
A) E3M x 5 sets

– 6 Zercher squats

– 8 DB Romanian deadlifts

– 10 supinated band pull-aparts



A) E3M x 4 sets – back squat 

Set 1: 1 @ 94-98%

Sets 2-4: 2 @ 88% 

*If you’re not feeling it today then stick to Fitness.


Fitness & Performance

B) 5 sets for quality:

– heavy sled drag down and back 

– hill sprint (warm into them over first couple of sets)


C) 3 sets for quality:

– 12/side tricep kick backs

– 24 alternating DB curls (no swing)

Programming Overview: Jan.13-19


Monday 1/13


A) EMOM x 10 sets

Station 1: 5 BB push presses

Station 2: 5/side single arm ring row + reach


B) For time:

– 200 single unders

– 50 DB push press

– 40 hanging knee raise

– 30 push-ups (elevate if needed)

– 200 single unders


C) 3 sets for quality:

– 6/side TGUP sit-ups

– 12 bent over reverse flys



A) EMOM x 5 sets:

– 1 pause split jerk @ 50-70%

EMOM x 5 sets:

– 1 split jerk @ 75-85%


B) For time:

– 100 double unders

– 50 shoulder to overhead (95/65)

– 40 toes to bar

– 30 push-ups

– 100 double unders


C) 3 sets for quality:

– 6/side TGUP sit-ups

– 12 bent over reverse flys


Tuesday 1/14


A) E3M x 5 sets:
– 5 deadlifts (moderately heavy)

– 7 ring/bench dips

– 9 L-seated band rows


B) E3MOM x 4-6 sets:

– 200m run

– 5 strict pull-ups

– 10 double KB deadlifts

– 15 air squats



A) E3M x 4 sets – deadlift
Set 1: 1 @ 94-98%

Sets 2-4: 2 @ 88% 


B) E3MOM x 4-6 sets:

– 200m run

– 5 strict pull-ups (add weight if too easy)

– 10 deadlifts @ 50% of A, Set 1

– 15 air squats


Wednesday 1/15


A) EMOM x 10 sets (5 each)

1: 12 alternating seated DB piston presses

2: 12 alternating KB/DB goblet hold reverse lunges (tough)


B) E5M x 3-4 sets:

– 250/200m row

– 12 alternating DB snatches

– 250/200m row

– 12 wall balls 



A) EMOM x 10 sets

Sets 1-3: high hang snatch

Sets 4-6: hang snatch

Sets 7-10: snatch

*Build over the course of 10 sets to a heavy single.


B) E5M x 3-4 sets:

– 250/200m row

– 10 power snatches (95/65, 75/55, 65/45)

– 250/200m row

– 10 overhead squats


Thursday 1/16


A) E3MOM x 5 sets

– 6-3-6-3-6 bench press

– 6/side bent over DB row

*6s are lighter than 3s. All 6s should be same weight as with all 3s. Make it tough.


B) For time:

– 800m run

– 24 push-ups

– 24 box step-ups

– 600m run

– 18 push-ups

– 18 box step-ups

– 400m run

– 12 push-ups

– 12 box step-ups


*Scale run to 600-400-200m if needed.



A) E3M x 4 sets – bench press 

Set 1: 1 @ 98%

Sets 2-4: 2 @ 88% 

*After each set perform 6/side bent over DB rows

*If you’re not feeling it today then stick to Fitness.


B) For time:

– 800m run

– 24/18 ring dips

– 24 box jumps + step down (24/20”)

– 600m run

– 18/14 ring dips

– 18 box jumps + step down (24/20”)

– 400m run

– 12/9 ring dips

– 12 box jumps + step down (24/20”)


Friday 1/17


A) E3M x 5 sets

– 6 Zercher squats

– 8 DB Romanian deadlifts

– 10 supinated band pull-aparts



  1. A) E3M x 4 sets – back squat 

Set 1: 1 @ 98%

Sets 2-4: 2 @ 88% 

*If you’re not feeling it today then stick to Fitness.


Fitness & Performance

B) 5 sets for quality:

– heavy sled drag down and back 

– hill sprint (warm into them over first couple of sets)


C) 3 sets for quality:

– 12/side tricep kick backs

– 24 alternating DB curls (no swing)


Saturday 1/18







Sunday 1/19

8AM Endurance

10-12pm Open Gym



A) EMOM x 10 sets (5 each)

1: 12 alternating seated DB piston presses

2: 12 alternating KB/DB goblet hold reverse lunges (tough)


B) E5M x 3-4 sets:

– 250/200m row

– 12 alternating DB snatches

– 250/200m row

– 12 wall balls 



A) EMOM x 10 sets

Sets 1-3: high hang snatch

Sets 4-6: hang snatch

Sets 7-10: snatch

*Build over the course of 10 sets to a heavy single.


B) E5M x 3-4 sets:

– 250/200m row

– 10 power snatches (95/65, 75/55, 65/45)

– 250/200m row

– 10 overhead squats



A) EMOM x 10 sets (5 each)

1: 12 alternating seated DB piston presses

2: 12 alternating KB/DB goblet hold reverse lunges (tough)


B) E5M x 3-4 sets:

– 250/200m row

– 12 alternating DB snatches

– 250/200m row

– 12 wall balls 



A) EMOM x 10 sets

Sets 1-3: high hang snatch

Sets 4-6: hang snatch

Sets 7-10: snatch

*Build over the course of 10 sets to a heavy single.


B) E5M x 3-4 sets:

– 250/200m row

– 10 power snatches (95/65, 75/55, 65/45)

– 250/200m row

– 10 overhead squats



A) E3M x 5 sets:
– 5 deadlifts (moderately heavy)

– 7 ring/bench dips

– 9 L-seated band rows


B) E3MOM x 4-6 sets:

– 200m run

– 5 strict pull-ups

– 10 double KB deadlifts

– 15 air squats



A) E3M x 4 sets – deadlift
Set 1: 1 @ 94-98%

Sets 2-4: 2 @ 88% 


B) E3MOM x 4-6 sets:

– 200m run

– 5 strict pull-ups (add weight if too easy)

– 10 deadlifts @ 50% of A, Set 1

– 15 air squats


A) EMOM x 10 sets

Station 1: 5 BB push presses

Station 2: 5/side single arm ring row + reach


B) For time:

– 200 single unders

– 50 DB push press

– 40 hanging knee raise

– 30 push-ups (elevate if needed)

– 200 single unders


C) 3 sets for quality:

– 6/side TGUP sit-ups

– 12 bent over reverse flys



A) EMOM x 5 sets:

– 1 pause split jerk @ 50-70%

EMOM x 5 sets:

– 1 split jerk @ 75-85%


B) For time:

– 100 double unders

– 50 shoulder to overhead (95/65)

– 40 toes to bar

– 30 push-ups

– 100 double unders


C) 3 sets for quality:

– 6/side TGUP sit-ups

– 12 bent over reverse flys


A) E3MOM x 5 sets

– 8-4-8-4-8 bench press

– 8 supinated bent over BB rows

*8s are lighter than 4s. All 8s should be same weight as with all 4s. Make it tough.



A) E3M x 4 sets – bench press
Set 1: 1 @ 94-98%

Sets 2-4: 3 @ 88%

*After every set perform 8 supinated bent over BB rows


Fitness & Performance

B) 3 sets for quality:

– 1 length seated overhead hand over hand sled pull

– 12/side DB/KB rear foot elevated split squats

– 10-15 BB/DB skull crushers

– 10-15 BB/DB curls



A) For max reps:

– 60 seconds of strict pull-ups

– R60S

– 60 seconds of BB push press (empty barbell)

– R60S

– 60 seconds of rowing for calories

– R60S

– 60 seconds of SA alternating DB snatches

– R60S

– 60 seconds of burpee to box step-up (knee height)

– R60S

– 60 seconds of plank (maintain hollow position)

– Rest 4 minutes then…


B) EMOM x 4 sets:

1: strict pull-ups

2: BB push press (empty barbell)

3: rowing for calories

4: SA alternating DB snatches

5: burpee to box step-up

6: 40 seconds of plank

*Perform all sets to 60-70% of reps achieved in part A.



A) For max reps:

– 60 seconds of strict pull-ups or bar muscle-ups

– R60S

– 60 seconds of strict handstand push-ups or BB push press (75/55)

– R60S

– 60 seconds of rowing for calories

– R60S

– 60 seconds of SA alternating DB snatches (50/35)

– R60S

– 60 seconds of burpee + box jump overs (20/16”)

– R60S

– 60 seconds of plank (maintain hollow position)

– Rest 4 minutes then…


B) EMOM x 4 sets:

1: strict pull-ups or bar muscle-ups

2: strict handstand push-ups or BB push press

3: rowing for calories

4: SA alternating DB snatches

5: burpee + box jump overs

6: 40 seconds of plank

*Perform all sets to 60-70% of reps achieved in part A.