A) E3MOM x 15 min (5 sets) – Deadlift @ 20X1

Set 1: 10 @ 60%

Set 2: 8 @ 70%

Set 3: 6 @ 75%

Set 4: 4-6 @ 80%

Set 5: 3-4 @ 85%

*Can be performed as TnG or with a reset of the neutral spine position at the bottom of each rep.


B) 3 rounds for efficiency:

– 1-2 legless or 2-3 regular rope climbs

– Max UB strict HSPU + kipping HSPU*

– 20 death march @ 2011 + 20 walking lunges

– 10-15 seated pikes


*Once you’ve reached your limit on strict HSPU then switch to kipping. Perform at least 10 total each set.

*Walking lunges are performed immediately after death marches with both in a farmer’s carry hold