A) EMOM x 15 min
1 front squat @ 83-88%

B) Gymnastics Cycle (week 3)
EMOM x 15 min
1: Handstand walk development (choose best option based on skill level)
a) 40 ft handstand walk
b) 3-4 handstand walk into wall
c) 15-20 shoulder touches (facing away or towards the wall)
d) 2-3 wall walks
2: 4-8 strict chest to ring pull-ups
3: 10-30 Double unders

C) 3 sets not for time:
– 15 reverse snow angels (0-5lb/band)
– BB hip thrusts @ 20X1 AMRAP in 60 sec (135/95)
*Upper back on ground for these hip thrusts.