
A) E2M x 6 sets:

– 5-5-5-3-3-3 push press

After odd sets –

– 10 bird dog rows R

After even sets:

– 10 bird dog rows L

*Build to a heavier set of 5


A) E2M x 6 sets:

– 5-5-5-3-3-3 push press

*Build to a heavier set of 5

Fitness & Performance

B) Strength Option

3-4 sets for quality:

– 10-20 banded overhead tricep extensions

– 1 lap heavy sled drag or push (forward facing)

– 20-30 sec Copenhagen plank

– 10 ring bicep curls


Conditioning Option

8 sets:

– 500m row/ski or 1000m bike


*Goal is to keep pace/500m within +/- 5 sec throughout

*Goal is to keep same paces as last week with reduced rest