Programming: Mar. 28 – Apr. 3

Monday 3/28


A) E3M x 6 sets:

– 6-4-2-6-4-2 box squats

After even: 12-16/side alternating DB bench press

After odd: 8-12 tall kneeling banded lat pull-downs

*heavier than 3/10

B) E90S x 10-15 sets:

– 20 double unders

– 5 DB thrusters (95/65)

– 4 hanging knee raises

– 3 up/downs


A) E3M x 6 sets:

– 6-4-2-5-3-1 back squats

*heavier than 3/18

B) E90S x 10-15 sets:

– 20 double unders

– 5 thrusters (95/65)

– 4 toes to bar

– 3 burpees over the barbell

RX+ use 115/75 and/or 5-5-5 rep scheme.

Tuesday 3/29


E4M x 8 sets (4 each, alternating)

Station 1:

– 300m run

– 12 SA DD hang power cleans (4/4/4/4)

– 4-8 box step overs

Station 2:

– 300m row

– 12 goblet hold or bodyweight reverse lunges 

– 8-12 dips

*Scale with 200m rows or runs if needed.


E4M x 8 sets (4 each, alternating)

Station 1:

– 300m run

– 12 SA DD hang power cleans (4/4/4/4 @ 50/35)

– 4-8 box jump overs (24/20”)

Station 2:

– 375/300m row

– 12 goblet hold reverse lunges 

– 8-12 ring dips

Wednesday 3/30


A) E2M x 8 sets

Even sets:

– 8-12 strict BB press

– 8-12 single leg DB hip thrusts R

Odd sets:

– 8-12 bent over double KB/DB row

– 8-12 single leg DB hip thrusts L

B) EMOM x 4-7 sets:

– 12/9 cal row (scale to 10/7)

– 9 DB push-press

– 6 strict pull-ups

*Scale to 10/7-8-6 if needed


A) E2M x 8 sets

Sets 1-4: 2 split jerks

Sets 5-8: 1 split jerk

*Heavier than 3/21

B) EMOM x 4-7 sets:

– 15/12 cal row

– 9 shoulder to overhead (95/65, 75/55)

– 6 pull-ups

RX+: 115/75 and/or CTB pull-ups

Thursday 3/31


A) E2.5M x 6 sets:

– 5 dKB or BB front squats @ 32X1 tempo

After odd sets:

– 12-16 alternating KB gorilla rows

After even sets:

– 12-16 double banded OH tricep extensions

*Heavier than 3/22

B) 5 rounds for time:

– 200m run

– 15-12-9-6-3 double KB front squats

– 30 single unders


A) E2.5M x 6 sets:

– 1 front squats w/ 32X1 tempo @ 65-75% + 2 regular front squats

*Heavier than 3/22

B) 5 rounds for time:

– 200m run

– 15-12-9-6-3 front squats (115/75, 96/65)

– 30 double unders

*BB starts from the floor

*RX+ use 135/95

Friday 4/1


A) E2M x 8 sets (4 each)

Odd sets:

– 16 alternating DB incline presses

– 8-12 banded Spanish squats

Even sets:

– 8-12 incline chest supported KB row w/ pause

– 8-12 medball hamstring curls


A) E2M x 8 sets…

Sets 1-4: 2 snatches

Sets 5-8: 1 snatch

*Receive in squat if able

B) Strength Option

3-4 sets for quality:

– 12-16 DB bench press w/ pause

– 8-12 standing straight arm banded lat pull-down

– 8-12 BB good mornings

– 12-16 iso hold top down seated DB lateral delt flys


Conditioning Option

10 minute capacity test:

– accumulate as many meters as possible on rower, bike or ski erg

Saturday 4/2





Sunday 4/3

10-12pm Open Gym


E2M x 3-4 sets

Station 1: 15-20 cal row

Station 2: 8 DB hang squat cleans + 7 strict pull-ups + 6-10 push-ups

Station 3: 200m run

Station 4: 8 DB push press + 8 DB/unweighted box step overs + 8 lemon squeezes

Station 5: rest

DB box step overs performed with 1 DB if able


E2M x 3-4 sets

Station 1: 30/24 cal row

Station 2: 8 DB hang squat cleans + 8 pull-ups + 8-12 push-ups

Station 3: 200m run

Station 4: 8 DB push press + 8 DB box step overs (20/16”) + 8 lemon squeezes

Station 5: rest

RX: 35/25s, RX+: 50/35s

DB box step overs performed with 1 DB


A) E3M x 5 sets

– 8 deadlifts

– 8-16 DB floor press w/ pause

– 8-12 straight arm banded lat pull-down


A) E3M x 5 sets


Set 1: 8 @ 45%

Set 2: 8 @ 55%
Sets 3-5: 8 @ 60-65%

*These are not TnG. Lower and reset every rep.

B) Strength Option

3-4 sets for quality:

– 8-12 close grip bench press @ 55-65+%*

– 8/side DB RFE or regular split squats*

– 8-12 DB lat pull-overs

– 8-12 bent over reverse flys w/ pause

*CGBP & SS heavier than 3/11.


Conditioning Option

7 sets:

– 30/30s row/bike/ski

5 sets

– 60/60s

3 sets:

– 90/90s


A) E2M x 8 sets (4 each)

Odd sets:

– 16 alternating DB incline presses

– 8-12 banded Spanish squats

Even sets:

– 8-12 incline chest supported KB row w/ pause

– 8-12 medball hamstring curls

B) 4 rounds for time:

– 400m run

– 10 alternating DB snatches


A) E2M x 8 sets…

Sets 1-4: 1 snatch w/ 3 count 1st pull

Sets 5-8: 1 snatch

*1st pull is from floor to hang position.

B) 4 rounds for time:

– 400m run

– 24-18-12-6 alternating DB snatches (50/35)


E4M x 8 sets

Station 1:

– 300m run (scale w/ 200)

– 8 double KB deadlifts

– 4-8 toes to bar

Station 2:

– 300m row (scale w/ 200)

– 8 box step-overs

– 8 push-ups


E4M x 8 sets (4 each, alternating)

Station 1:

– 300m run

– 8 double KB deadlifts (53/35s)

– 4-8 toes to bar

Station 2:

– 375/300m row

– 8 box jump overs (24/20”)

– 8-12 push-ups

RX+ use 70/44s

Programming: Mar. 21-27

Monday 3/21


A) E2M x 8 sets

Even sets:

– 8-12 strict BB press

– 8-12 single leg DB hip thrusts R

Odd sets:

– 8-12 bent over double KB/DB row

– 8-12 single leg DB hip thrusts L

B) 3 rounds for time:

– 400m row

– 10 DB hang power clean + push press

– 50 single unders


A) E2M x 8 sets

Sets 1-4: 1 pause split jerk + 1 split jerk

Sets 5-8: 1 split jerk

*Pause only in receiving position

*Heavier than 3/11

B) 3 rounds for time:

– 500/400m row

– 12-9-6 power clean + push jerk (135/95, 115/75, 95/65)

– 50-40-30 double unders

Tuesday 3/22


A) E2.5M x 6 sets:

– 5 dKB or BB front squats @ 32X1 tempo

– 10 alt. DB renegade rows

– 10 half kneeling banded low to high chops (R or L)

*Alternate arms each set on chops

*Heavier than 3/14

B) E90S x 10-15 rounds:
– 6 wallballs

– 5 dips

– 4 strict pull-ups or ring rows


A) E2.5M x 6 sets:

– 3 front squats w/ 32X1 tempo @ 60-70%

*Heavier than 3/4

B) E90S x 10-15 rounds:
– 8 wallballs (20/14)

– 6 dips

– 4 pull-ups

RX+ complete w/ 4 CTB pull-ups or 2 bMUs 

Wednesday 3/23


E4M x 8 sets

Station 1:

– 300m run (scale w/ 200)

– 8 double KB deadlifts

– 4-8 toes to bar

Station 2:

– 300m row (scale w/ 200)

– 8 box step-overs

– 8 push-ups


E4M x 8 sets (4 each, alternating)

Station 1:

– 300m run

– 8 double KB deadlifts (53/35s)

– 4-8 toes to bar

Station 2:

– 375/300m row

– 8 box jump overs (24/20”)

– 8-12 push-ups

RX+ use 70/44s

Thursday 3/24


A) E2M x 8 sets (4 each)

Odd sets:

– 16 alternating DB incline presses

– 8-12 banded Spanish squats

Even sets:

– 8-12 incline chest supported KB row w/ pause

– 8-12 medball hamstring curls

B) 4 rounds for time:

– 400m run

– 10 alternating DB snatches


A) E2M x 8 sets…

Sets 1-4: 1 snatch w/ 3 count 1st pull

Sets 5-8: 1 snatch

*1st pull is from floor to hang position.

B) 4 rounds for time:

– 400m run

– 24-18-12-6 alternating DB snatches (50/35)

Friday 3/25


A) E3M x 5 sets

– 8 deadlifts

– 8-16 DB floor press w/ pause

– 8-12 straight arm banded lat pull-down


A) E3M x 5 sets


Set 1: 8 @ 45%

Set 2: 8 @ 55%
Sets 3-5: 8 @ 60-65%

*These are not TnG. Lower and reset every rep.

B) Strength Option

3-4 sets for quality:

– 8-12 close grip bench press @ 55-65+%*

– 8/side DB RFE or regular split squats*

– 8-12 DB lat pull-overs

– 8-12 bent over reverse flys w/ pause

*CGBP & SS heavier than 3/11.


Conditioning Option

7 sets:

– 30/30s row/bike/ski

5 sets

– 60/60s

3 sets:

– 90/90s

Saturday 3/26





Sunday 3/27

10-12 pm Open Gym


A) E2.5M x 6 sets:

– 5 dKB or BB front squats @ 32X1 tempo

– 10 alt. DB renegade rows

– 10 half kneeling banded low to high chops (R or L)

*Alternate arms each set on chops

*Heavier than 3/14

B) E90S x 10-15 rounds:
– 6 wallballs

– 5 dips

– 4 strict pull-ups or ring rows


A) E2.5M x 6 sets:

– 3 front squats w/ 32X1 tempo @ 60-70%

*Heavier than 3/4

B) E90S x 10-15 rounds:
– 8 wallballs (20/14)

– 6 dips

– 4 pull-ups

RX+ complete w/ 4 CTB pull-ups or 2 bMUs


A) E2M x 8 sets

Even sets:

– 8-12 strict BB press

– 8-12 single leg DB hip thrusts R

Odd sets:

– 8-12 bent over double KB/DB row

– 8-12 single leg DB hip thrusts L

B) 3 rounds for time:

– 400m row

– 10 DB hang power clean + push press

– 50 single unders


A) E2M x 8 sets

Sets 1-4: 1 pause split jerk + 1 split jerk

Sets 5-8: 1 split jerk

*Pause only in receiving position

*Heavier than 3/11

B) 3 rounds for time:

– 500/400m row

– 12-9-6 power clean + push jerk (135/95, 115/75, 95/65)

– 50-40-30 double unders