A) E3M x 5 sets:
– 5 BB bench press
– 3 negative pull-up
*Sub BB bench with DBs at 53X1 tempo
B) E90S x 10-15 sets:
– 20 single unders
– 3 up/down DB devil cleans
– 5 DB push press
– 7 air squats
A) E3M x 5 sets:
– 5 bench press @ 2 RIR
– 3-5 strict pull-ups (weighted if able)
*Should be around 70-80% and heavier than last week
B) E90S x 10-15 sets:
– 20 double unders
– 3 DB devil cleans (35/20s)
– 5 DB push press
– 7 air squats