A) Build to a heavy power snatch double in 10 minutes (6-8 sets)
– Rest 10 sec between reps. If you find it early, drop weight and do doubles EMOM until 10 min has expired.
B) Every 5 min x 20-25 min (4-5 sets)
– 6 TnG power snatches (build if able)
– 8 burpees over the bar AFAP
– 20 sec row sprint @ 100%
Memorial Day Murph is happening next Monday (5/30)! This is an annual Hero WOD that we do every Memorial Day. There will be 2 options, the full Murph and the 1/2 Murph. Check out the heat schedule and sign up for the heat that fits you best by clicking HERE.
Monday 5/23
A) EMOM x 5 min
Back Squat
*Set 1 – 40% x 1 rep
*Set 2 – 50% x 1 rep
*Set 3 – 60% x 1 rep
*Set 4 – 70% x 1 rep
*Set 5 – 80% x 1 rep
R60S, then….
Every 2 minutes…
*Set 6 – 85% x 1 rep
*Set 7 – 90% x 1 rep
*Set 8 – 95% x 1 rep
*Set 9 – 95+% x 1 rep
*Set 10 – 101+% x 1 rep (optional)
If you’re feeling it, go for it!
B) EMOM x 15 min
1: 5-10 T2B
2: 10-15 KB swings (70/53, 53/35)
3: 15-20 goblet hold reverse lunges (alternating legs)
Tuesday 5/24
A) EMOM x 15 min
1: Bench press x 4-5 @ 30X1 (start at 65% and build)
2: Weighted pull-up x 2-3
OR 6-8 bent over double DB row
3: Supine medball hamstring curls x 8-10 @ 20X1
B) 3 rounds for time
– 400m run
– 15 CTB pull-ups
– 50 double unders
A) EMOM x 15 min
1: Deadlift 10-8-6-4-2 (building heavier than last week)
2: 8-10 seated arnold press
3: rest and load heavier for next DL set
B) E3MOM x 12-15 min
– Run 200m
– 10 alternating DB snatches
– 5-10 toes 2 bar, hanging knee raises, or v-ups
Wednesday 5/25
A) E2MOM x 16 min (8 sets)
– 1 power clean + 1 hang (squat) clean + 1 front squat + 1 jerk
*Start at 65% and build to something tough but sharp.
B) 10 rounds for time:
– 3 squat cleans @ 65%
– 4 box jump overs (24/20”)
Thursday 5/26
A) Build to a heavy power snatch double in 10 minutes (6-8 sets)
– Rest 10 sec between reps. If you find it early, drop weight and do doubles EMOM until 10 min has expired.
B) Every 6 min x 24 min (4 sets)
– 6 TnG power snatches (build if able)
– 8 burpees over the bar AFAP
– 20 sec row sprint @ 100%
A) Hang power clean skill work
B) EMOM x 12 min
E: 5 hang power cleans
O: 6 burpees over the barbell
C) For time:
– 500/400 m row
– 25 Russian KB swings
– 25 wall balls
– 25 Russian KB swings
– 500/400 m row
Friday 5/27
A) Strict Overhead Press – 1RM build up
* Set 1 – 4 reps @ 80%
* Set 2 – 3 reps @ 85%
* Set 3 – 2 reps @ 90%
* Set 4 – 1 rep @ 95%
* Set 5 – 1 rep @ 101+%
* Set 6 – 1 rep @ 101+% (optional)
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.
B) 3 rounds not for time:
– 20 BB front rack reverse lunges (building, heavier than last week)
– R60S
– seated* hand over hand sled pulls (heavy but speedy)
This coming Memorial Day, we will be holding an annual event that honors a fallen hero…
LT. Michael P. Murphy (SEAL) was the officer-in-charge of a four-man SEAL element in support of Operation Red Wings, tasked with finding a key anti-coalition militia commander near Asadabad, Afghanistan. Shortly after inserting into the objective area, the SEALs were spotted by three goat herders who were initially detained and then released. It is believed the goat herders immediately reported the SEALs’ presence to Taliban fighters.
A fierce gun battle ensued on the steep face of the mountain between the SEALs and a much larger enemy force. Despite the intensity of the firefight and suffering grave gunshot wounds himself, Murphy is credited with risking his own life to save the lives of his teammates. Murphy, intent on making contact with headquarters, but realizing this would be impossible in the extreme terrain where they were fighting, unhesitatingly and with complete disregard for his own life moved into the open, where he could gain a better position to transmit a call to get help for his men.
Moving away from the protective mountain rocks, he knowingly exposed himself to increased enemy gunfire. This deliberate and heroic act deprived him of cover and made him a target for the enemy. While continuing to be fired upon, Murphy made contact with the SOF Quick Reaction Force at Bagram Air Base and requested assistance. He calmly provided his unit’s location and the size of the enemy force while requesting immediate support for his team. At one point, he was shot in the back causing him to drop the transmitter. Murphy picked it back up, completed the call and continued firing at the enemy who was closing in. Severely wounded, LT. Murphy returned to his cover position with his men and continued the battle.
LT. Murphy fought on, allowing one member of his team (Marcus Luttrell) to escape, before he was killed. For his selfless actions, LT. Michael Murphy was posthumously awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor on October 27, 2007. We at EDCF will honor his sacrifice and memory though The Murph Challenge this coming Memorial Day.
Event Details: Come out and show your gratitude as you take on this historically tough workout. We will have three heats. Heat 1 will be for full Murph athletes only. Heat 2 will be a mix of full and half Murph athletes. Heat 3 will be for half Murph athletes only. Half Murph is exactly half the reps. The pull-ups, push-ups and air squats can be partitioned however you choose (most people do rounds of 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 squats). Heats will begin approx 10 minutes after their listed start times. Warm-ups will not be conducted as a group but a warm-up routine will be on the board for you so get there a few minutes early. Sign up for your preferred heat below:
Take advantage of our 7 Days for $7 special! Attend our classes, learn the format, and join our vibrant community without any prep courses or restrictions. Simply find a time that works best for you and get started!