A) E2MOM x 5 sets each:
Station 1: 5 x bench press @ 20X1
Station 2: 5 x deadlifts @ 20X1
*Keep weight heavier than last week’s heaviest set.
*Build to a heavy set of 5 on each movement.

B) E3M x 4-6 sets
– 20/15 cal row
– 15 RKB swings
– 10 box jumps + step down

A) E2MOM x 8 sets:

– 5-5-3-3-2-2 box squats

*Absolutely no rocking. Keep weight in heels with a widened stance.


B) E6MOM x 3 sets @ 90%

– 400m run

– 15 UB thrusters (95/65)

– 12 CTB pull-ups

– 9 bar facing burpees over the bar

*Use new Open standards on burpees.

Programming Overview: Feb. 19-25 (Open Week 1)

Screenshot 2018-02-19 at 9.14.21 AM

THE 2018 OPEN IS HERE. 5 weeks. 5 WODs. Each one will be released on Thursdays at 7pm and all registered athletes will have until Monday at 7pm to complete and input their scores. We’ve got 20 official athletes registered as of right now and I expect to see more by this Thursday!

Why should you register? The Open is a celebration of your fitness. There are both scaled and and RX divisions to “compete” in. If you don’t think you can compete workouts at the scaled level we will scale even further so that you can. The most important thing is participation and completion of all 5 WODs.

We are making fitness fun again! Every Friday night starting at 6pm we will be hosting Friday Night Lights. The atmosphere this creates is one of a kind and something all of our athletes should experience. Plus we are doing it intramural style this year with each athlete being placed on a team. You get points for participation and spirit, not results! Can’t complete them on Fridays? No worries. There will be times on Thursday evenings, Saturday mornings, Sunday mornings and Monday evenings if needed for you to get them in.

So step outside of your comfort zone and SIGN UP HERE under EDCF for the 2018 CrossFit Open.

This Week Explore What It Means to Communicate Responsibly

Simple Instructions:

  1. Use social media and online forums only in ways that represent your best self — honest, kind, compassionate, supportive, etc.
  2. Some examples: Post things you find funny or uplifting, share honestly what’s going on in your life (even if you’re sad), skip the opportunities to join conversations that typically end in arguments or hurt feelings, or say something supportive to someone rather than just choosing an emoji response.
  3. If you don’t use social media or online forums, consider this practice in the context of your text messages and email.
  4. Score the practice as a “yes” if your use of electronic communications is “best self” all day.


Monday 2/19

A) Every 2 sec x 8 sets

– clean + split jerk

*Building from 60-90+%.

*Pause 1-2 counts in receiving position on first 4 sets


B) CrossFit Open 13.4

7 min AMRAP:

– 3 clean & jerks (135/95)

– 3 toes to bar

– 6 clean & jerks

– 6 toes to bar

– etc. increasing by 3 each round

*Clean & jerks are ground to overhead style.


C) 3 sets for quality:

– 10 bent over DB rows / side

– 20 elevated banded psoas marches (alternating 10 each)


Tuesday 2/20

A) E2MOM x 8 sets:

– 5-5-4-4-3-3-2-2 box squats

*Absolutely no rocking. Keep weight in heels with a widened stance.

*Weight should be about the same across all sets and the same or slightly heavier than last week.


B) E6MOM x 3 sets @ 90%

– 400m run

– 15 UB thrusters (95/65)

– 12 CTB pull-ups

– 9 bar facing burpees over the bar

*Use new Open standards on burpees.


Wednesday 2/21

A) E2MOM x 5 sets each:

Station 1: 5 x bench press @ 20X1

Station 2: 5 x deadlifts @ 20X1

*Keep weight heavier than last week’s heaviest set.

*Build to a heavy set of 5 on each movement.


B) E3M x 4-6 sets

– 20/15 cal row

– 15 RKB swings

– 10 box jumps + step down


Thursday 2/22

A) EMOM x 5 sets – front squat

Sets 1-3: 2 reps a @ 60-70%

Set 4-5: 1 rep @ 75, 80%


E2MOM x 4-5 sets

– 1 front squat @ 80-100+%

*Build to a new max or a heavy single rep. Take 5 sets if needed


B) 4-6 sets:

– 500m row


*Keep same pace as last week!


Friday 2/23

CrossFit Open WOD 18.1


Saturday 2/24

8am Masters

9am CrossFit

10am Intro To CrossFit / Open Gym


Sunday 2/25

8am Endurance

A) Every 2 sec x 8 sets

– clean + split jerk

*Building from 60-90+%.

*Pause 1-2 counts in receiving position on first 4 sets


B) CrossFit Open 13.4

7 min AMRAP:

– 3 clean & jerks (135/95)

– 3 toes to bar

– 6 clean & jerks

– 6 toes to bar

– etc. increasing by 3 each round

*Clean & jerks are ground to overhead style.


C) 3 sets for quality:

– 10 bent over DB rows / side

– 20 elevated banded psoas marches (alternating 10 each)

E3MOM x 4 sets

– Row 16/12 cal

– 6 deadlifts + 5 hang power cleans + 4 shoulder to overhead

– 30 double unders


E3MOM x 3 sets

– Row 20/15 cal

– 20 UB wallballs

– 10 pull-ups


E3MOM x 2 sets

– Row 24/18 cal

– 15 burpees AFAP

A) E2MOM x 10 sets

– 1 front squat

*Start at heaviest weight from last week’s 2’s.

*Goal here is to be near 95% across the board.


B) 4-6 sets:

– 500m row @ 90%


*Goal is to keep each row at almost exactly the same pace. If you can keep pace then go for 5 or 6 sets. Don’t slow from last week!

A) EMOM x 12 min (6 sets total):

Station 1: 6 x close grip bench press @ 20X1

Station 2: 6 x Romanian deadlifts @ 20X1

*Keep weight heavier than last week’s heaviest set.


B) 4 sets:

– banded partner sprints wall to wall


*These should be max effort.


C) 3 sets for quality:

– 8 single arm overhead DB press / side

– 16 alternating DB curls / side

– 8 dual DB delt flys

A) E2MOM x 3 sets:

– 3 position snatch @ 55-65%

(high, hang, floor)


E2MOM x 3 sets:

– 2 position snatch @ 65-75%

(hang, floor)


E2MOM x 3 sets:

– snatch @ 75, 85, 90+%


B) For time:

– 10 burpee box jump overs

– 30 alternating DB snatch

– 10 burpee box jump overs

– 20 alternating DB snatch

– 10 burpee box jump overs

– 10 alternating DB snatch

– 10 burpee box jump overs