A) Every 2.5 minutes x 5 sets
– 4 x front squat @ 32X1
*Stay heavier than weights on 6/5 for each set.

B) Every 6 min x 3 sets @ 90%:
– 400m run
– 10 CTB pull-up
– 8 shoulder to overhead (135/95)
– 6 front rack reverse lunge

A) E2MOM x 16 min (10 sets):

– Push press x 5-4-3-2-2-1-1-1

*Build to today’s 1RM.


B) 3 sets for quality:

– 30-45 sec front rack hold at 105% of 1RM front squat



B) 3 sets for quality:

– 20 overhead single arm DB walking lunges (10/side)

– 45-60 sec prone Chinese plank

– 20 banded pull throughs @ 1010

A) AMRAP in 6 min:

– 800m run

– in remaining time: 5 toes to bar + 5 push-ups


AMRAP in 6 min:

– 10 wallballs (20/14)

– 10 KB swings (70/53)


AMRAP in 6 min:

– 800m run

–  in remaining time: burpee box jump overs (24/20)”


AMRAP in 6 min:

– 10 alternating DB snatches (50/35)

– 40 double unders


B) 3 sets for efficiency:

– 10 standing pallof presses / side (green band)

– 15 reverse flys (5lb/hand)

– 30 sec L-sit accumulation

A) E3MOM x 15 min (5 sets)

– power clean cluster 1.1.1

*Rest exactly 10 seconds between clusters. Building each set.

*Should be heavier than 5/24.


B) E2.5MOM x 10-12 min (5-6 sets):

– 200m run @ 90%

– 5 TnG power clean + push jerk

*Weight should be tough for all sets but UB and cycled efficiently.

Programming Overview: June 5-11 (N&WP Week 5)

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EDCF Nutrition & Wellness Program Week 5

Building on the elements we have introduced the first 4 weeks, this week we want you to start some portion control.  The goal for each meal is a palm size of lean protein, a fist size of complex carb and a thumb of fat.  You may eat as many non-starchy veggies as you want, but go easy on fruits.

Now when you go to the grocery store think about this before you walk in: Set yourself up for success and remove temptation.  Don’t buy the foods you know you shouldn’t/don’t want to be eating.  If you don’t buy it, you won’t eat it.  Make it tough on yourself to eat that candy bar or pizza.

Monday 6/5

A) Every 2.5 minutes x 5 sets

– 5 x front squat @ 32X1

*Start at 60% and build to a heavy set of 5 but stay on tempo!


B) Every 90 sec x 3 sets each:

Station 1 – 60 sec max CTB pull-ups

Station 2 – 60 sec max double unders

Station 3 – 60 sec max strict handstand push-ups

Station 4 – 60 sec max wallballs (20/14 lbs)

*30S built in rest on each station.


Scaled option:

Station 1 – 90 sec max strict pull-ups

Station 2 – 90 sec max single unders

Station 3 – 90 sec max L-seated DB press (10 UB to start)

Station 4 – 90 sec max wallballs


Tuesday 6/6

A) E3MOM x 15 min (5 sets)

– power clean cluster 1.1.1

*Rest exactly 10 seconds between clusters. Building each set.

*Should be heavier than 5/24.


B) E2MOM x 10-12 min (5-6 sets):

– 200m run @ 90%

– 5 TnG power clean + push jerk

*Weight should be tough for all sets but UB and cycled efficiently.


Wednesday 6/7

A) 4 sets for quality:

– 10-12 DB bench press (neutral grip) @ 2111

– R60S

– 6-8 supinated BB row @ 2111

– R60S

– 6-8 double KB/DB Turkish sit-ups @ 2111

– R60S


B) Every 5 minutes x 4 sets:

– 500m row @ 90-95%

*Try and keep split times the exact same throughout. Allow yourself only a +/-2 sec difference from start to finish. Each second over the +/-2 sec will result in a 5 burpee penalty.


Thursday 6/8

A) AMRAP in 6 min:

– 800m run

– in remaining time: 5 toes to bar + 5 push-ups


AMRAP in 6 min:

– 10 wallballs (20/14)

– 10 KB swings (70/53)


AMRAP in 6 min:

– 800m run

–  in remaining time: burpee box jump overs (24/20)”


AMRAP in 6 min:

– 10 alternating DB snatches (50/35)

– 40 double unders


B) 3 sets for efficiency:

– 10 standing pallof presses / side (green band)

– 15 reverse flys (5lb/hand)

– 30 sec L-sit accumulation


Friday 6/9

A) E2MOM x 16 min (10 sets):

– Push press x 5-4-3-2-2-1-1-1

*Build to today’s 1RM.


B) 3 sets for quality:

– 30-45 sec front rack hold at 105% of 1RM front squat



C) 3 sets for quality:

– 20 overhead single arm DB walking lunges (10/side)

– 45-60 sec prone Chinese plank

– 20 banded pull throughs @ 1010


Saturday 6/10

8am Masters

9am CrossFit

10am Barbell


Sunday 6/11

8am Endurance

A) Every 2.5 minutes x 5 sets

– 5 x front squat @ 32X1

*Start at 60% and build to a heavy set of 5 but stay on tempo!


B) Every 90 sec x 3 sets each:

Station 1 – 60 sec max CTB pull-ups

Station 2 – 60 sec max double unders

Station 3 – 60 sec max strict handstand push-ups

Station 4 – 60 sec max wallballs (20/14 lbs)

*30S built in rest on each station.


Scaled option:

Station 1 – 90 sec max strict pull-ups

Station 2 – 90 sec max single unders

Station 3 – 90 sec max L-seated DB press (10 UB to start)

Station 4 – 90 sec max wallballs

A) EMOM x 10 min – push press

– Sets 1-5: 2-3 reps @ 60-80%

– Sets 6-10: 1 rep @ 80-100%


B) 4 sets for efficiency:

– 8-10 stiff leg sumo deadlifts @ 2011

– 1 min accumulated FLR

*SLSDLs slightly heavier than last week.


C) 4 sets for efficiency:

– 6-8 single arm DB press/side @ 2111

– 6-8 bend over DB/KB row/side @ 2111

– reverse sled drag (heavy, normal speed)

A) AMRAP in 5 min:

– 400m run

– 30 RKB swings (70/53)

– muscle ups OR  burpee pull-ups in remaining time


AMRAP in 5 min:

– 10 wallballs (20/14)

– 10 perfect push-ups


AMRAP in 5 min:

– 400m run

– 50 double unders

– alternating DB snatches (50/35) in remaining time


AMRAP in 5 min:

– row for calories


B) 3 sets for efficiency:

– 10 kneeling pallof presses / side

– 15 reverse snow angels

– 30-45 sec side plank / side