NEW: We will be hosting our first ever EDCF Mobility class this Thursday from 6:30-7pm! More details >HERE<.
NOTE: There will be regular classes this Saturday but no class on Sunday. There will also be a 9am workout on Monday (Labor Day).
Monday 8/31
A) Back Squat
*Set 1 – 5 reps @ 60% of 1RM
*Set 2 – 4 reps @ 75%
*Set 3 – 3 rep @ 85%
*Set 4 – 2 reps @ 90%
*Set 5 – 5 reps @ 80%
*Set 6 – 5 reps @ 80%
*Set 7 – 5 reps @ 80%
*Set 8 – 5 reps @ 80%
– R2M between sets
3 rounds for time:
– 50 double unders
– 10 thrusters 95/64
– 10 pull-ups
*Sub 120 singles
Tuesday 9/1
A1) Push Press TnG x 4 (tough but build each set); R20S
A2) Bent over supinated grip barbell row 6-8 @ 20X1; R2M (contract lats)
x 4 sets
*Compare to 8/18
Every 4 minutes, for 20 minutes (5 sets) @ 98% effort:
– 20/15 cal row
– 5 Hang power cleans @ 65-70% 1RM C&J
– 3 Shoulder to Overhead
Wednesday 9/2
*Pick an option that works for your ability level.Perform at 80-90%, for times:
Every 6 min x 30 min (5 sets)
– Run 400m
– 15 box jump overs (24/20”)
– 20/15 chest to ground push-ups
– 25 Russian KB swings (70/53)
Every 8 min x 32 min (4 sets)
Every 10 min x 30 min (3 sets)
*Goal is to stay consistent
Thursday 9/3
A) Every 90 sec x 15 min (10 sets)
– 1 snatch, 1 overhead squat, 1 hang snatch
*start at 65% and build
B) EMOM x 12 min:
E: 5 TnG power snatch (moderate weight- slightly heavier than last Wed.)
O: 5-10 T2B/K2C/Weighted V-up
C1) Bent over DB row 10-15/side x 3 sets AHAP; R30S
C2) DB rollback extensions x 8-10; R300S
C3) Farmers carry 100ft AHAP; R60S
Friday 9/4
A) 3 rounds not for time:
– 3 noes-to-wall HSPU + 30 sec handstand hold
– 6-8 strict ring pull-ups
– 50 UB double unders
– 3 perfect wall walks w/ 5-10 sec noes-to-wall hold after each
– 10 supinated ring rows @ 20X1
– 1 min DU practice
B) EMOM x 18-24 min
min 1 – 6 Burpees + 4-6 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
min 2 – 8 Push Press (135/95, 115/75, 95/55 – taken from ground)
min 3 – 10 Walking Lunges with KB/DB in each hand (70ish/53ish, 53ish/35ish, 35ish/18ish)
Saturday 9/5 – Labor Day Weekend
No classes
Extra Credit
Every 2 min for 20 min
– 2 x full snatch from blocks
*Start at 70% and build over 10 sets
*Use blocks on back platform if able or go from hand at knee. If using blocks, bar should sit right above your kneecap.
Death by muscle up – do 1 MU the first minute then every minute add one rep to it until failure to complete all reps in that given minute. Does not have to be UB.
Death by MU (scaled) – same as above but add one rep every two minutes. Does not have to be
A1) Push Press TnG x 4 (tough but build each set); R20S
A2) Bent over supinated grip barbell row 6-8 @ 20X1; R2M (contract lats)
x 4 sets
*Compare to 8/18
Every 4 minutes, for 20 minutes (5 sets) @ 98% effort:
– 20/15 cal row
– 5 Hang power cleans @ 65-70% 1RM C&J
– 3 Shoulder to Overhead
A) EMOM x 10 min
E: 2-3 weighted ring dips (heavy)
5-10 banded dips
O: 10-12 medball weighted V-ups
Every 5 min x 25 min (5 sets)
– Run 400m @ 90%
– 6-10 strict supinated pull-ups
Every 7 min x 28 min (4 sets)
Every 9 min x 27 min (3 sets)
A1) DB Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat x 8 reps each leg @ 30X1; R45S btwn legs, and 45 before moving on
A2) Nose-to-Wall Handstand Hold x 30-34 seconds
OR Nose-to-Wall shoulder touches x 15-20 reps; R60S
A3) Dumbbell External Rotations x 8 reps each @ 2020; R60S
3 min AMRAP wallballs (20/14)
Rest 2 min
5 min max row for cal
Rest 2 min
3 min AMRAP wallballs (20/14)
*Score is total wallballs + calories rowed
A1) Bench press 46 @ 3011; R30S
A2) Romanian deadlift 46 @ 3011; R90120S x 4 sets *Heavier than 8/12
B) EMOM x 12 min:
E: 5 TnG power snatch (moderate weight)
O: 12/9 cal row
C1) Bent over DB row 1015/side x 3 sets AHAP; R30S C2) DB rollback tricep extensions x 810; R60S
A) Front squat
– Build to 80% in 5 reps
Then, E2MOM x 10 min:
min 0: 1 x 85%
min 2: 1 x 85-90%
min 4: 90%
min 6: 90+%
min 8: 90+%
*Heavier than 8/14
B) Every minute, on the minute, for 18-24 minutes:
min 1: 10-20 Double-Unders + 10 UB Pull-Ups
min 2: 10 Front-Racked Alternating Reverse Lunges (115/75, 95/65, 75/45)
min 3: 6-10 Push Press (same weight)
*Longer than 8/14
Take advantage of our 7 Days for $7 special! Attend our classes, learn the format, and join our vibrant community without any prep courses or restrictions. Simply find a time that works best for you and get started!