A) Push Press
5, 3, 2, 1, 1, (1); R2-3M – Build to a new 1RM
B) 3 sets for max reps of:
– 60 Seconds of strict HSPU/minimal kip HSPU/seated L DB press
– 60 Seconds of supinated strict pull-ups
R60S then immediately followed by…
3 sets for max reps of:
– 60 Seconds of ring dips
– 60 Seconds of bent over BB row (65/45)
*Compare to 10/6
C) 3 sets not for time:
– max accumulated L-sit (can use partner or high knee hold off box)
– R30S
– 15-20 reverse snow angel
– R60S

A) E2MOM x 6 min (3 sets)
– 3 power cleans
E2MOM x 6 min (3 sets)
– 2 power cleans
E2MOM x 8 min (4 sets)
– 1 power clean
B) For time (tester):
15, 12, 9 reps of…
– Power clean (135/95, 115/75, 95/65)
– Burpees
*Power cleans should be at a weight that is or near being UB.
C) 3 sets not for time:
– Good mornings x 8-10 reps @ 3011
– Rest 60 seconds
– Banded hamstring curls (green band) x 15-20 seconds
– Rest 60 seconds

Programming Overview: Nov. 2-7

Upcoming Events:

Thursday 11/4 – Mobility with RJ

Tuesday 11/10 – Non-Profit Tuesday @ Craft & Growler benefitting Barbells & Handlebars

Saturday 11/21 – Barbells & Handlebars (sign up to compete OR volunteer HERE)


Monday 11/2

A) E2MOM x 10 min (5 sets)

1 Front squat @ 23X1 + 2 front squat

*start at 65% and work to something heavy


Against a 4-minute running clock x 3 sets

– Row 500/400m

– 20 Wall Ball Shots

– Pull-ups for max reps in remaining time.

*R4M between sets


Tuesday 11/3

A) E2MOM x 6 min (3 sets)

– 3 power cleans


E2MOM x 6 min (3 sets)

– 2 power cleans


E2MOM x 8 min (4 sets)

– 1 power clean

B) For time (tester):

15, 12, 9 reps of…

– Power clean (135/95, 115/75, 95/65)

– Burpees

*Power cleans should be at a weight that is or near being UB.

C) 3 sets not for time:

– Good mornings x 8-10 reps @ 3011

– Rest 60 seconds

– Banded hamstring curls (green band) x 15-20 seconds

– Rest 60 seconds


Wednesday 11/4

A) Push Press

5, 3, 2, 1, 1, (1); R2-3M – Build to a new 1RM

B) 3 sets for max reps of:

– 60 Seconds of strict HSPU/minimal kip HSPU/seated L DB press

– 60 Seconds of supinated strict pull-ups

R60S then immediately followed by…

3 sets for max reps of:

– 60 Seconds of ring dips

– 60 Seconds of bent over BB row (65/45)

*Compare to 10/6

C) 3 sets not for time:

– max accumulated L-sit (can use partner or high knee hold off box)

– R30S

– 15-20 reverse snow angel

– R60S


Thursday 11/5

A) Back Squat

5, 4, 3, 2, 1

R3M – all should be heavy with no misses!

*This isn’t supposed to be a 1RM test but go for it if feeling it.


4 sets for max reps:

– 60 seconds of Russian KB swings (53/35)

– 60 seconds of DB push press (35/20)

– 60 seconds of goblet hold reverse lunges

– 60 seconds of rowing for calories

– 60 seconds rest


Friday 11/6

A) Deadlift

Set 1 – 5 reps @ 65%

Set 2 – 5 reps @ 75%

Set 3 – 3-5 reps @ 80-82% (up from 10/14)

Rest 3 minutes between sets. Don’t let form get sloppy.

B1) Sled drag AHAP down and back

B2) 8 alternating TGUP (heavy but consistent)

B3) DU practice or 50-100 DUsx 3 sets total


Saturday 11/7

8am Masters CF

9am CrossFit

10am Level 2

11am Free Intro To CrossFit


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A) E2MOM x 10 min (5 sets)
1 Front squat @ 23X1 + 2 front squat
*start at 65% and work to something heavy
Against a 4-minute running clock x 3 sets
– Row 500/400m
– 20 Wall Ball Shots
– Pull-ups for max reps in remaining time.
*R4M between sets

A) Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
(Snatch Push Press + Overhead Squat with Pause) x 4 reps
(perform the push press, descend to the bottom of OHS and hold for 2 seconds, then come up and repeat for four reps)
B) Every 90 sec x 15 min
– snatch + snatch w/ 2 second pause at knee cap x 2 reps
*build but keep technique on point, compare to 10/16
C1) 20 dual KB front rack walking lunges (heavy); R60S
C2) 1 lap farmers carry AHAP; R60S
C3) 50-100 double unders or 2 min of DU practice; R60S x 3 sets

A) EMOM x 15 min
1: Bench press x 3 @ 83-85%+ (5-10lb heavier than 10/15)
2: Bent over DB row x 8-10 R
3: Bent over DB row x 8-10 L
1 time through:
– Deadlift x 15 reps @ 2011
– R20S
– Max reps of strict/kipping/banded HSPU or L-seated DB press
– R2M
– Deadlift x 10 reps @ 2011
– R20S
– Max reps of strict/kipping/banded HSPU or L-seated DB press
– R2M
– Deadlift x 5 reps @ 2011
– R20S
– Max reps of strict/kipping/banded HSPU or L-seated DB press

*Increase the deadlift load each set, with the goal of selecting a weight that is extremely challenging for the final 2-3 reps of each set.
*If you’re unable to get a minimum of 5-6 HSPU, perform either kipping or banded or an L-Seated Dumbbell Press with a weight that will allow you to get at least 10 reps in your first set.

3 rounds not for time:
– 8-10 DB tricep rollback extensions
– 8-10 DB curls per arm

A) E2MOM x 6 min (3 sets)
– 2 power cleans + 1 front squat
E2MOM x 6 min (3 sets)
– 1 power clean + 1 front squat
E2MOM x 6 min (3 sets)
– 1 squat clean
*Build over the course of 9 sets to something heavy
3 rounds for time:
– 400m run
– 20 wall ball
– 10 T2B

A) E3MOM x 15 min (5 sets)
– 6 TnG push press at same weight as last week (or heavier if possible)
3-4 sets very hard effort:
– 12 alternating DB snatch (50-75/20-45)
– 8 burpees AFAP
– 30 sec all out row