Monday 7/22
A) E2M x 6 sets:
– 6 double KB front squats @ 32X1 tempo
– 2-3 negative supinated pull-ups
B) E2.5MOM x 5-6 sets:
– 200m run
– 10 alternating DB snatches
– 30 single unders
A) E2M x 6 sets:
– 3 front squats @ 32X1 tempo
– 2-3 weighted supinated pull-ups
*Build on front squats from 65%.
B) E2.5MOM x 5-6 sets:
– 200m run
– 10 alternating DB snatches (50/35)
– 30 double unders
*RX+ use 70/45.
3 rounds:
400m AB
10 DB hang power clean + jerk
12 ab mat sit-ups
Immediately into
3 rounds:
200m run
10 double KB deadlifts
12 burpees
Tuesday 7/23
A) EMOM x 5 sets
1: 6/side DB presses @ 2111 tempo
2: 12 alternating DB reverse lunges (farmer hold)
3: 6/side banded straight arm twists
B) EMOM x 10-15 min
– 9 KB swings (53/35)
– 7/5 perfect push-ups
– 5 kip to knee tuck or abmat sit-ups
*Scale to 8-6-4 or 7-5-3 if needed.
A) E90S x 10 sets
Sets 1-3: 3 position snatch (high hang, hang, floor)
Sets 4-6: 2 position snatch (high hang, hang)
Sets 7-10: snatch
*Go off feel today, don’t worry about percentages.
B) EMOM x 10-15 min
– 9 KB swings (53/35)
– 7/5 perfect push-ups
– 5 toes to bar
Wednesday 7/24
A) E2MOM x 8 sets (4 each, alternating)
1: 8/side rear foot elevated split squats
2: 8/side bent over DB rows
B) E5MOM x 4 sets @ 90-95%:
– 20/15 cal row
– 10 burpees over the bar
– 12 double KB front squats
*Front squats should be UB.
*Push the pace on these but end with similar times.
A) E2MOM x 8 sets (4 each, alternating)
1: 8/side rear foot elevated split squats
2: 8/side bent over DB rows
B) E5MOM x 4 sets @ 90-95%:
– 25/20 cal row
– 15 burpees over the bar
– 10 front squats
*Front squat weight 95/65, 115/75, 135/95. Should be UB.
*Push the pace on these but end with similar times.
Thursday 7/25
A) Every 5 minutes x 4-6 sets:
– 400m or 300m run
– 5 devil presses
– 7 strict pull-ups
– 9 box jumps w/ step down or step-ups
B) 3 sets for quality:
– 10/side single leg glute bridge + 10 second hold
– 20 reverse snow angels
A) Every 5 minutes x 4-6 sets:
– 400m run
– 6 devil presses (35/25)
– 8 chest to bar pull-ups
– 10 box jump overs (24/20”)
*Keep split times the same across all sets
B) 3 sets for quality:
– 10/side single leg glute bridge + 10 second hold
– 20 reverse snow angels
Friday 7/26
A) EMOM x 5 sets
1: 8/side split stance DB/KB Romanian deadlifts
2: 8 DB bench press @ 30X1 tempo
3: 8 bent over reverse flys w/ pause
B) 3 sets for quality:
– 1 length hand over hand vertical sled pull
– 1 lap suitcase carry
– 10 slide hamstring curls or glute ham raises
– 20-30 sec/side KB side plank
A) E90S x 10 sets
Sets 1-3: 3 power cleans
Sets 4-6: 2 power cleans
Sets 7-10: 1 power clean
*Build to a tough but technically sharp single rep weight.
B) 3 sets for quality:
– 1 length hand over hand vertical sled pull
– 1 lap suitcase carry
– 10 slide hamstring curls or glute ham raises
– 20-30 sec/side KB side plank
Saturday 7/27
For time with a partner:
– 1200/900m row (in 200/150m splits)
– 100 air squats
– 80 single arm DB/KB push press (20/arm/person)
– 60 sit-ups
– 600m run (together)
– 60 RKB swings (95/65)
– 80 lunges or step-ups
– 100 elevated push-ups
– 1500/1200m row (in 250/200m splits)
For time with a partner:
– 1500/1200m row (in 250/200m splits)
– 100 wallballs
– 80 push press (95/65)
– 60 toes to bar
– 800m run (together)
– 60 hang power cleans (95/65)
– 80 lunges with medball
– 100 HR push-ups
– 1500/1200m row (in 250/200m splits)
Sunday 7/28
8am Endurance (TBD)
10-12 Open Gym