E2M x 3-4 sets
Station 1: 15-20 cal row
Station 2: 8 DB hang squat cleans + 7 strict pull-ups + 6-10 push-ups
Station 3: 200m run
Station 4: 8 DB push press + 8 DB/unweighted box step overs + 8 lemon squeezes
Station 5: rest
DB box step overs performed with 1 DB if able
E2M x 3-4 sets
Station 1: 30/24 cal row
Station 2: 8 DB hang squat cleans + 8 pull-ups + 8-12 push-ups
Station 3: 200m run
Station 4: 8 DB push press + 8 DB box step overs (20/16”) + 8 lemon squeezes
Station 5: rest
RX: 35/25s, RX+: 50/35s
DB box step overs performed with 1 DB