Week 1 of the handstand course is in the books after a strong showing on Saturday. Remember to do your homework! Goal is to walk 4 feet at least 3 times this week! Already there? Try 5 rounds of 4 feet for time. Remember to record your name on the board when you completed a level!
Monday 8/21
Last day on Clean & Jerk mini-cycle!
- A) E2MOM x 5 sets:
– 2 x (clean & jerk) @ 65-75%
*Complete two full reps each set. Not TnG.
E2MOM x 5 sets:
– 1 x clean & jerk @ 80-95+%
*Goal is to build heavier than last week. If it feels good, test a new weight.
- B) E3MOM x 4-6 sets @ 90% pace
– 200m run
– 5 power clean & push jerk
– 7 burpees over the barbell
RX+ 155/105
RX 135/95
Scaled 115/75, 95/65, 75/55
*Push the pace but keep round times the same.
Tuesday 8/22
A) E2M x 8 sets:
– 1 front squats
*Heavier than last week’s 2s. These should be around 92-95%.
B) EMOM x 4-6 sets
1: 12/9 cal row
2: 10-20 wallballs 20/14 to (10/9’)
3: 6-8 pull-ups
*RX+ row 15/12 cal, 20 wallballs, 2-4 bar or ring muscle-ups
Wednesday 8/23
A) 6 min AMRAP @ 80-90%
– 200/150m row or 500/400m AB
– 8 Russian KB swings (70/44)
– 8 front loaded sandbag squats
6 min AMRAP @ 80-90%
– 200m run
– 8 DB push press (35/25ish)
– 20 double unders
6 min AMRAP @ 80-90%
– 200/150m row or 500/400m AB
– 8 toes to bar
– 8 box jumps w/ step down
6 min AMRAP @ 80-90%
– 200m run
– 8 double KB deadlifts (70/44)
– 8 ring rows
*Pace all 4 AMRAPs the same.
Thursday 8/24
A) E3MOM x 4 sets:
– 10 close grip bench press
– 8-10 pull-ups
*CGBP should all be at last week’s heaviest set.
*Goal on PUs is to go UB for a tough set of 8-10 add weight, do your body weight, or add a band.
B) 3 sets:
– 1000m row @ 90%
– R4M
*Goal is to finish at same exact time each set and keep within 5 sec of your 750m pace from last week.
C) 3 sets:
– 10 slide hamstring curls w/ pause
– 15 bent over reverse flys
*Heavier than last week.
Friday 8/25
A) E2.5M x 8 sets:
– 2 deadlifts
– alternate each set for 4 sets each
- 8 tall kneeling DB press
- 8 push-ups @ 3030 tempo
*Deadlifts should be around 85-90ish%. Focus on controlled TnG without bouncing the barbell.
B) 3 sets for quality:
– 20 front rack reverse lunges
– 6-8 strict toes to bar w/ pause at bottom
– 20 alternating elevated psoas marches
– 10 chest supported rows w/ pause at top
Saturday 8/26
8am Masters / Barbell
9am CrossFit
10am Intro to CrossFit / Handstand Course
Sunday 8/27
8am Endurance
10-12 Open Gym