Coach Drew Hits 7 Years


Is CrossFit a sustainable method of reaching your fitness goals? Maybe you should ask coach Drew. Today marks her 7th year anniversary of starting CrossFit and she will be able to tell you first hand that it’s not all smiles and cupcakes. You will hit bumps along the road, you will discover who you are at your physical and mental limit, but you will keep getting better. Here is what she has to say about her journey.

“Seven years ago today I walked into my very first CrossFit class at old school BTB and started my day with a hero workout, “Ryan,” consisting of 5 rounds of 7 muscle ups and 21 burpees. Naturally those muscle ups consisted of green band assisted pull ups and ring dips, but I did all the damn burpees. Over the next few days, I got all the weight taken off my back squat bar, unsuccessfully tried to clean 100 pounds like 20 times in one day, and would only complete box jumps on the soft tire because I was scared.

Today I probably still can’t complete Ryan RX, but I can do a muscle up and back squat over 300 pounds, and last weekend I got within striking distance of a 200 pound clean.

More important than my accomplishments, though is how CrossFit has given me the opportunity to help others make the same empowering changes in their lives. In two weeks, I’ll re-certify my Level 1 so I can spend another 5 years doing the same.

It’s been a fun ride, but so we’re clear, I still hate burpees and I’m still scared of the the box.”

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AMRAP x 8 min @ 85-90%

– 12 wallballs 20/14

– 8 pull-ups

– 50 double unders


AMRAP x 8 min @ 85-90%

– 12 Russian KB swings 70/53

– 8 Goblet hold reverse lunges

– 200 m run


AMRAP x 8 min @ 85-90%

– 12 Push press (115/75, 95/65, 75/55)

– 8 T2B

– 500/400 m row


AMRAP x 8 min @ 85-90%

– 12 Alt. DB snatch (50-75/20-45)

– 8 Box jumps – SD (24/20”)

– 200 m run

A) Every 90 sec x 15 min
1 clean (squat) from 2” below knee + 1 clean (squat)
*reset after first clean, not TnG
For time:
– 800m run
– 20 power cleans (135/95)
– 20 front squats
– 400m run
– 20 front squats
– 20 power cleans
– 800m run

A) EMOM x 10 min

Min 1: Push press TnG x 2 (tough but build each set)

Min 2: Weighted/Negative pull-up x 2 (tough but build each set)

*Compare to 9/22

B) E3MOM x 9 min

– Push press TnG x 10 reps (start moderate and build heavy)

C) 3 sets for max reps of:

60 Seconds of strict HSPU/minimal kip HSPU/seated L DB press

60 Seconds of supinated strict pull-ups

immediately followed by…

3 sets for max reps of:

60 Seconds of ring dips

60 Seconds of bent over BB row (65/45)


Remember to sign up for classes by clicking the “Sign In” link below!

Programming Overview: Oct. 5-10

Upcoming Events:

– Thursday Mobility with RJ from 6:30-7ish. Come work out areas affected by this weeks programming as well as any ongoing problem spots. Class is every Thursday evening.

Near Future…

– Thursday 10/15. No Shower Happy Hour at On Rotation from 6:30-8:30pm.

– Saturday 10/24. Top Golf. Come get some swings in with the EDCF crew. Time TBD.

Things to Note: 

– Please sign up for classes! It takes literally 60 seconds to sign up for your classes for the rest of the week! Go HERE.


Monday 10/5

A) E2MOM x 10 min (5 sets)

– Back Squat x 5 @ 75%

B) EMOM x  min

Min 3: 8 thrusters (115/75, 95/65, 75/55)

Min 2: 12/9 cal row

Min 3: 6-10 burpees


Tuesday 10/6

A) EMOM x 10 min

Min 1: Push press TnG x 2 (tough but build each set)

Min 2: Weighted/Negative pull-up x 2 (tough but build each set)

*Compare to 9/22

B) E3MOM x 9 min

– Push press TnG x 10 reps (start moderate and build heavy)

C) 3 sets for max reps of:

60 Seconds of strict HSPU/minimal kip HSPU/seated L DB press

60 Seconds of supinated strict pull-ups

immediately followed by…

3 sets for max reps of:

60 Seconds of ring dips

60 Seconds of bent over BB row (65/45)


Wednesday 10/7

A) Every 90 sec x 15 min

1 clean (squat) from 2” below knee + 1 clean (squat)

*reset after first clean, not TnG


For time:

– 800m run

– 20 power cleans (135/95)

– 20 front squats

– 400m run

– 20 front squats

– 20 power cleans

– 800m run


Thursday 10/8

AMRAP x 8 min @ 85-90%

– 12 wallballs 20/14

– 8 pull-ups

– 50 double unders


AMRAP x 8 min @ 85-90%

– 12 Russian KB swings 70/53

– 8 Goblet hold reverse lunges

– 200 m run


AMRAP x 8 min @ 85-90%

– 12 Push press (115/75, 95/65, 75/55)

– 8 T2B

– 500/400 m row


AMRAP x 8 min @ 85-90%

– 12 Alt. DB snatch (50-75/20-45)

– 8 Box jumps – SD (24/20”)

– 200 m run


Friday 10/9

A) EMOM x 15 min

1: Bench press x 3 @ 80%

2: BB good mornings x 6-8 @ 2011 (moderate, off ground)

3: Rest

B1) sled drag down and back AHAP

B2) 8 atlas stone to shoulder (switch sides each rep)

B3) farmers carry down and back AHAP

B4) 20 hollow rocks

A) E2MOM x 10 min (5 sets)
– Back Squat x 5 @ 75%
B) EMOM x min
Min 1: 8 thrusters (115/75, 95/65, 75/55)
Min 2: 12/9 cal row
Min 3: 6-10 burpees

A) Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
(Snatch Push Press + Overhead Squat with Pause) x 4 reps
(perform the push press, descend to the bottom of OHS and hold for 2 seconds, then come up and repeat for four reps)
B) Every 90 sec x 15 min
3 stop halting snatch deadlift + snatch
*Pause 2 seconds below knee, above knee, at pockets. Reset to ground, then perform another full snatch @ 65­80%.
For time:
­ 12 Power snatches (115/75, 95/55, 75/35)
­ 12 Box jumps ­ SD (24/20′′)
­ 9 Power snatches
­ 9 Box jumps ­ SD
­ 6 Power snatches
­ 6 Box jumps ­ SD
­ Run 400 Meters

A) Every 3 minutes, for 9 minutes (3 sets):


Build to 60% then…

Set 1 – 6 reps @ 65%

Set 2 – 6 reps @ 70%

Set 3 – 6 reps @ 75%


Pick depending on rowing ability:

Every 6 min x 3 sets

– Row 1000/800m (advanced)

– 20 burpees over erg


– Row 750/600m (intermediate)

– 16 burpees over erg


– Row 500/400m (beginner)

– 12 burpees over erg