The Pregnant CrossFitter

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There is something in the water here at EDCF. Currently we have the most pregnant/postpartum women that we have ever had. It got me thinking that we as coaches need to adjust our approach to a pregnant CrossFitter so that they feel confident that what they are doing is safe and positive which it always should be. Many women continue CrossFit well into their third trimester and even right up to birth. What we also have to understand though is that every women is different in how their body reacts to pregnancy and the physical limitations associated with it. So I did a little digging and this is what I have come up with as far as guidelines that should be followed in regards to each trimester and even postpartum…

1st Trimester

  • Approach to fitness should be to maintain current state rather than improve.
  • There is no need to start testing or retesting 1 rep max’s. Instead heavy sets or 3-5 reps will do just fine.
  • Metcon intensity should be kept at a “conversational pace” where you can fully answer someone during the middle of a WOD when they ask how you are feeling.
  • Morning sickness can be an issue and often a deterrent from those 5:30am workouts so you might need to try a later class.
  • Don’t be afraid to stop! If you just aren’t feeling it that day then don’t push it. There is always tomorrow.

2nd Trimester

  • Be aware of supine movements. This means laying on your back like during a bench press. If the position doesn’t agree with you then there is almost always a more vertical option to that particular movement.
  • Avoid riskier movements that you have a risk of falling with like box jumps and pull-ups/T2B on high bars.
  • Weight and metcon intensity should be lowered even further in 2nd trimetser.
  • Dynamic squatting like in the olympic lifts might be bothersome for the hips due to the relaxin hormone. You can still do hang power versions of these lifts and then control the squat after catching the bar in a higher position.
  • Scaling options should be presented for abdominal exercises like T2B and sit-ups.

3rd Trimester

  • Balance may start to be an issue as you get bigger. Keep avoiding and scaling riskier movements. Running may need to be cut out.
  • Just getting in the gym and moving is the goal.
  • No lifting heavy or dynamic squatting type movements. Can substitute double dumbbells or kettlebells if your tummy is in the way of the barbell.


  • Consult with a doctor to see when it is safe for you to resume exercising.
  • Take it slow and be mindful of your recovery. You will basically be starting over again but the gains will be quicker to come by this time around.
  • No lifting heavy for at least 4-6 months afterwards.
  • Eat plenty of healthy calories especially if you’re breastfeeding.
  • The hormone relaxin may still be present up to 10 months after birth so you might need to hold off on dynamic stabilization of the hips during squatting movements.
  • Again, just getting to the gym and moving again should be your goal for the first few months back. Reestablishing the routine is important.