A) Every 60 seconds x 12 sets

– power clean + push jerk


B) Every 5 minutes x 4-5 sets:

– 500m row

– 10 shoulder to overhead (135/95)

– 30 double unders

RX+ use 155/105 and complete 50 double unders.



A) Every 60 seconds x 12 sets (6 each)

Station 1: 6 deadlifts (building per set)

Station 2: 6 strict pull-ups (make them tough)


B) Every 5 minutes x 4-5 sets:

– 400m row

– 10 DB push press

– 30 single unders (15 jumping jacks or 6 cal AB)

8 Week Strength Program (Programming Overview: Jan. 7-13)

Strength Program

We are excited to be rolling out our all new 8 Week Strength Program designed for those who want to take their strength to the next level.
Programmed and run by Coach RJ, a national level powerlifting competitor, this program is designed to build your foundation through an initial hypertrophy phase followed by a strength and power development phase.
We will build off the three main lifts (squat, deadlift, and bench press) and supplement with a select rotation of accessory work movements to round out your weaknesses and enhance your strengths with the goal of peaking on your 8th week in the program.
The program is 8 weeks in duration (hence the name) with 4 days of strength programming given out per week via an excel sheet that athletes are responsible for returning at the end of every week. Cost is $40 every 4 weeks which comes out to $10/training session ($80 total) or $125 every 4 weeks for non-EDCF members ($250 total).
There are specific days and times that we would like for you to attend but realize that everyone’s schedules aren’t ideal. The schedule is as follows:
Mondays – 5:30am (6:30pm make-up)
Wednesdays – 6:30pm (5:30am make-up)
Saturdays – 8am (10am make-up)
Sundays – 10am
*Make-ups are designated times in which athletes who can’t attend the primary listed times can come in and complete that day’s programming. Make-ups are more open gym style and wont have a designated coach like the primary training times. We ask that you try and make at least 3 primary training times per week. If you have conflicts in make-up times we can most likely work around them and find a solution that works best for you.
This program is open to both members and non members alike and is suited for beginner, intermediate, and advanced experience levels. If you know of someone who might be interested please shoot them over this email.
Interested? Go ahead and head to THIS LINK to get signed up. We are capping the class so get your spot ASAP.

Monday 1/7

A) E3MOM x 5 sets

Back Squat

Set 1: 5@70%

Set 2: 3@80%

Set 3: 1@85%

Set 4: 10@70%

Set 5: 10@70%


B) E3MOM x 4-6 sets

– 200m run

– 8 TnG deadlifts

– 4-8 toes to bar

– 8 burpees over the barbell

*pick a weight for deadlifts that is tough yet can still be done with perfect form.


Tuesday 1/8

A) Every 60 seconds x 12 sets

– power clean + push jerk


B) Every 5 minutes x 4-5 sets:

– 500m row

– 10 shoulder to overhead (135/95)

– 30 double unders

RX+ use 155/105 and complete 50 double unders.


Wednesday 1/9

A) 8 min AMRAP @ 80-90%

– 8 KB swings (53/35)

– 8 goblet hold reverse lunges

– 8 sit-ups


8 min AMRAP @ 80-90%

– 8 pull-ups

– 8 box jumps w/ step down (24/20”)

– 8 HR push-ups


8 min AMRAP @ 80-90%

– 8 alternating DB snatches (50/35)

– 8 wallballs (20/14)

– 8 burpees


B) 3 sets for quality:

– 10 BB hip thrusts

– 20 plate Russian twists

– 30 second plank (squeeze butts and guts)


Thursday 1/10

A) Every 5 minutes x 3 sets:

– 10 front squats @ last week’s heaviest set

– 10 seated BB presses

*RPE on squats should be 8-9


B) 4 sets, against a 2 minute running clock complete:

– 24/18 cal row

– max effort devil presses (35/25)



C) 3 sets for quality:

– 20 band face pulls

– 10/arm bent over rows


Friday 1/11

A) Every 2.5 minutes x 8 sets:

– 2 deadlifts @ 80-85%

– 2 bench press @ 80-85%


B) 3 sets for quality:

– 20 alternating DB weighted step-ups

– 8 weighted or 4 negative pull-ups

– 10-15 DB or BB skullcrushers

– DB 21 gun salute


Saturday 1/12

8am Masters

9am CrossFit

10am Intro To CrossFit / Open Gym


Sunday 1/13

8am Endurance

10-12pm Open Gym

A) E3MOM x 5 sets

Back Squat

Set 1: 5@70%

Set 2: 3@80%

Set 3: 1@85%

Set 4: 10@70%

Set 5: 10@70%


B) E3MOM x 4-6 sets

– 200m run

– 8 TnG deadlifts

– 4-8 toes to bar

– 8 burpees over the barbell

*pick a weight for deadlifts that is tough yet can still be done with perfect form.

A) Every 2.5 minutes x 6 sets:

– 3 deadlifts @ 80-85%

– 3 bench press @ 80-85%


B) 3 sets for quality:

– 20 alternating weighted walking lunges

– 10/side bent over DB rows


C) 3 sets:

– hand over hand vertical sled pull x 1 length

– 20 tricep band push downs

– 10 DB delt triad (front, lateral, military)


A) Every 5 minutes x 3 sets:

– 10 front squats

– 10-15 incline DB presses

*RPE on squats should increase per set (5-7-9)


B) EMOM x 4-7 sets

1: 12/9 cal row

2: 10-15 KB swings (53/35)

3: 15-20 wallballs (20/14)

*RX+ – 15/12 cal row, 70/44 KB


A) Every 75 seconds x 10 sets

– 2 x (TnG power clean + push jerk)

*Work on cycling the barbell efficiently.


B) Open WOD 13.4

7 min AMRAP:

– 3 clean and jerks (135/95)

– 3 toes to bar

– 6 clean and jerks

– 6 toes to bar

– etc., increasing by 3s each round


C) 3 sets for quality:

– 20 alternating DB bicep curls

– 20 alternating Russian plate twists


For time in teams of three:

– 1500/1200m row (in 250/200m splits)

– 120 DB snatches (50/35)

– 1500/1200m row (in 250/200m splits)

– 120 pull-ups

– 1500/1200m row (in 250/200m splits)

– 120 alternating box jumps w/ step down (24/20”)

– 1500/1200m row (in 250/200m splits)

– 120 burpees over the rower



For time in teams of three:

– 1200/900m row

– 90 DB snatches

– 1200/900m row

– 90 ring rows

– 1200/900m row

– 90 alternating box step ups (24/20”)

– 1200/900m row

– 90 burpees


A) E2.5MOM – back squat

Set 1: 7@65%

Set 2: 5@75%

Set 3: 3@85%

Set 4: 1@90%

Set 5: 3@85%

Set 6: 5@75%

Set 7: 7@65%

*Focus on breathing and bracing appropriately.


B) Every 3 minutes x 4-7 sets:

– 400m run

– 10 UB thrusters

*Pick a weight on thrusters that is tough for 10 but unbroken