E3MOM x 4 sets
– Row 16/12 cal
– 6 deadlifts + 5 hang power cleans + 4 shoulder to overhead
– 30 double unders
E3MOM x 3 sets
– Row 20/15 cal
– 20 UB wallballs
– 10 pull-ups
E3MOM x 2 sets
– Row 24/18 cal
– 15 burpees AFAP
E3MOM x 4 sets
– Row 16/12 cal
– 6 deadlifts + 5 hang power cleans + 4 shoulder to overhead
– 30 double unders
E3MOM x 3 sets
– Row 20/15 cal
– 20 UB wallballs
– 10 pull-ups
E3MOM x 2 sets
– Row 24/18 cal
– 15 burpees AFAP
A) E2MOM x 10 sets
– 1 front squat
*Start at heaviest weight from last week’s 2’s.
*Goal here is to be near 95% across the board.
B) 4-6 sets:
– 500m row @ 90%
*Goal is to keep each row at almost exactly the same pace. If you can keep pace then go for 5 or 6 sets. Don’t slow from last week!
A) EMOM x 12 min (6 sets total):
Station 1: 6 x close grip bench press @ 20X1
Station 2: 6 x Romanian deadlifts @ 20X1
*Keep weight heavier than last week’s heaviest set.
B) 4 sets:
– banded partner sprints wall to wall
*These should be max effort.
C) 3 sets for quality:
– 8 single arm overhead DB press / side
– 16 alternating DB curls / side
– 8 dual DB delt flys
A) E2MOM x 3 sets:
– 3 position snatch @ 55-65%
(high, hang, floor)
E2MOM x 3 sets:
– 2 position snatch @ 65-75%
(hang, floor)
E2MOM x 3 sets:
– snatch @ 75, 85, 90+%
B) For time:
– 10 burpee box jump overs
– 30 alternating DB snatch
– 10 burpee box jump overs
– 20 alternating DB snatch
– 10 burpee box jump overs
– 10 alternating DB snatch
– 10 burpee box jump overs
The 2018 Open is right around the corner with the first workout dropping February 22nd and we want you to be a part of it with us!
We participate in the Open every year as a gym and this year we are kicking it up a notch with the EDCF Intramural Open!
Monday 2/12
A) Every 90 sec x 8 sets
– split jerk
*Building from 65-95+%.
*Pause 1-2 counts in receiving position on first 4 sets.
Barbell Cycling Day 3
B) E2M x 3 sets:
– 8 x UB TnG power clean + push jerk
*Build as you go. Work on efficient movement.
C) Tester
Level 3: 50 T2B for time in UB sets of 5
Level 2: 30 T2B for time in UB sets of 3
Level 1: 50 hanging high knee raises for time
– 20 Turkish get-ups (10/arm)
*Go heavy but stay smooth and in control
Tuesday 2/13
A) E2MOM x 7 sets:
– 5 box squats
*Absolutely no rocking. Keep weight in heels with a widened stance.
*Weight should be about the same across all sets and the same or slightly heavier than last week.
B) Every 6 minutes x 3-4 sets:
– 400m run
– 25 wallballs (20/14)
– 10 CTB pull-ups
Wednesday 2/14
– 3 position snatch @ 55-65%
(high, hang, floor)
E2MOM x 3 sets:
– 2 position snatch @ 65-75%
(hang, floor)
E2MOM x 3 sets:
– snatch @ 75, 85, 90+%
B) For time:
– 10 burpee box jump overs
– 30 alternating DB snatch
– 10 burpee box jump overs
– 20 alternating DB snatch
– 10 burpee box jump overs
– 10 alternating DB snatch
– 10 burpee box jump overs
Thursday 2/15
A) EMOM x 12 min (6 sets total):
Station 1: 6 x close grip bench press @ 20X1
Station 2: 6 x Romanian deadlifts @ 20X1
*Keep weight heavier than last week’s heaviest set.
B) 4 sets:
– banded partner sprints wall to wall
*These should be max effort.
C) 3 sets for quality:
– 8 single arm overhead DB press / side
– 16 alternating DB curls / side
– 8 dual DB delt flys
Friday 2/16
A) E2MOM x 10 sets
– 1 front squats
*Start at heaviest weight from last week’s 2’s.
*Goal here is to be near 95% across the board.
B) 4-6 sets:
– 500m row @ 90%
*Goal is to keep each row at almost exactly the same pace. If you can keep pace then go for 5 or 6 sets. Don’t slow from last week!
Saturday 2/17
8am Masters
9am CrossFit
10am Free Intro / Open Gym
Sunday 2/18
8am Endurance
A) E2MOM x 7 sets:
– 5 box squats
*Absolutely no rocking. Keep weight in heels with a widened stance.
*Weight should be about the same across all sets and the same or slightly heavier than last week.
B) Every 6 minutes x 3-4 sets:
– 400m run
– 25 wallballs (20/14)
– 10 CTB pull-ups
A) Every 90 sec x 8 sets
– split jerk
*Building from 65-95+%.
*Pause 1-2 counts in receiving position on first 4 sets.
Barbell Cycling Day 3
B) E2M x 3 sets:
– 8 x UB TnG power clean + push jerk
*Build as you go. Work on efficient movement.
C) Tester:
Level 3: 50 T2B for time in UB sets of 5
Level 2: 30 T2B for time in UB sets of 3
Level 1: 50 hanging high knee raises for time
D) For quality:
– 20 Turkish get-ups (10/arm)
*Go heavy but stay smooth and in control
6 rounds, 3 each (alternating):
– 12/10 cal row
– 10 wallballs
– 8 toes to bar
6 rounds, 3 each (alternating):
– 12/10 cal row
– 10 box jumps (24/20”)
– 8 pull-ups
6 rounds, 3 each (alternating):
– 12 KB swings (70/44)
– 10 goblet hold reverse lunges
– 8 burpees