A) E2MOM x 12 min (6 sets)
– 3 Back squat @ 80-85%

B) Gymnastics Cycle (week 2)
EMOM x 15 min
1: Handstand walk development (choose best option based on skill level)
a) 40 ft handstand walk
b) 3-4 handstand walk into wall
c) 15-20 shoulder touches (facing away or towards the wall
2: 5-10 supinated pull-ups (doesn’t have to be UB)
3: 10-30 Double unders

C) 3 sets not for time:
– 15 reverse snow angels (0-5lb/band)
– 20 DB hip thrusts @ 20X1

Programming Overview: Dec. 7-12

Check out the December Newsletter if you didn’t see it in your email >HERE<. Lot’s of important info!

Weekly Schedule

– Thursday 12/10: Mobility with RJ moving to an all new time at 6:00pm!

– Saturday 12/12: EDCF Christmas Party at Goodfriend!


Monday 12/7

A) E2MOM x 12 min (6 sets)

– 1 power clean + 2 split jerk @ 65-85%

*Pause 2-3 sec in receiving position of split jerk


B) EMOM x 5 min

– 5 push jerks (fluid and efficient)


C) For time (compare to 9/23):

– 30 cal row

– 30 burpee over the bar

– 30 hang power cleans (135/95)


Tuesday 12/8

A) E2MOM x 12 min (6 sets)

– 3 Back squat @ 80-85%


B) Gymnastics Cycle (week 2)

EMOM x 15 min

1: Handstand walk development (choose best option based on skill level)

  1. a) 40 ft handstand walk
  2. b) 3-4 handstand walk into wall
  3. c) 15-20 shoulder touches (facing away or towards the wall

2: 5-10 supinated pull-ups (doesn’t have to be UB)

3: 10-30 Double unders


C) 3 sets not for time:

– 15 reverse snow angels (0-5lb/band)

– 20 DB hip thrusts @ 20X1


Wednesday 12/9

A) Banded Deadlift

– 10 banded singles at 55%; R30S between each

*use green band


B) Deadlift

set 1 – 5 reps @ 65%

set 2 – 5 reps @ 75%

set 3 – 5 reps @ 86% (up 2% from 11/17)

Rest 2-3 minutes between sets


C) For time:

– 400 m run

– 40 RKB swings (heavy)

– 40 sit-ups

– 400 m run

– 30 RKB swings

– 30 sit-ups

– 400 m run

– 20 RKB swings

– 20 sit-ups


Thursday 12/10

A) EMOM x 15

1: Bench press x 2-3 @ 82-87% (2% more than last week)

2: 6-8 bent over BB row @ 20X0

3: rest


B) 10 min AMRAP

– Row 1,000/800m:

With remaining time, AMRAP:

– 40 Double-Unders

– 30 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lbs)

– 20/15 HR push-ups


C) 3 rounds not for time:

– 6-8 DB/KB Bulgarian split squats @30X1 (heavier than last week)

– 10 dual DB bicep curls


Friday 12/11

A) E2MOM x 6 min (3 sets)

– (1 snatch grip push press + 1 overhead squat with pause at the bottom) x 2-3 reps


B) E2MOM x 12 min (6 sets)

– 1 snatch 2” below knee + 1 snatch


C) 7 min AMRAP:

– 7 overhead squats 95/65

– 7 box jumps – SD (24/20”)

– 7 T2B


Saturday 12/12

– 8am Masters CF

– 9am CrossFit

– 10am Barbell/Level 2

How To Be A Coachable Athlete

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Our job as coaches is to relay helpful information to you as an athlete in a way that you can understand and apply to yourself to make you better than when you walked in the door that day. While this is certainly the goal, sometimes certain things like class time constraints, larger class sizes, and other movement priorities can get in the way. So how can you as an athlete make sure that you are doing everything possible to make your experience better for when we do get around to showing you some 1-on-1 love?


1. Get To The Gym Early – Try and get to the gym 10 minutes before class. This will help with a number of things. It will give you time to go over the workout, ask a coach for certain progressions to movements you might not remember or are having trouble with, see how others did so you can get a feel for pace and timing, and give you time to mentally prepare before class starts. This is when you should let your coach know if you have limitations due to injury or if you are unsure of something so that they can watch you more carefully during class and give you more personalized coaching cues.


2. Listen During Class – Before starting a segment in that day’s programming, whether it is strength work, metabolic conditioning, or the accessory work, the coach will always go over how the movements should look and feel as well as any personal tips that they feel are beneficial. Make sure to put effort into listening to these tips even if you’ve heard them a few times over. You might just catch something new! Try and take away 2-3 cues for each movement and or WOD to store in your head before starting in. As you are warming into your starting weight, slow things down in your head and concentrate on what was said.


3. Ask Us To Watch – Get a set of eyes on you. You should know how a good rep or movement pattern feels before moving onto the next part of class. This will also give you undivided attention and confidence to perform in front of another’s set of eyes. You should walk away from every session with at least one cue or at least know what doing something right or better feels like.


4. Stay After And Ask Questions – If a coach is not engaged with another class, pull them aside and go over anything that might have not been clear during the class. This is when you can find out the “why” or the big picture behind certain cues or progressions. Ask about ways to improve movements or skills outside of class. If you have a question about something outside the gym like nutrition, sleep, or mobility then ask away! Questions are never annoying, rather they tell the coach that you are engaged and care about what they have to offer.


5. Share Your Goals – Have a goal in mind that you would love to reach? Share them with a coach! We can help you decide how to go about reaching your goal, if your goal needs to be broken down into smaller sequential goals, and what a good timeframe would look like for your goal. We will be putting up a goal board for the new year and providing some extra help outside of class to help you too so stay posted!

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December Athlete Of The Month: Ruben Reyes

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If you have been keeping up with these athlete of the month posts, you’ll notice a trend. All of them are easily coachable, dedicated to the program, come early or stay late to work on their weaknesses, and are positive influences to other members. Ruben falls into this same group on every level. He puts his head down and works hard, asks for and takes advice to heart, and is all in all a joy to be around. Keep at it Rubes!

Here is what Ruben had to say about EDCF…

When did you join EDCF?  How did you find the gym?  What was your first impression or how did that first workout go?

I joined EDCF in March after recently moving back home. My first taste of Crossfit was the free Saturday workout, and I didn’t know what to expect. Being the only person that day, Ryan did an outstanding job of making me feel welcome, and took his time explaining the movements being used that day. That first workout harsh, but fun, and left me wanting more.

What class time do you attend the most, are there any regular members you work out with at that time?

I workout in the evenings at 6:30. Some of the regulars include Jason, David, Jon, Mike P., RJ, Bryan, Ryan K., Tina, Bryan, and Faye.

Tell us a little about yourself, What is your life like outside the gym? Where do you work, do you have kids/pets/husband/bf/partner? What is your favorite hobby outside the gym?

I am a full time student at North Lake College which leaves me with very little free time outside of the classroom. In my spare time I like to hang out with my close friends doing any kind of outdoor activity including hiking, rock climbing, and swimming. I have two dogs that make coming home a delight, and they do a great job of keeping occupied.

What do you like about CrossFit or EDCF that keeps you coming back?

I keep coming back because of the great people that make up EDCF, especially the evening regulars. Everyone is encouraging, and the coaches are fully committed to helping us improve. The programming is very well done, and there is never a doubt as to why we are doing a specific workout. Crossfit is a huge stress reliever, and there is no greater feeling than the one after completing a difficult WOD. Every event that EDCF puts on is truly a fun time, and helps foster a sense of community, and camaraderie; something that had been missing in my life for a while.

What is your favorite lift or exercise or type of workout? What is one of your short term and long term goals?

I enjoy anything with a barbell, especially squats and thrusters. Short term goals include nailing down double-unders, and connecting my pull-ups efficiently. As for the long term, I would like to improve my diet, and actually stick to it. Oh, and never missing another box jump, like ever!   

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A) E2MOM x 12 min (6 sets)
– 1 power clean + 2 split jerk @ 65-85%
*Pause 2-3 sec in receiving position of split jerk

B) EMOM x 5 min
– 5 push jerks (fluid and efficient)

C) For time (compare to 9/23):
– 30 cal row
– 30 burpee over the bar
– 30 hang power cleans (135/95)

A) E2MOM x 6 min (3 sets)
– 3 position snatch @ 60-70%

B) E2MOM x 12 min (6 sets)
– 2 snatches from floor building from 70-90+%
*these should be caught in a squat if able

C) 3 rounds not for time:
– farmers carry down and back; heavy but AFAP
– earthquake bar hold 45-60 sec (heavier than last time)
– AMRAP UB strict push-ups (tight and flawless) @1010
– 10, 25, or 50 UB double unders
– 10-15 DB bent over rows per side

A) Power cleans
E2MOM x 8 min (4 sets)
1 hang power clean + 1 power clean (not TnG) 65-80%
E2MOM x 8 min (4 sets)
1 power clean @ 85, 90, 90+, 90+%

B) 4 rounds for time:
– 200 m run
– 12 box jumps – SD (24/20”)
– 12 DB snatches alternating

B) 3 rounds not for time:
– 6-8 DB/KB Bulgarian split squats @30X1
– 10 dual DB bicep curls