In honor of our 7th birthday we are putting on an in-house partner mini competition we are calling the East Dallas Throwdown. The competition will take place on Saturday, September 29th, from 8-11:00ish. There will be three WODs. Two will be released beforehand (the first one is HERE) while one will be kept a secret for the day of the competition.
Partners will need to be teams of two of either male/male or female/female. The competition is free and we will have 7th anniversary shirts for sale too! Have a partner already locked down? Please register by completing both of the following steps below:
- Sign up for the competition through Zen Planner by going HERE.
- Input both you and your partner’s names, your team name, and your preferred division HERE.
A note about divisions. RX won’t be anything crazy but you must be able to complete kipping pull-ups, 95/65lb thrusters, 185/125 deadlifts, 24/20″ box jumps. If you can’t then please hop in with the scaled division. We will also have a masters division!
Oh and we are heading to Bryan Street Tavern afterwards for food, drinks, and volleyball from 12-2pm. Can’t make the competition? Join us afterwards!
Monday 9/17
A) Every 2 minutes x 7 sets:
– 3 back squats @ 32X1 tempo
*Start at last week’s heaviest set of 5.
B) For time:
– 400m run
– 15 pull-ups
– 20 thrusters (95/65)
– 400m run
– 20 thrusters
– 15 pull-ups
– 400m run
RX+ use 115/75
Scaled use 75/55
Tuesday 9/18
A) 8 min to find today’s 1RM power clean
8 min AMRAP:
– power clean @ 90% of today’s 1RM
B) 500m row all out
500m row all out
*Score is total time of both rows added together.
C) 3 sets of:
– 10 double DB curl and press
– 10 lateral DB raises
Wednesday 9/19
A) “Fight Gone Bad”
3 rounds for total reps:
60 seconds of wallball (20/14)
60 seconds of sumo deadlift high pull (75/55)
60 seconds of box jump (20”)
60 seconds of push press (75/55)
60 seconds of row for calories
Rest 60 seconds
B) 3 sets for quality:
– 16 elevated psoas marches
– 12 hollow rocks
– 8 bent over IYTs (light weight w/ pause)
Thursday 9/20
A) E2M x 8 sets:
– power snatch + overhead squat + hang squat snatch
*Start with a weight that moves easily and build to something tough but snappy.
*Receive in the power position if overhead squat is lacking mobility.
B) E2.5MOM x 4-6 sets @ 90%:
– 200m run
– 8 TnG power snatches (75/55)
– 20 double unders
*Goal is to complete each set in same 5 sec window.
Friday 9/21
A) Every 4.5 minutes x 5 sets:
– 6 strict overhead press @ 2011
– 6 BB RDLs @ 2011
– 6 strict toes to bar 2/ pause at bottom
B) 3 sets for quality:
– 10 atlas stone squats (stone at chest)
– 1 lap / arm farmer’s carry
– 20 alternating DB death march
– max reps supinated strict pull-ups*
*Scale pull-ups with band so that you can complete at least 8-10 when fresh.
Saturday 9/22
8am Masters
9am CrossFit
10am Intro To CrossFit / Open Gym / Handstand Course
Sunday 9/23
8am Endurance
10-12pm Open Gym