E3M x 12-16 sets
– 250/200m row
– in remaining time complete
- Station 1: 4, 6, or 8 up/down DB devil cleans
- Station 2: 8 or 12 box step-ups
- Station 3: 12 or 16 prisoner reverse lunges
- Station 4: 24 or 36 single unders
*Change it up by alternating with a 400m bike
E3M x 12-16 sets
– 250/200m row
– in remaining time complete
- Station 1: 4, 6, or 8 DB devil cleans (35/20s)
- Station 2: 8 or 12 box jump overs (24/20”)
- Station 3: 12 or 16 DB reverse lunges
- Station 4: 24, 36, or 48 double unders
*Change it up by alternating with a 500/400m bike