A) E2MOM x 6 sets:

– 4-3-2-2-2-2 TnG power cleans

*Build as you go to a heavy but fluid set of 2. Heavier than last week’s 3s.


B) Every 5 minutes x 5 sets

– 5 TnG power cleans (building)

– 8 NPU burpees box jumps (20/16”) – quick but precise

– 20 sec all out on rower or AB

EDCF Barbell Sign-Up (Programming Overview: June 25 – July 1)

EDCF Barbell

Sign-up for our upcoming EDCF Barbell class starting Monday, July 9th, with Coach RJ is now live. Follow THIS LINK for registration. Price is $50 for the 8 weeks and we are capping registration to 10 people.

There are three scheduled classes per week. Mondays and Wednesdays at 6:30pm and Saturdays at 8am. Members are encouraged to make as many classes as possible as the programming will be progressive and build week to week. That being said, it is okay to miss a few! Training will also start when class starts so members will need to arrive a few minutes early to warm-up before each class.

The class will end with a mock style weightlifting meet to show off your progress for those interested. Details on this are still in the works!


Monday 6/25

A) Every 2.5 min x 8 sets:

– 1 x back squat @ 92-95%

*This should be heavier than your set of 2s from last week.


B) Tester

15 min AMRAP:

– 15 thrusters (95/65)

– 15 pull-ups

– 15 burpees


RX+: 115/75


Tuesday 6/26

A) E2MOM x 6 sets:

– 4-3-2-2-2-2 TnG power cleans

*Build as you go to a heavy but fluid set of 2. Heavier than last week’s 3s.


B) Every 5 minutes x 5 sets

– 5 TnG power cleans (building)

– 8 NPU burpees box jumps (20/16”) – quick but precise

– 20 sec all out on rower or AB


Wednesday 6/27

A) E2MOM x 3 sets:

– 3 position snatch @ 55-65%

(high hang, hang, floor)


Every 90 seconds x 6 sets:

– 1 snatch @ 65-95+%


B) 3 rounds for time:

– 400m run

– 16 alternating DB snatch (55/35)

– 50 double unders


C) 3 rounds for quality:

– waiters carry down and back (heavy, slow)

– 20 hollow rocks


Thursday 6/28

A) Every 6 minutes x 4-5 sets:

– 30/24 cal row

– 20 wallballs

– 10 toes to bar


B) 3 rounds for quality

– 16 elevated psoas march

– 16 banded pull aparts

– 8/side halft kneeling paloff presses


Friday 6/29

A) Every 2.5 minutes x 8 sets

– 1 x bench press @ 92-95%

– 1 x weighted pull-ups

*sub 2-3 banded negative pull-ups @ 50X1 tempo


B) 3 sets for quality:

– 8/side DB or BB loaded box step ups (knee height)

– 20 seated hamstring curls with band @ 2011

– 6/side turkish get up sit-ups

*If possible, increase load from last week.


C) 2 sets:

– Arm Farm

Rest as needed


Saturday 6/30

8am Masters

9am CrossFit

10am Intro To CrossFit / Open Gym


Sunday 7/1

8am Endurance

10am-12pm Open Gym

A) Every 2.5 min x 8 sets:

– 1 x back squat @ 92-95%

*This should be heavier than your set of 2s from last week.


B) Tester

15 min AMRAP:

– 15 thrusters

– 15 pull-ups

– 15 burpees

A) Every 2.5 minutes x 8 sets

– 2 x bench press @ 88-92%

– 2 x weighted pull-ups

*sub 3-4 banded negative pull-ups @ 30X1 tempo


B) 3 sets for quality:

– 8/side DB or BB loaded box step ups (knee height)

– 20 seated hamstring curls with band @ 2011

– 6/side turkish get up sit-ups

*If possible, increase load from last week.


C) 2 sets:

– Arm Farm

Rest as needed


EMOM x 5-7 sets:

1: 12/9 cal row or 10/7 cal AB

2: 12 DB hang clean & jerk (55/35ish) 6/side

3: 6-10 burpee box jump overs

4: 200m run

5: rest


*RX+ row 15/12 cal or AB 12/9 cal and use 70/45ish.

A) EMOM x 5 sets

– snatch + overhead squat @ 55-75%


E2MOM x 5 sets

– snatch @ 80, 85, 90+, 90+, 90+%


B) “Helen”

3 rounds for time:

– 400m run

– 21 KB swings (53/35)

– 12 pull-ups


*Partial to the snatch or clean & jerk? Want to get better at them? Check out our new 8 week EDCF Barbell class starting July 9th! Details coming soon…


A) E2MOM x 6 sets:

– 5-4-3-3-3 TnG power cleans

*Build as you go to a heavy but fluid set of 3. Heavier than last week’s 4s.


B) “The Chief”

3 min AMRAP:

– 3 power cleans (135/95)

– 6 push-ups

– 9 air squats

R60S x 5 sets

*Start where you left off on previous set.

Programming Overview: June 18-24

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Team EDCF represented yesterday at WODs On The Water. Way to show up and show out ladies and gentlemen!

Details for out 8 Week Barbell Cycle along with sign-up will be released this week so stay tuned. It kicks off on July 9th!

Bring A Friend Day is now going down on the first Saturday of every month. Start bugging your friends!

New summer swag is just around the corner!


Monday 6/18

A) Every 2.5 min x 8 sets:

– 2 x back squat @ 88-92%

*This should be heavier than your set of 3s from last week.


B) 2 min AMRAP @ 95-100%:

– 5 thrusters (95/65)

– 4 toes to bar

– 3 burpees over the bar

R3M x 4 sets total.


*Go fast with full range of motion on all movements.

*Start where you left off on previous set.

*RX+ 115/75.


Tuesday 6/19

A) E2MOM x 6 sets:

– 5-4-3-3-3 TnG power cleans

*Build as you go to a heavy but fluid set of 3. Heavier than last week’s 4s.


B) “The Chief”

3 min AMRAP:

– 3 power cleans (135/95)

– 6 push-ups

– 9 air squats

R60S x 5 sets

*Start where you left off on previous set.


Wednesday 6/20

A) EMOM x 5 sets

– snatch + overhead squat @ 55-75%


E2MOM x 5 sets

– snatch @ 80, 85, 90+, 90+, 90+%


B) “Helen”

3 rounds for time:

– 400m run

– 21 KB swings (53/35)

– 12 pull-ups


*Partial to the snatch or clean & jerk? Want to get better at them? Check out our new 8 week EDCF Barbell class starting July 9th! Details coming soon…


Thursday 6/21

A) EMOM x 5-7 sets:

1: 12/9 cal row or 10/7 cal AB

2: 12 DB hang clean & jerk (55/35ish) 6/side

3: 6-10 burpee box jump overs

4: 200m run

5: rest


*RX+ row 15/12 cal or AB 12/9 cal and use 70/45ish.


Friday 6/22

A) 8 sets:

– 2 x bench press @ 85-88%


– 2 x weighted pull-ups


*sub 3-4 banded negative pull-ups @ 30X1 tempo


B) 3 sets for quality:

– 8/side DB or BB loaded box step ups (knee height)

– 20 seated hamstring curls with band @ 2011

– 6/side turkish get up sit-ups

*If possible, increase load from last week.


C) 2 sets:

– Arm Farm

Rest as needed


Saturday 6/23

8am Masters

9am CrossFit

10am Intro To CrossFit / Open Gym


Sunday 6/24

8am Endurance

10am-12pm Open Gym