We will only have a 9am Hero WOD (“Nutts”) on Wedensday, July 4th. The rest of the week is regular schedule.
There are still a few spots in our upcoming EDCF Barbell cycle. Go ahead and get yourself signed up HERE. Cycle starts Monday, July 9th!
Monday 7/2
A) Back squat testing
Every 2 minutes:
Set 1: 5 @ 55%
Set 2: 5 @ 65%
Set 3: 3 @ 75%
Set 4: 2 @ 85%
Set 5: 1 @ 90%
Set 6: 1 @ 95%
Set 7 : rest
Set 8: 1 @ 100+%
*Practice safe sets! You will either need a spotter or be absolutely comfortable with bailing.
B) E4M x 4 sets:
– 15/12 cal row
– 10 thrusters (95/65)
– 5-8 toes to bar
RX+ use 115/75 and 5/3 bar MUs.
Tuesday 7/3
A) Power clean testing
E2MOM x 6-7 sets:
*Keep the first 3 sets TnG
B) Every 5 minutes x 3-4 sets:
– 400m run
– 20 RKB swings
– 10 burpees to target
*Goal is to try and increase pace (85-90-95%) each round!
Wednesday 7/4 – 9am only
Hero WOD “Nutts”
Fot time:
– 10 handstand push-ups
– 15 deadlifts (250/175)
– 25 box jumps (24/20)
– 50 pull-ups
– 100 wallballs (20/14)
– 200 double unders
– 400m run with 45/35 plate
Thursday 7/5
A) Snatch testing
Every 60 sec x 5 sets:
– 1 x snatch + overhead squat 55-75%
Every 90 sec x 5 sets:
– 1 x snatch @ 80-100+%
B) Every 2 min x 4-6 sets
– 250/200m row, 500/400m AB, or 200m run
– 8 power snatch (75/55, 65/45, 55/35)
*Cut down run to top of fence line if needed.
*PS reps should be UB and fluid the entire time.
Friday 7/6
A) Bench press / weighted pull-up testing
Every 2 minutes:
Set 1: 5 @ 55%
Set 2: 5 @ 65%
Set 3: 3 @ 75%
Set 4: 2 @ 85%
Set 5: 1 @ 90%
Set 6: 1 @ 95%
Set 7 : rest
Set 8: 1 @ 100+%
*Practice safe sets! You will either need a spotter or be absolutely comfortable with bailing.
B) Weighted pull-ups testing
– find your 1RM weighted pull-up in 10 minutes
– accumulate 50 banded chest to bar pull-ups AFAP
C) Arm Farm x 2 sets
Saturday 7/7
8am Masters
9am Bring A Friend Day
10am Intro To CrossFit
Sunday 7/8
8am Endurance
10-12 Open gym