Programming Overview: Dec. 26 – Jan. 1


Please make sure to check out our schedule for this week!

Monday 12/26

“The Chief”

Max rounds in three minutes of:

– 3 power cleans (135/95 lbs)

– 6 perfect push-ups

– 9 air squats


Rest 60 seconds between rounds and complete a total of 5 rounds picking up where you left off on the previous round.


Tuesday 12/27

A) E3MOM x 15 min (5 sets):

– 5 bench press @ 20X1 (build to a tough set of 5 at tempo)

– 10 bent over reverse flys

– 15 hollow rocks


B) For time:

– 1K row

– 800m run


*This is a tester and should be done AFAP.


C) 3 rounds for efficiency:

– 6 double hammer grip bicep curls @ 4040

– 15 banded tricep pull downs


Wednesday 12/28

A) E3MOM x 12 min (4 sets):

– 6 goblet hold Bulgarian split squats per side @ 20X1

– 8-10 supinated bent over BB row @ 20X1


B) Every 6 min x 3-4 sets all out:

– 250m row sprint

– max effort set of unbroken wallballs


*Try and output same intensity for each round.


Thursday 12/29

A) E3MOM x 15 min (5 sets):

– 5 speed deadlifts @ 30X1 (halting 2 inches above ground)

– 3 seated box jumps (tall)

*Both movements should be as explosive as possible


B) E4MOM x 12-16 min (4-5 sets):

– 200m run

– 30 double unders

– 15 RKB swings (heavy)

– 10 burpees


Friday 12/30

A) Five sets of:

– strict overhead press x

(rest 10 seconds between doubles)

– R30S

– 10-15 hollow rocks

– R90S


B) 3 rounds for efficiency:

– sled pull x 1 lap (AFAP)

– 8 TGUP sit-up per side (heavy but steady)

– 10 KB overhead walking lunges (AHAP)

– 10-15 seated banded hamstring curls w/ pause (green band)


Saturday 12/31 – New Year’s Eve

8am Masters

9am CrossFit

10am Barbell

11am Intro To CrossFit


Sunday 1/1 – New Year’s Day

Gym Closed


8am Masters

12 rounds for time with a partner:

– 12 RKB swings

– 10 DB thrusters

– 200m run


*Partners will alternate after each movement.


9am CrossFit

For time with a partner:

– 2000/1600m row

– 150 wallballs (20/14)

– 1500/1200m row

– 100 pull-ups

– 1000/800m row

– 50 burpees over rower


10am Barbell – Clean & Jerk

A) 4 sets:

– 1 x 3-position clean + 1 x push jerk + 1 x split jerk

*Build from 55-65%.


B) 6 sets:

– 1 clean + 1 jerk

*Build 65-95%.


C) 3 sets:

– 3 x clean pulls at 100-105%

– 8-10 single arm DB strict press @ 20X1

A) Take 15 minutes to build to a new 10 rep max on back squat.

*Only do 1-5 reps on your build up sets then 10 on the weight you’re testing.

*If you completed all 10 last week then add 5-10+lbs.

*Last time for this.


B) 3 sets for efficiency:

– box push x 1 length (AFAP)

– 20 single leg cross-over toes to bar (10/side)

– 10 KB overhead walking lunges (AHAP)

– 10-15 supine medball hamstring curls w/ pause


*Sub KB OH carry with KB front rack walking lunges x 12 reps if the OH position isn’t there.

A) E2MOM x 6 min (3 sets):

– 3 position snatch

(high hang, hang, floor)

*Build from 55-65%.


E2MOM x 6 min (3 sets)

– 1 snatch pull + 1 snatch

*Build from 70-85%.


E2MOM x 6 min (3 sets)

– 1 snatch

*Build from 85-95+%.

*Last day in cycle.


B) 3 rounds for time:

– 400m run

– 20 alternating DB snatch (55-75/25-45)

– 15 box overs (24/20”)


C) 3 sets for efficiency:

– 15 banded pull-aparts

– 10 DB pull overs @ 2111

A) Every 3 minutes, for 12 minutes (4 sets):

– 12-20 alternating pistols (6-10/leg)

– 8-10 horizontal ring rows @ 20X1

– 10 hollow rocks


B) Every 5 min x 4-5 sets @ 80-90% pace:

– 500/400m row

– 20 RKB swings (53/35)

– 10 toes to bar


C) Mobility:

– 90 degree bench stretch x 2-3 min/ leg

– BB quad smash x 1-2 min/leg

Christmas & New Year’s Class Schedule


Here is the schedule for the next couple of weeks!

  • Friday 12/23 – Regular Schedule
  • Saturday 12/24 – Regular Schedule (8, 9, 10AM)
  • Sunday 12/25 – Gym Closed
  • Monday 12/26 – 9am Only
  • Tuesday 12/27 – Regular Schedule
  • Wednesday 12/28 – Regular Schedule w/ No 7:30pm class

  • Friday 12/30 – Regular Schedule
  • Saturday 12/31 – Regular Schedule (8, 9, 10AM)
  • Sunday 1/1 – Gym Closed
  • Monday 1/2 – 9am, 5:30pm, 6:30pm Only (7:30-8:30pm Open Gym)
  • Tuesday 1/3 – Regular Schedule


If you have a friend or family member coming into town who does CrossFit at another gym and would like to drop in for a class, please refer them HERE.

A) EMOM x 12 min (4 sets)

1: 6-8 BB Romanian deadlifts @ 20X1

2: 8-10 DB floor press @ 20X1

3: 20 sec side plank per side


B) EMOM x 12-18 min (4-6 sets)

1: 12/9 cal row

2: 20-30 double unders + 4-8 pull-ups

3: 8-10 burpees


*Scale to 60 single unders. If needed scale reps down to keep up with pace.

*Rx is completing 6 sets at max number for all movements.