Programming Overview: Nov. 16-21

Weekly Schedule:

Wednesday 11/18 – BB&HB Volunteer meeting at 7:30pm. Whether you are going to be helping with judging, score sheet delivery, equipment moving and breakdown, etc… please make it to this meeting!

Thursday 11/19 – Mobility with RJ at 6:30pm

Friday 11/20 – No evening classes

Saturday 9/21 – Barbells & Handlebars at Community Beer Company from 8am – 2pm! No classes as the gym will be closed. Come out and support your community!


Monday 11/16

A) EMOM x 8 min

1 Front squat @ 23X1

*Start at heaviest weight from last week and build if able

B) 5 rounds for time @ 90% pace:

– 3 power cleans (155/105, 115/75)

– 5 push jerk

– 7 box jump – SD (24/20”)

C) 3 rounds not for time:

8-10 DB rollback tricep extensions

8-10 BB abdominal rollouts


*Don’t forget to sign up for classes via the SIGN IN link below!

*Sign up to compete in or volunteer for Barbells & Handlebars >HERE<.


Tuesday 11/17

A) Deadlift

*Set 1 – 5 reps @ 65%

*Set 2 – 5 reps @ 75%

*Set 3 – 3-5 reps @ 84% (up 2% from 11/6)

Rest 2-3 minutes between sets

B) BBHB 15.3 practice:

Every 6 min x 4 sets:

– Row 20 cal

– 20 overhead lunges (45/35, 35/25)

– 15 burpee to plate

*Go at competition pace.

C) 8 min to find max UB double unders


8 min of DU practice


Wednesday 11/18

A) EMOM x 10 min

– Split jerk (start lighter and build to something heavy but sharp)

B) EMOM x 15-18 min (5-6 sets)

Min 1 – 6-10 Ring Dips

Min 2 – 6-10 Toes to Bar

Min 3 – 15 KB swings (tough)

*sets don’t have to be UB

C) Three sets not for time:

– Supine Ring Rows x 10 reps @ 2111

– R30S

– Side Plank x 45 seconds each side

– R30S


*If you plan on helping with Barbells & Handlebars, please come to the volunteer meeting tonight at 7:30pm!


Thursday 11/19

A) Every 2 minutes, for 8 minutes (4 sets):

– Hang Clean + Clean @ 75-85%


Every 2 minutes, for 8 minutes (4 sets):

– Clean x 1 rep @ 90-95%


Every 2 minutes, for 4 minutes (2 sets):

– Clean Pulls x 2 reps @ 95-105%

B) Back Squat

5, 4, 3, 2, 1

R3M – all should be heavy with no misses!

*This isn’t supposed to be a 1RM test but go for it if feeling it.

C) Optional conditioning:

Row 1,000m

R5M x 3 sets (keep ideal 2K pace)

*Please stay and complete outside in the strength yard if able


Friday 11/20

A) EMOM x 6 min (3 sets)

(1 snatch grip behind the neck push press + 1 overhead squat) x 2-3 reps

B) E2MOM x 10 min (5 sets)

– snatch from floor w/ 2 second pause at knee

*Work to a tough weight. If you aren’t comfortable at the bottom of the snatch receiving position, then work to a depth you can manage.

C) 3 rounds not for time:

– BB elevated hip extensions x 8-10 @20X1

– Side shuffle sled drag down and back

– 30 sec earthquake bar hold (heavier or longer than last week)


*Competing in BB&HB? There will be some alternate work for you to do. This will mostly consist of some light cardio and mobility.

*No evening classes as we prep for Barbells & Handlebars 2015! We would love your support. Each spectator ticket comes with a drink ticket. They are more at the door so buy them HERE.


Saturday 11/21

Barbells & Handlebars – No Classes


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