Frost & Flow: Rowing for Recovery
About This Event
Register here: https://secure.qgiv.com/…/generaldo…/event/frostandflow/
EDCF family, please join us on Saturday, December 7th for our charity event benefitting The Magdalen House, a nonprofit organization helping individuals with alcoholism achieve sobriety and sustain recovery from alcoholism.
We will be challenging our members and friends to complete as many meters as possible during a 12 hour window. All of our machines (rowers, bikes and ski erg) are available during this time to jump in and help the cause.
Go for the distance alone or as a team! Any friends or family can join you for this event.
There are several ways to contribute to the total distance rowed:
Full marathon (42,195m or 26.3 miles)
10K, 5K, 2K presets built into the machines
Or commit to a set amount of time to see how much you can complete!
Still sound like a long way? Think about it like this… with a team of 5, you would only need to row a little over 8000m each. Split it up into 1000m turns (approximately 4-6 minutes) and then rest while your teammates do their part before you jump back in. So you row for 5 minutes, rest for 20+ minutes, and repeat- anyone can do that!
We will have a Commitment Board posted in the gym where you and/or your team can choose your distances/times. Our machines will be first come, first serve, so feel free to drop in any time and get to work!
Event Details:
Date: Saturday, December 7th
Time: 8AM Start – 8PM End
Price: $20/person (additional donations are absolutely accepted!)
Participants/Teams must register online for the event in order to participate. We will not be accepting cash at the event.
Location: East Dallas CrossFit, 7230 Gaston Ave, Dallas, TX 75214
Important Information:
– When you register for the event, please include your ‘name/team members’ along with your registration fee.
– On arrival, please check in with a coach to complete waivers and be set up with a machine.
– Planning to do a full marathon? Allow yourself 3-5 hours to complete.
– Wanting to help out with the event? Please see a coach to let us know how you’d like to contribute! Ex: help with check-ins, activities for kids, snacks/drinks, etc.
All fees/donations will go to The Magdalen House, so feel free to raise money for our event to make a even bigger impact! We will also have spots available if you or anyone you know would like to set up as a vendor during our event. Please contact a coach for more information.
Monday 11/11
A) E3M x 4 sets:
– 8 front squats
– 16 alt. tall kneeling DB piston press
– 16 alt. KB gorilla rows
B) E2M x 8-12 sets:
– 8-12 wallballs
– 8-12 SA DB hang power cleans
– 6 toes to bar
– 6 burpees or up/downs
A) E3M x 4 sets:
– 8 front squats @ 6-7 RPE
B) E2M x 8-12 sets:
– 12 wallballs (20/14)
– 12 SA DB hang power cleans (6/6 @ 50/35)
– 6 toes to bar
– 6 burpees to pull-up bar
Tuesday 11/12
Fitness & Performance
A) E4M x 4 sets:
– 8-12 1&¼ DB bench press (pause on ¼ rep)
– 2-4 negative OR 4-8 weighted supinated pull-ups
– 8-12 BB hip thrusts off bench w/ pause
B) 6 rounds for time:
– 200m row
– 12 RKB swings
– 10 push-ups
– 8 box step-ups
B) 6 rounds for time:
– 250/200m row
– 15 RKB swings (53/35)
– 12 push-ups
– 9 box jump overs (24/20”)
*RX+ use 70/44
Wednesday 11/13
4-6 sets total (2-3 each)
5 min –
Station 1:
– Run 400m, then in remaining time AMRAP:
- 2 up/down DB devil press
- 4 DB/unweighted walking lunges
- 6 ring rows
5 min –
Station 2:
– Row 500/400m, then in remaining time AMRAP:
- 2 strict/jumping pull-ups
- 4 air squats
- 12 single unders
4-6 sets total (2-3 each)
5 min –
Station 1:
– Run 400m, then in remaining time AMRAP:
- 2 DB devil press (35/20s)
- 4 DB walking lunges
- 6 ring rows
5 min –
Station 2:
– Row 500/400m, then in remaining time AMRAP:
- 2 strict pull-ups
- 4 air squats
- 12 double unders
Thursday 11/14
A) E2M x 8 sets
– 8-12 BB strict overhead presses
– 8-12/side half kneeling banded high row w/ side bend (L)
– 8 heavy goblet squats w/ pause
– 8-12/side half kneeling banded high row w/ side bend (R)
B) For time:
– 600-400-200m run
– 24-16-8 SA alt. DB hang power snatches
– 10 lemon squeezes
*Scale run to 400-300-200m if needed
A) E2M x 8 sets
Sets 1-3: 3 hang power snatch
Sets 4-6: 2 hang power snatch
Sets 7-8: 1 hang power snatch
*No press outs! Work on pulling yourself under the barbell
B) For time:
– 600-400-200m run
– 30-20-10 SA alt. DB hang power snatches (50/35)
– 10 lemon squeezes
*Sub 1500/1000/500m bike if needed
Friday 11/15
Fitness & Performance
A) E4M x 4 sets:
– 8 BB Romanian deadlifts @ 3011 tempo
– 6-12 dips (weighted or scaled as needed)
– 8-12/side bent over DB/KB rows
B) Strength Option
3-4 sets for quality:
– 8 double KB heel elevated front squats @ 3111 tempo
– 12-16 banded/cable tricep push-downs
– 1 lap suitcase carry (heavy)
– 16-24 alternating DB bicep curls
Hyrox Prep (Last week!)
For time:
Complete 400m run before each movement
– 50 single/double unders
– 1 length burpee broad jumps
– 500m row
– 1 lap sandbag lunges
– 50 wallballs (14/10)
(Partner up, double reps and share however, run together)