We looked back at all of our past Athlete Of The Month posts and we couldn’t believe that Lisette hadn’t been nominated yet. She is one of the keystones of our community and has been for the past three years. She gives us 110% day in and day out and is consistent week after week and year after year. If you’re new to the gym and she’s in your class, chances are she will be the first to welcome you with open arms. Always the endurance athlete, she has been really working on building strength and rounding out her athletic tool bag. We are thankful for the support she’s shown EDCF and we are definitely excited to see where the future lies for Lisette.
Check out what Lisette had to say about her experience at EDCF…
1. When did you join EDCF? How did you find the gym? What was your first impression or how did that first workout go?
I joined EDCF three years ago when Trevor (my husband and I’s best friend since high school) became a new coach at the gym! He encouraged us to join, and having ran several half marathons together, we said “Why not?!”. Olympic lifting was definitely not on my radar, so I was a bit intimidated. However, with a solid Elements crew and experienced members willing to help the newbies, I made a smooth transition into the regular classes.
2. What class time do you attend the most, are there any regular members you work out with at that time?
Being self employed and on call, I attend class whenever I have the chance! I mostly go to the 4:30 or 5:30pm, but I’ve been known to pop into a 6:30am or a noon class, and I go almost every Saturday to meet my best girl/WODSquad Sarah Jaber!!! Having different strengths and weaknesses, she pushes me and helps me to hold myself accountable. We are also known for rowing in sync, snatching in sync, thrusting in sync, wallballing in sync, etc. I think you get the idea! On the other hand, there isn’t a member that I don’t love and admire, and I am grateful to be on this journey with everyone at the gym.
3. Tell us a little about yourself, What is your life like outside the gym? Where do you work, do you have kids/pets/spouse/partner? What is your favorite hobby outside the gym?
We’ll, where shall I start. I was born and raised in East Dallas. Shout out to my favorite teacher in the world, my 4th grade teacher Mrs. Marcia Savard! I’ve run a neighborhood restaurant, The Goldrush Cafe for nearly 20 years. I am a Licensed Massage Therapist for going on 11 years. I’m also a Managing Wellness Advocate for doTERRA certified therapeutic grade essential oils/nutritional supplements. Most recently, I’ve become an ordained minister and officiated my first ceremony this September! (I am now available for weddings, divorces, funerals, bar mitzvahs;)
My husband, Kyle and I have been together for 19 years this month, and have been married for 6 months. We have twin bullterriers named Cosmo and Lucy, who will be 14 years old on Christmas, and a three-year-old rescue named Sooki. We are foodies, so our hobbies outside of the gym are eating yummy food, spending time with friends and family, off-roading, skiing, boating, and hanging out at home with our fur babies!
4. What do you like about CrossFit or EDCF that keeps you coming back?
Personally, what I love about CrossFit is the fact that not only does it strengthen you physically, it’s strengthens you mentally. You compete against the you of two weeks ago or the you of two years ago! It changes your mentality from a “can’t do” to a “can-do and DID do” attitude, which then carries over into your daily life. My favorite Box Rule is our rule #1: leave your ego at the door.
What I absolutely love about EDCF is the COMMUNITY! Everyone is willing to lend a hand, and give advice on lifts and technique. In my three years as a member, I have seen some amazing people come together for some awesome causes that have warmed my heart.
5. What is your favorite lift or exercise or type of workout? What is one of your short term and long term goals?
My favorite lifts are deadlifts, clean and jerk, and back squats. I also enjoy anything cardio, burpees, pull-ups, and toes to bar. My short term goals are to get a muscle up, and to work on stringing together my pull-ups, toes to bar, and double-unders. My long-term goals are to get heavier on all of my lifts, especially the snatch, to walk on my hands, and to just continue to challenge myself outside of my comfort zone, with the help of our awesome coaches and members, of course!