleans

– 7 T2B


Wednesday 4/8

8 min AMRAP

– 4 sandbag get-ups (2/side)

– 10 KB swings

– 150 m row


8 min AMRAP

– 6 DB snatch alternating

– 6 Box jump – SD (24/20”)

– 200 m run


8 min AMRAP

– 8 wallballs

– 8 C2G push-ups

– 40 DUs (100 singles)


3 rounds not for time:

– 10-15 BB ab-rollouts; rest as needed

– 1 lap waiter’s walk (switch arms)


Thursday 4/9

A1) Rear foot elevated split squats 8-10/leg @ 20X1; R30S

A2) 30 banded good mornings @ 20X1; R90S x 3 sets


For time:

15-12-9-6-3 reps of

– Front squat 135/95

– HR push-ups

– 200 m run


Friday 4/10

A) EMOM x 10 min (compare to 4/2)

– 1 power clean + 2 split jerk (build from 65%)

B) EMOM x 6-8 min

– 5 TnG push jerks off rack @80% of A

C) EMOM x 10 min

E: 6-10 burpees (stay consistent)

O: 12/10 cal row


Compare to 3/2
A) Back squat 8 reps @ 20X1; R2-3M
Compare to 3/2
B) Pull-up tester (pick one based on ability level)
50 CTB pull-ups in UB sets of 5
30 CTB pull-ups in UB sets of 3
50 pull-ups in UB sets of 5
30 pull-ups in UB sets of 3
*Can be done with bands
For time all out!!
– Row 250m
– 15 KB swings 70/53
– 25 burpees
– 15 KB swings
– Row 250m

A1) Bench press @20X1; 8, 8, 8; R20S (compare to 3/25)
A2) Standing BB curls 12, 12, 12; R30S
A3) AMRAP ring rows @ 30X1; R2-3M
EMOM x 18 min
min 1: 5-10 HSPUs
min 2: 5-10 T2B
min 3: 12/10 cal row (not to exceed 40 sec)

A) EMOM x 8 min
– 1 power clean + 2 split jerk (build from 65%)
4 rounds @ 80-90%
– 5 power clean & jerks @ 65%
– 400 m run

A) Overhead squat
– Build to a tough single in 8 min (not a 1RM)
B) EMOM x 10 min
– 1 hang squat snatch from above knee (start at 60% and build)
3 sets:
1 min DB snatch alternating (50-70/20-45)
30 sec rest
1 min max wallballs (20/14)
30 sec rest
1 min row for cal