Week 6 (half way!) of the Nutrition & Wellness Program is here and we are dropping an important concept… Nutrient Timing!
We want you to move heavy fat consumption away from training time and move more carbohydrate consumption closer to training time. When your body is under extreme stress or duress like exercise or excursion, it does not metabolize fat well. Carbohydrates are the first and fastest form of energy your body can utilize. By adding in nutrient timing you can make your body be more efficient with what you eat. This gives you more control over your body to reach certain goals you may have: i.e. fat loss, gaining lean muscle mass, increased performance.
Suggestion: This would be a good week to take a progress photo of yourself, just for you to have to compare now that you are 6 weeks into this progression. Again, you do not need to share this photo with anyone but you most likely will see small changes you may not see in yourself day to day.
Monday 6/12
A) Every 2.5 minutes x 5 sets
– 4 x front squat @ 32X1
*Stay heavier than weights on 6/5 for each set.
B) Every 6 min x 3 sets @ 90%:
– 400m run
– 10 CTB pull-up
– 8 shoulder to overhead (135/95)
– 6 front rack reverse lunge
– 6 front rack reverse lunge
Tuesday 6/13
A) E2MOM x 20 min (10 sets)
– (squat) clean
Sets 1-4: 55-75%
Sets 5-8: 75-90%
Sets 9-10: 95+%
*Goal is to establish today’s single heavy rep.
B) EMOM x 12-15 min (4-5 sets)
1: 6 deadlifts + 8 burpees over the bar (use 55-60% of 1RM)
2: 12/9 cal row (RX+: 15/12)
3: 10 DB thrusters (50/35, 35/25)
Wednesday 6/14
A) 4 sets for quality:
– 6-8 DB single arm seated Arnold press w/ KB front rack hold / side @ 2111
– R60S
– 6-8 BB row @ 2111
– R60S
– 6-8 KB windmills / side @ 2111
– R60S
B) Every 8 min x 3 sets:
5 min too…
– 1000/800m row at + 3-5 sec above goal 2K pace
– AMRAP in remaining time: muscle-ups (ring or bar)
Scale with 3 pull-ups + 3 ring dips
Thursday 6/15
All at 80-90% pace…
A) AMRAP in 8 min:
– 15 RKB swings (53/35)
– 15 DB anchored sit-ups
– 30 double unders
AMRAP in 8 min:
– 800m run
– 20 burpee box jump overs (24/20”)
– in remaining time: wallballs (20/14)
AMRAP in 8 min:
– 20 walking lunges (prisoner style)
– 15/12 cal row
– 10 perfect push-ups
AMRAP in 8 min:
– 800m run
– 20 toes to bar
– in remaining time: DB man-makers (50/35)
Friday 6/16
A) E3MOM x 12 minutes (4 sets):
– 8 bench press @ 65-75%
– 8 Romanian deadlift @ 75-80% of max clean
B) 3 rounds for quality:
– seated sled drag face pull x 10 scoots (45/25+ on sled to start)
– 10-15 ring dips @ 2111 (accumulate if needed – stay on tempo)
– 6-8 DB step downs / side @ 30X1 (explode off toes)
– 4-6 dragon flags w/ 4-6 second lower
Saturday 6/17
8am Masters
9am CrossFit
10am Barbell/Open Gym
11am Intro to CrossFit
Sunday 6/18
8am Endurance
TBA Open Gym