Thanks for coming out to On Rotation this past Saturday! Stay tuned for our 8th Anniversary Pool Party coming in August!
Monday 7/15
A) E3MOM x 4 sets:
– 8 seated BB overhead presses
– 12 lat band pull-downs
– 16 alternating elevated psoas marches
B) 20 min AMRAP
– 8 kip to knee tuck or lemon squeezes
– 10 DB hang clean and jerk (5/side @ 50/35)
– 14/12 cal row
A) EMOM x 12 minutes:
– hang squat snatch
*Build to a moderately heavy but snappy load
B) CrossFit Open Workout 18.1
20 min AMRAP
– 8 toes to bar
– 10 DB hang clean and jerk (5/side @ 50/35)
– 14/12 cal row
Tuesday 7/16
A) E2.5M x 6 sets (3 each)
Station 1: 8/side rear foot elevated split squats
Station 2: 8 bent over BB rows
B) 12 min AMRAP:
– 200m run
– 12 wallballs
– 8 strict push-ups
A) E2.5M x 6 sets (3 each)
Station 1: 8/side rear foot elevated split squats
Station 2: 8 bent over BB rows
B) 12 min AMRAP:
– 200m run
– 12 wallballs
– 4/3 strict handstand push-ups
Wednesday 7/17
EMOM x 5-7 sets
1 – 12/9 or 10/7 cal row
2 – 12 DB push press
3 – 4-8 burpee box jump step ups
4 – 20 single unders + 8 DB/KB deadlifts
5 – rest
EMOM x 5-7 sets
1 – 12/9 cal row
2 – 12 shoulder to overhead (95/65)
3 – 4-8 burpee box jump overs
4 – 20 double unders + 8 DB/KB deadlifts (55/35ish)
5 – rest
RX+ row 15/12 cal, 115/75 BB, 70/44 KB
Thursday 7/18
A) EMOM x 4 sets
1: 8-10 DB Romanian deadlifts
2: 8-10 L-seated band rows w/ pause
3: 30 seconds ring or floor plank
B) For time:
– 1000m row
– 60 RKB swings
– 20 strict pull-ups
A) E90S x 8 sets
– hang power clean + power clean
*Build to a tough set
B) For time:
– 1000m row
– 20 squat cleans (135/95)
– 40 pull-ups
Friday 7/19
Fitness & Performance
A) E90S x 8 sets:
– 5 push press
*Build to a heavy but sharp set of 5.
B) 3 sets for quality:
– 1 length hand over hand bent over sled pull
– 30 sec march w/ double KB overhead hold
– 1 lap sideways sled drag
C) 3 sets for max reps
– 20 sec max sandbag squats, R2-3M
*Take your pick from 30, 60 or 90lb sandbag.
*Make sure to hit depth at bottom and full hip lockout at top of reps.
Saturday 7/20
Fitness – TBA
Performance – TBA
Sunday 7/21
8am Endurance – no class
10-12pm Open Gym