A) EMOM x 12 min
1: Box squat x 4 reps @ 21X1 (build heavier than 6/27)
2: bent over fly x 10-15 @ 20X0
3: rest and increase load on BS if able
B) EMOM x 15 min
1: 10 DB/KB weighted walking lunges (70/53, 53/35, 35/25 each hand)
2: 4-6 strict handstand push-ups
3: 30 double unders + 5 burpees
*HSPU scaling options: kipping w/ 3-5 sec negative > banded w/3-5 sec negative > L-seated DB press x 10 reps
*DU scaling option: 30 seconds of continuous singles
A) EMOM x 12 min
1: Box squat x 5 reps @ 21X1 (build heavier than 6/27)
2: bent over fly x 10-15 @ 20X0
3: Double DB/KB bent over x 10 reps
B) EMOM x 15 min
1: 10 DB/KB weighted walking lunges/step-ups
2: 6-10 push-ups (use box to get full ROM)
3: 30 sec of single unders + 5 NPU burpees