4 sets or 5 min AMRAP:
– 40 double unders or 60 singles
– 8 ground to overhead
– 12/9 push-ups
– 16 goblet squats
R2.5M between sets
*pick up where you left off each set.
4 sets or 5 min AMRAP:
– 40 double unders or 60 singles
– 8 ground to overhead
– 12/9 push-ups
– 16 goblet squats
R2.5M between sets
*pick up where you left off each set.
For time:
– 25 pull-ups
– 50 deadlifts
– 50 push-ups
– 50 box jumps + step down
– 50 floor wipers
– 50 single arm DB/KB clean and jerk (25/arm)
– 25 pull-ups
*1 floor wiper = fleet to one side, feet to middle, feet to other side, then back to middle
“Tabata Something Else”
– Pick 4 movements that you can rep out at a pretty high frequency. You are going to perform 8 rounds of 20 seconds of work with 10 seconds of rest for each movement. Once you complete 8 rounds of one movement you move right into 8 rounds of the next movement. Once you’re done with all four movements (or 32 total rounds) the workout is complete. Goal is to try and maintain output across all movements.
Every 5 minutes x 4-5 sets:
– 400m run
*substitute RKB swings with DB swings. Arms should stay straight and weight overhead the entirety of the sit-up.
Monday 4/20
For time:
– 800m run
– 80 double unders
– 40 push-ups
– 600m run
– 60 double unders
– 30 push-ups
– 400m run
– 40 double unders
– 40 push-ups
*Don’t know exact distances on the run? Make an 800 a 3 block loop, 600 a 2 block loop and 400 a 1 block loop. Substitute double unders with lateral hops or 2x single unders
Tuesday 4/21
20-18-16-14-12-8-6-4-2 reps for time:
– alternating DB/KB snatch
– alternating goblet hold reverse lunge
– lemon squeezes
Wednesday 4/22
Every 5 minutes x 4-5 sets:
– 400m run
*substitute RKB swings with DB swings. Arms should stay straight and weight overhead the entirety of the sit-up.
Thursday 4/23
“Tabata Something Else”
– Pick 4 movements that you can rep out at a pretty high frequency. You are going to perform 8 rounds of 20 seconds of work with 10 seconds of rest for each movement. Once you complete 8 rounds of one movement you move right into 8 rounds of the next movement. Once you’re done with all four movements (or 32 total rounds) the workout is complete. Goal is to try and maintain output across all movements.
Friday 4/24
20 min AMRAP:
– 200m run
– 8 thrusters
– 16 mountain climbers
– 30 second plank
Saturday 4/25
For time:
– 25 pull-ups
– 50 deadlifts
– 50 push-ups
– 50 box jumps + step down
– 50 floor wipers
– 50 single arm DB/KB clean and jerk (25/arm)
– 25 pull-ups
*1 floor wiper = fleet to one side, feet to middle, feet to other side, then back to middle
Sunday 4/26
Rest day
EMOM x 4-8 sets
1: 40 sec out and back run
2: 30 double unders (40 singles) + 5 burpees
3: 20 walking lunges + 4 burpees
4: 10 ground to shoulder + 3 burpees
5: rest
12 min AMRAP:
– 80 DB lateral hop overs
– 60 air squats
– 40 single arm DB push press (20/arm)
Tabata sit-ups
– 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest x 8 sets
*maintain rep number from first set for the next 7 sets
50/side single leg glute bridges (unweighted or light weight)