Monday 8/5
A) E3M x 3 sets
– 8/side staggered stance DB/KB Romanian deadlifts
– 10/side heavy single arm KB swings
– 10-20 sec L or high knee hang
B) E4MOM x 4-5 sets:
– 200 or 300m run
– 8 double DB hang power cleans (tough but UB)
– 12-16 wallballs
*Goal is to increase intensity every set.
A) E3M x 3 sets:
– TnG power clean clusters 3.3.3
*R10S between 3’s. Add weight each set.
B) E4M x 4-5 sets:
– 300m run
– 8 hang power cleans (tough but UB)
– 16 wallballs (20/14)
*Goal is to increase pace every set.
Tuesday 8/6
Fitness & Performance
A) E90S x 6 sets:
– 3 push press
*Build to a heavy but sharp set of 4. Start at last time’s heaviest set of 5.
B) See below
C) E90S x 2 sets each
1: 60 seconds of 10 glute bridges + hold for remaining time
2: 60 seconds of supinated band pull aparts
3: 60 seconds of wall sit
4: 60 seconds of band face pulls
B) For time:
– 1000/800m row
– 50 DB/KB push press
– 25 burpee box step ups
B) For time:
– 1000m row
– 50 DB/KB shoulder to overhead (35/25s)
– 25 burpee box jump overs
Wednesday 8/7
A) E4MOM x 3 sets:
– 20 front rack double KB reverse lunges
– 12-16 alternating DB renegade rows
– 8/side split stance pallof presses
B) E6M x 3 sets:
– 30/20 or 24/16 cal row
– 20 pull-ups (banded)
– 30 KB swings
– 40 alternating shoulder taps from push-up position
A) E2MOM x 6 sets:
– 1 pause front squat + 2 front squats
B) E6M x 3 sets:
– 30/20 cal row
– 20 pull-ups
– 30 walking lunges with DB/KB farmer carry hold (53/35s)
Thursday 8/8
A) EMOM x 5 sets
1: 16 alternating DB single arm press
2: 8-12 medball hamstring curls
3: 30 seconds flutter kicks from hollow position
B) 4 rounds for time:
– 300 or 400m run
– 8 alternating DB snatches
– 10 goblet squats
A) E90S x 10 sets
Sets 1-3: 3 x high hang snatch
Sets 4-6: 2 x hang snatch
Sets 7-10: 1 x snatch
*Go off feel today, don’t worry about percentages.
B) 4 rounds for time:
– 400m run
– 6 power snatches (95/65, 75/55, 65/45)
– 8 overhead squats
Friday 8/9
Fitness & Performance
A) E3M x 3 sets:
– 10 bench press @ 60%
– 10/side bent over DB rows
B) 4 sets:
– down and back double heavy KB front rack carry (regular walking pace)
– 5/side landmine squat to thrust
– 1 length reverse sled row
– hill sprint + walk back (use the first as a warm-up @ 90%)
Saturday 8/10
Sunday 8/11
8am Endurance
10-12pm Open Gym