A) EMOM x 12 minutes (6 each):
Station 1: 12 alternating DB bench press
Station 2: 12 alternating goblet hold lateral lunges
B) E3M x 4-7 sets:
– 10/8 cal row
– 9 RKB swings
– 8 DB push presss
A) EMOM x 12 sets
– 1 power snatch
*Try to start at last week’s heaviest cluster weight and build if able.
B) E3M x 4-7 sets:
– 12/9 cal row or 10/8 cal bike/ski
– 10 RKB swings (70/44, 53/35)
– 8 shoulder to overhead (115/75, 95/65, 75/55)
RX+ complete with 15/12-12/9 rep scheme.