Thursday 6/16
A) EMOM x 16 min (4 sets)
1: Double KB front rack box step ups x 8-10/ side R
2: Double KB front rack box step ups x 8-10/ side L
3: Ring push ups w/ turn out at top x 6-10 @ 1111
4: Bent over BB rows x 6-8 @ 20X0
B) 3 rounds not for time:
– heavy sled drag + sandbag front rack hold (down and back)
– 6 Jefferson curls (start light and learn the movement)
– 10 Turkish get ups (heavy but constant pace for 5/side)
A) EMOM x 16 min (4 sets)
1: Double DB box step ups x 8-10/ side R
2: Double DB box step ups x 8-10/ side L
3: Ring/ground push ups w/ turn out at top x 6-10 @ 1111
4: Bent over BB rows x 6-8 @ 20X0
B) 3 rounds not for time:
– heavy sled drag + sandbag front rack hold (down and back)
– 10 DB row from plank (R+L=1)
– 10 sandbag/medball get ups (constant pace for 5/side)