Nutrition and Wellness Program Week 12
Time to take a progress photo of yourself!
Start thinking outside of “the box”, CrossFit sets us up to be able to do many activities. Get out there and try something new! You have made it through 12 weeks of working towards being healthier and bettering yourself. It’s time for a treat yourself moment. Remember that we want to think of food as fuel but that doesn’t mean you have to be 100% compliant 100% of the time. Enjoy life! We do however want you to get away from thinking of food as a constant reward, “Well I worked out today so that means I can eat this entire pizza.” If you think that way every time you exercise and eat, you won’t be fueling your body well, you won’t feel well and it will make it tough on you to meet your goals.
Treat yourself: go eat something you really want or have been craving; go get a massage or have some body work done (acupuncture, cupping, graston) and give back to the body you use, abuse, and ask to do such demanding work from each day. Get something for yourself. Go buy yourself that Lululemon tank top you have had your eye on, a new pair of shoes for work maybe or something new for your house or car. Plan a trip or activity (have a staycation from work, plan a trip to somewhere you’ve never been like a hiking trip to the Ozarks, go kayaking at White Rock Lake, go hiking in Cedar Hill, sky diving, rollerblading…).
Monday 7/24
A) Every 2 minutes x 3 sets
– 6 back squats @ 75-80%
*Try 5% heavier than last week.
B) Every 6 min x 3-4 sets @ 80-90% pace:
– 400m run
– 15 box jump overs
– 12 toes to bar
– 9 thrusters (115/75, 95/65)
*RX+ scale up to 135/95.
*Keep times the same.
Tuesday 7/25
A) E2MOM x 3 sets:
– power clean + hang clean@ 60-70%
E2MOM x 5 sets:
– clean @ 75-90+%
B) E2MOM x 3-4 sets each:
Station 1: 12/9 cal row + 10 burpees over rower
Station 2: 8 CTB pull-ups + 8 ground to overhead (115/75, 95/65)
RX+ scale up to:
Station 1: 15/12 cal row + 10 burpees over rower
Station 2: 3-5 muscle-ups + 8 ground to overhead (135/95)
Wednesday 7/26
A) E2MOM x 3 sets:
– 3 high hang snatch 55-65%
E2MOM x 3 sets:
– 1 hang snatch + 2 snatch 70-80%
E2MOM x 3 sets:
– 1 snatch pull + 1 snatch 85-90+%
*Try and build heavier than last week.
B) E2MOM x 5 sets:
– 3 push press
*Start at last week’s heaviest set of 4.
C) 3 sets for quality:
– 8 KB windmill / side
– 6-10 L-sit tuck to extensions (2-3 sec in tuck and extension positions)
– 20 DB hip extensions
Thursday 7/27
- A) Gymnastic warm-up
EMOM x 3 sets
Station 1 –
- Level III: 45 sec of kick up to handstand balance
- Level II: 20 HS nose and toes shoulder touches
- Level I: 2-3 wall walks (stay hollow)
Station 2 –
- Level III: max effort UP muscle ups + 1 extra rep (accumulate at least 2-3)
- Level I & II: 6 kips on rings (w/ false grip) + 3 low ring turnovers (with band or feet assist)
Station 3 –
- All levels: 45 sec double unders or DU practice
B) Every 7 minutes x 4 sets at 95-100% pace:
– 30/24 cal row
– 25 KB swings (heavy)
– 20 burpees
Friday 7/28
A) “Lynne”
Every 4 minutes x 5 sets:
– Max UB reps bench press (BW/.75xBW)
– Max UB reps pull-ups
*Score is total reps.
*Scale to .75xBW/.5xBW or lower if needed.
*Take 5 minutes per set if you are getting big numbers.
B) 3 sets for efficiency:
– 8/side x SA KB overhead reverse lunges (AHAP)
– 10-15 bent over reverse flys @ 2111
– 15-20 seated banded hamstring curls
Saturday 7/29
8am Masters
9am CrossFit
10am Barbell
Sunday 7/30
8am Endurance
TBD Open Gym