Nutrition Coaching (Programming Overview: Nov. 19-25)

Nutrition Coaching

With the foundation of health and fitness being nutrition, we are excited to announce that EDCF is now offering a full service Nutrition Coaching program for both members and non-members alike! This is something that’s been in the works for quite a while and we are excited to share it with you!

Have you been working out consistently and stopped seeing progress? Are you training for a competition, weekend event, or just want to get stronger and faster? Are you sore after workouts for more than a day or two? Have you been trying to lose weight or gain muscle mass on your own with little to no success? Don’t know anything about food and just want to live a healthier lifestyle and maybe work on changing some of your health factors like high blood pressure and cholesterol? If you answered “yes” to any of those then it’s time to look deeper into your nutrition.

The program starts with a one-on-one consultation with Coach RJ to address body composition and performance goals, current medications, approach to food, any medical abnormalities, daily life tasks, mobility, stress, sleep, and social support. From there you will be placed in the appropriate phase of our Nutrition Coaching program that will be completely customized to you and will evolve as you progress through the program.

So go check out our Nutrition Coaching web page and see what we have to offer! Our nutrition coaching services are now live so you can sign up as early as today to get a jump start on the holidays! Have questions? Please shoot us a message here.

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”

― Hippocrates


Monday 11/19

A) E2MOM – back squat testing

Set 1: 3@50%

Set 2: 1@65%

Set 3: 1@77%

Set 4: 1@85%

Then, E3MOM

Set 5: 1@90%

Set 6: 1@95%

Set 7: 1@101+%

Set 8: 1@101+% (optional if you have another attempt in the tank)


B) EMOM x 4-7 sets

1: 12/9 cal row

2: 12 wallballs (20/14)

3: 6 burpees + 6 toes to bar


RX+: 15/12 cal row


Tuesday 11/20

A) E2MOM x 8 sets:

– 3 hang power cleans

*Build from 55-80%


B) For time:

– 600m run

– 60 alternating DB snatch (50/35ish)

– 60 goblet hold lunges (30/leg)

– 600m run


C) 3 sets for time:

– 10 DB RDLs

– 20 seated band rows


Wednesday 11/21 (no 7:30pm class)

A) E2MOM – bench press

Set 1: 3@50%

Set 2: 1@65%

Set 3: 1@77%

Set 4: 1@85%

Then, E3MOM

Set 5: 1@90%

Set 6: 1@95%

Set 7: 1@101+%

Set 8: 1@101+% (optional if you have another attempt in the tank)


B) Every 6 minutes x 3 sets:

– 500/400m row

– 50 double unders

– 20 push presses (115/75)


C) 3 sets for quality:

– 20 DB hammer curls

– 20 band push downs

– 20 hollow rocks


Thursday 11/22 – Thanksgiving (gym closed)


Friday 11/23 (9am class only)

For time in teams of 2:

– 800 m run (together)


10 rounds (5 each, 1 working a time):

– 5 power cleans

– 7 thrusters

– 9 burpee box jump overs (24/20”)


800 m run (together)


RX+: 155/105

RX: 135/95

Scaled: 115/75, 95/65, 75/45


Saturday 11/24

8am Masters

9am CrossFit

10am Intro To CrossFit / Open Gym


Sunday 11/25

8am Endurance

10-12pm Open Gym